'They say not. But we don't know. In the meantime, because of the imminent threat, the government of Junction 5 has instituted a crackdown. With the help of a security force called the Guardians, they have infiltrated every aspect of the citizens' lives. Nothing they do goes unrecorded by the government. All computer use, all comm use, is monitored. At first the citizens voluntarily gave up their privacy in the face of the great threat. But I'm afraid the Guardians have abused their power over the years. Now they really run the government. Citizens are arrested and held without trial, just for speaking out against the government. The prisons are full. The citizens live in fear. Their economy is failing, and there is even more unrest. As a result — '

'The Guardians have cracked down harder,' Qui-Gon said wearily. It was a familiar scenario.

'So be careful,' Tahl warned. 'They don't like outsiders. You'll be watched, too. If it's a stopover, treat it that way.'

'I plan to,' Qui-Gon said.

'Qui-Gon? Our connection must be breaking up. I thought I heard you agree with me,' Tahl said.

'Don't get used to it,' Qui-Gon replied, breaking the connection. He didn't know what he'd do without Tahl. That was a connection he trusted absolutely. No matter what Dooku told me.

'Should we go and register now?' Obi-Wan asked. 'Let's eat first,'

Qui-Gon suggested. As long as they were here, he might as well gather information in case a Jedi presence was needed at a future time. It would be easier for now if the Guardians didn't know he was here.

Besides, he never liked being told what to do.

He filled in Obi-Wan on his conversation with Tahl as they walked to the closest cantina. There weren't many selections, but Qui-Gon was able to buy some vegetable turnovers for them, along with a drink made from a native herb. As they ate, they listened to the conversations around them. The citizens spoke in hushed tones, as though they were afraid of being overheard and reported.

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan were able to screen out background noise with the help of the Force, concentrating on a conversation at a table behind them.

'The rumor started yesterday,' a soft voice said. 'It could be true, or they could be covering up her death. Jaren is desperate.'

'He must be careful.'

'He is past that. I am afraid for them.'

'She has risked everything.'

'She was always willing to do that.'

The voices lowered further, as if they suspected someone was trying to overhear.

'Can't we do something to help here?' Obi-Wan asked, just as quiet as everyone else.

'Our transport is scheduled to depart in less than two hours,' Qui-Gon said. 'No one has asked for our help. We can't solve the problems of every world in the galaxy.' Even while talking and eating, Qui-Gon's gaze had continually swept the cantina. He was not particularly surprised when a security officer in a gray uniform entered and walked straight over.

'Passes, please.'

'I'm afraid we don't have any,' Qui-Gon said.

'All visitors are required to register at the Registry Office.'

'We thought we'd eat first. Of course we'll head over that way once we're done.'

'Not possible. Please follow.'

The officer waited politely. Qui-Gon considered resisting, then rejected it. He wasn't on this world to make trouble, merely to observe. He stood and motioned for Obi-Wan to do the same.

They followed the officer back down the boulevard and down a side street. A large, gray building sat behind an energy wall. It was built of blocks of stone and looked like a prison.

The officer led them past the energy wall and into the building lobby.

There was a small office with a sign reading REGISTRATION ONLY. The officer ushered them inside, clearly intending to make sure they followed through.

'Visitors to register,' the officer said.

Qui-Gon walked forward and gave their names to a clerk. The clerk's fingers faltered when he gave their homeworld as the Jedi Temple, Coruscant.

'One moment,' the clerk said, her eyes downcast.

It took more than a moment — almost ten minutes — but the clerk finally slid two cards across the counter. 'Carry these with you at all times.

You are scheduled to depart in one hour, fifty-three minutes.'

They walked back into the hall, their footsteps loud on the polished stone. A voice stopped them.

'It is always a pleasure to welcome Jedi to our world.' Qui-Gon felt it before he even turned, the sureness that he had heard that voice before.

The person greeting them was tall, with close-cropped blond hair that was now threaded with gray. His body was still muscular, still strong.

Qui-Gon did not even need a second to remember him.

It was Lorian Nod.

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