'I'm sure you thought the same thing in Halikarnassos, too,' Sostratos said. 'How many lessons will you need before you realize that's a mistake? What will have to happen to you to get it through your head?' 'I don't know,' Menedemos said sullenly. His father would have done a better job of raking him over the coals, but not much. Philodemos had a sharper temper - one closer to Menedemos' - but Sostratos sounded more self-righteous. 'One of these days, some husband will catch you in the act, and then . . .' Sostratos sliced a thumb across his throat. 'Some would say you had it coming.' 'If I'd already had it, if I were coming, he wouldn't catch me in the act.' Menedemos managed a grin no matter how much his ankle hurt. 'You're impossible,' Sostratos said, and Menedemos dipped his head, as if at a compliment. His cousin asked, 'Are we ready to sail on short notice?' That was a business question, whatever had spawned it. Menedemos dipped his head again. 'Yes.' 'Gods be praised,' Sostratos said. * * * Lamakhos smirked as Sostratos walked into his establishment. 'Shall I find out if Maibia wants to see you?' he asked. 'Yes, if you'd be so kind.' Sostratos did his best to ignore the brothelkeeper's scorn. Lamakhos gestured to a slave. She started back toward the Keltic girl's chamber. Sostratos called after her: 'Tell Maibia we're sailing soon.' The slave, an Italian, nodded to show she'd heard. Lamakhos set his hands on his hips. 'I wondered if you might want to buy her to take with you,' he said; by wondered he doubtless meant hoped. 'Plainly, you're more than fond of her. I could give you a good price.' 'No, thank you.' Sostratos tossed his head. 'Taking her on board a merchant galley - that's just more trouble than it's worth.' 'A bargain - ' Lamakhos began. Before he could launch into his sales pitch, the slave girl came back and told Menedemos, 'She will see you.' Her voice held faint contempt, too. Maibia was a slave in a brothel, but dictating terms to a free man. If that wasn't shameful, what was? 'Think about it,' Lamakhos said as Sostratos hurried off toward the Kelt's room. 'Maybe you could get your sailors to chip in if you don't want her for yourself. They could share her out on the sea.' 'Bad for discipline,' Sostratos said over his shoulder. The brothelkeeper, he thought, would make an excellent eunuch. If the fellow who did the cutting were to take his tongue, too . . .
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