He got into Pompaia a little before sunset, exactly as he'd planned, and succeeded in making his way back to the agora from the northern gate without having to ask directions of anyone. After returning the mule to the local from whom he'd hired it, he walked over to Menedemos: walked with a slow, rolling, bowlegged stride, for he'd done no riding for a long time before this.   His cousin laughed, recognizing the signs. 'Don't you wish you'd stayed here with us?' Menedemos asked.   'I do not,' Sostratos replied with dignity. 'I've gone exploring, and I'm glad I did it.'   'Have any trouble?'   'Oh yes -  twice.' Sostratos dipped his head. He made as if to draw the sword again. 'Once I almost had to fight.'   'Do you see? Do you see?' Menedemos said, his voice rising in excitement. 'I told you it was dangerous out there. You're probably lucky to get back here alive. What happened, by the gods?'   'You're right -  the Italian countryside is a rougher place than I ever thought it was,' Sostratos said gravely. 'The first time, a lizard tried to carry off my mule: that's what the mule thought, anyhow. And then we were assailed again, the second time by a . . . stray dog.'   The sailors in the market square with Menedemos laughed. After a moment, so did Sostratos' cousin. He said, 'All right, you got by with it. If you want to make me look the fool, I don't suppose I can blame you. But I still say you were the foolish one for going off by yourself.'   Sostratos grunted. He'd hoped for more of a rise out of Menedemos. What was the fun of annoying him if he wouldn't get annoyed? Dissatisfied but doing his best not to show it, Sostratos asked, 'How did you do here?'   Now Menedemos' face lit up. 'I'll tell you, I'm tempted to stay here longer, to the crows with me if I'm not. I sold Ariousian, I sold silk, I sold perfume, I sold a peafowl chick. A lot of these Pompaians look to have more silver than fancy goods to buy with it, so they leap hard when they see something they want.'   'Do you think the same won't hold true in Neapolis?' Sostratos asked. 'That's a real polis, and the folk there won't have seen the kinds of things we've got any more than the Pompaians have.'   'Some truth to that -  but only some, I think,' Menedemos said. 'Ships from Hellas surely come to Neapolis more often than they put in here.'   'You may be right,' Sostratos said. 'Even so, though, I've seen as much of Pompaia and the countryside as I care to.'   'Well, yes, but have we seen as much of Pompaia's silver as we're going to? That's the real question, wouldn't you say?'   'You're the captain. I can't tell you when to sail,' Sostratos answered. 'I'm just
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