One after another, the sailors dipped their heads. 'If we have to run from a merchantman, we're really in trouble,' Diokles said. The laughter the oarmaster got was louder than the feeble joke deserved. Relief, nothing else but, Sostratos thought. He certainly felt it himself. 'He's not running from us,' Sostratos remarked after a while. 'No, he's not,' Menedemos agreed. 'He's tacking his way north - if he turns and runs before the wind, he'll take three or four times as long beating his way back as he would to flee. And, since we're really not pirates, he wins his gamble.' Sostratos wondered if he would have risked life and freedom against convenience. He hoped not. But then, after a longer look at the merchantman, he said, 'I don't think he's gambling. I think he recognizes us, and I think I recognize him, too. Isn't that Leptines' ship?' His cousin squinted to peer across the waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea. 'By the gods, I believe it is,' Menedemos said. 'All that reading you do hasn't shortened your sight yet, anyhow. Maybe I'll put you up at the bow instead of Aristeidas.' 'Don't!' Sostratos tossed his head. 'He's a regular lynx - I know his eyes are better than mine. Most of the time, yours are, too, I think - you just weren't paying any attention.' If his cousin gibed at him, he was going to return the favor. Menedemos tugged on the steering-oar tillers, swinging the Aphrodite's bow to starboard, toward Leptines' round ship. 'I want to get within hailing distance and warn him off,' Menedemos said. 'Wouldn't do to have him sail up the Sarnos to Pompaia and right into the jaws of those Roman wolves.' If that wasn't Leptines, and if he hadn't recognized the Aphrodite, then he was a prime fool to let the akatos approach his ship so closely. But, before long, Sostratos saw the tubby skipper with his hands on the steering-oar tillers for his tubby ship. Leptines lifted one hand from a steering oar to wave. He shouted something Sostratos couldn't make out. Sostratos cupped a hand behind his ear to show as much. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Menedemos doing the same thing. Leptines tried again. This time, Sostratos understood him: 'How was Pompaia?' 'Pompaia was fine,' Menedemos yelled. 'We did some good business. But you don't want to go there.' 'What? What's that you say?' Leptines asked. 'Why not?' 'Because there's a Roman fleet attacking the town and the countryside right now, that's why,' Menedemos answered. 'If you sail up there, you're just sticking your head in the wolf's mouth.' 'Herakles!' Leptines exclaimed. 'A barbarian fleet? Not pirates? Are you sure? How did you get away?'
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