through which hammocks had to be passed, and the probable winner, to judge from the infinite mirth, was the loblolly boy, the surgeons’ lay assistant. A weak head for figures had undone him as a butcher in the Bahamas, but he was a firm hand at the operating-?table, and no mean dissector. Ordinarily he remained at a certain distance from the unlearned, but now, with Sunday’s grog and the stirring of his youth, he was grinning like a Goth, amaranthine-?purple with the strain. Grinning, that is to say, until his suffused eyes met Stephen’s, when its face resolved itself into a reasonable shape, assumed a sickly look between greeting and confusion, simpered unhappily, but lacked the quickness to remove itself from the hoop.

Silently as a ghost, and unseeing, Jack climbed slowly up the foremast shrouds, thrust his head through the lubber’s hole, heard the click of dice - the deadly, illegal, fifty-?strokes-?at-?the-?gangway dice - and the horrified cry ‘It’s the skipper.’ He looked down to guide Stephen’s hands, and when at last he heaved himself into the top the men were standing in a huddle, mute by the larboard dead-?eyes: they were used to an unnaturally active captain, but the foretop - and of a Sunday! - and through the lubber’s hole! - it passed human belief. Faster Doudle, the only one whose wits could stand the strain, had swept the dice into his mouth: he stood now fixing the horizon with an absent gaze, a strikingly criminal expression on his face. Jack gave them a remote passing look and a smile, said ‘Carry on, carry on,’ and sat down on a studdingsail to haul Stephen through, in spite of his peevish cries of ‘perfectly capable of coming up - have repeatedly mounted by the futtock-?shrouds - scores of times - pray do not encumber me with your needless solicitude.’

Once up, he, too, sat upon the studdingsail, and gasped for a while: he put enormous effort into climbing, and now the sweat was running down his meagre cheeks. ‘So this

- this is the foretop,’ he observed. ‘I have been into the mizentop, and the maintop, but never here. It is very like the others; very like indeed. The same ingenious arrangements of caps, double masts, and those round things - have you noticed, my dear sir, that it is virtually identical with the rest?’

‘An odd coincidence, ain’t it?’ said Jack. ‘I do not believe I have ever heard it remarked upon before.’

‘And is your relic here?’

‘Why, no; not exactly. It is a little higher up. You do not mind going a little higher up?’

‘Not I,’ said Stephen, glancing aloft to where the topmast soared, up and up through the brilliant diffused light, the only straight object in a billowy whiteness criss-?crossed with curving ropes. ‘You mean to the next story, or stage? Certainly. Then in that case I shall take off my coat, breeches, stockings. Lambswool stockings at three and nine the pair, are not to be hazarded lightly.’ As he sat unfastening his knee-?buckles he stared heavily at the men by the rail. ‘Faster Doudle,’ he said, ‘has my rhubarb answered? How are your bowels, my good friend? Show me your tongue.’

‘Oh, not on Sunday, Doctor,’ said Jack. Faster Doudle was a valuable upper-?yard man; he had no wish to see him at the gangway. ‘You are forgetting that today is Sunday. Mellish, take great care of the Doctor’s wig. Put the watch and the money into it, and the handkerchief on top. Come now: clap on to the shrouds, Doctor, not the ratlines, and always look up, not down. Take it easy; and I will follow you and place your feet.’

Up and up they went, passing the lookout perched on the yardarm, who assumed an attitude of intense vigilance. Still higher; and Jack swarmed round the mast, up into the cross-?trees, and heaved Stephen’s now submissive body into place, passed a line round it, and called upon him to open his eyes.

‘Why, this is superb,’ he cried, convulsively hugging the mast. They were poised high above the surface of the sea; and all that was visible of the distant, narrow deck through the topsails and courses seemed peopled with dolls, foreshortened dolls that moved with disproportionate strides, their feet reaching too far in front and too far behind. ‘Superb,’ he said again. ‘How vast the sea has become! How luminous!’

Jack laughed to see his evident pleasure, his bright and attentive wondering eye, and said, ‘Look for’ard.’

The frigate had no headsails set, the wind being aft, and the taut lines of the forestays plunged slanting down in a clean, satisfying geometry; below them the ship’s head with its curving rails, and then the long questing bowsprit, reaching far out into the infinity of ocean: with a steady, measured, living rhythm her bows plunged into the dark blue water, splitting it, shouldering it aside in dazzling foam.

He sat for a long while, gazing down. With the long, slow pitch - no roll - they were swept fifty feet forward through the air each time the frigate put her head down; then slowly up to the vertical, a pause, and the forward rush again. ‘How much airier it is, at this great height,’ he observed at last.

‘Yes,’ said Jack. ‘It is always so. In the light air, for example, your royals will give you as much thrust as the courses. Even more.’ He looked up at the royal pole, rising bare into the unclouded sky, and he was weighing the dynamic advantages of a fidded mast with one part of his mind when another part told him he was being uncivil - that Stephen had asked him a question, and was waiting for an answer. He reconstructed the words as well as he could - ‘had he ever considered the ship thus seen as a figure of the present - the untouched sea before it as the future - the bow-?wave as the moment of perception, of immediate existence?’ and replied, ‘I cannot truly say I have. But it is a damned good figure; and all the more to my liking, as the sea is as bright and toward today as ever your heart could wish. I hope it pleases you, old Stephen?’

‘It does indeed. I have rarely been more moved -delighted; and am most sensible of your kindness in carrying me up. I dare say you, for your part, have been here pretty often?’

‘Lord, when I was a mid in this very ship, old Fidge used to masthead me for a nothing - a fine seaman, but testy: died of the yellow jack in ninety-?seven - and I spent hours beyond number here. This is where I did nearly all my reading.’

‘A venerable spot.’

‘Ah,’ cried Jack, ‘if I had a guinea for every hour I have spent up here, I should not be worrying about prizes; nor discounting bills on my next quarter’s pay. I should have been married long ago.’

‘This question of money preoccupies your mind. Mine, too, at times: how pleasant it would be, to be able to offer one’s friend a rope of pearls! And then again, such deeply stupid men are able to come by wealth, often by no exertion, by no handling or even possession of merchandise, but merely by writing figures in a book. My Parsee, for example, assured me that if only he had the hard word about Linois’s whereabouts, he and his associates would make lakh upon lakh of rupees.’

‘How would he do that?’

‘By a variety of speculations, particularly upon rice. Bombay cannot feed itself, and with Linois off Mah?, for instance, no rice ships would sail. Clearly the price would rise enormously, and the thousands of tons in the Parsce’s nominal possession would sell for a very much greater sum. Then there are the funds, or their Indian equivalent, which lie far beyond my understanding. Even an untrue word, intelligently spread and based upon the statement of an honest man, would answer, I collect: it is called rigging the market.’

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