Much fresher winds, and more uncertain: sometimes they would fairly box the compass, and now it was no unusual thing for the Surprise to strike her topgallantmasts down on deck, hand her courses, and proceed under closereefed topsails alone.

It was on such a day as this, a Sunday with Jack dining in the gunroom, where the conversation was running on the wild beasts to be met with in Java, whose western tip, the opening of the Sunda Strait, they hoped to raise on Monday, that Mr Stanhope’s valet rushed in, his face horrified, staring and distraught. Stephen left his plate; a few minutes later he sent for Mr M’Alister. Already rumours were flying round the ship - the envoy had been struck down by the strong fives, or apoplexy; he had choked over his wine and blood, thick blood, was gushing black from his mouth; he was to be opened by the surgeon within the hour and the instruments were sharpening this minute; he was dead.

When he came back to the damped, silent, apprehensive feast, Stephen sat to his meal, and eating it up with no apparent emotion he said to Jack, ‘We have taken the first measures, and he is relatively comfortable; but his state is very grave and it is essential that he should be set down on land, the nearest firm land. And until we can reach it the motion of the ship should be reduced as far as possible. Another four and twenty hours of this bucketing must have a fatal issue. May I trouble you for the wine?’

‘Mr Harrowby, Mr Pullings, pray come with me,’ said Jack, throwing down his napkin. ‘Mr Stourton, you will excuse us.’

In a few moments all the sea-?officers had gone, leaving only Etherege and the purser: they pushed the cheese towards Stephen, the pudding and the wine, watching silently and uneasily as he made his hearty meal.

Jack stood at the charts, with Pullings and the master beside him. The ship’s course had been altered to bring the wind on her quarter and she was lasking along with an easy motion under little more than her foretopsail: the latest log-?board readings had been fetched and her position was clearly and certainly set down: 5?13?S, 103?37?E, Java Head beating WSW 70 leagues. ‘We could fetch Bencoolen on this tack,’ he said, ‘but not in four and twenty hours. Or bear up for Telanjang. . . no: not with this cross-?sea. Does he need a civilised town, a hospital, or will any land answer? That is the point.’

‘I will find out, sir,’ said Pullings: and coming back he said, ‘Any land at all, he says.’

‘Thank you, Pullings. You know these waters - you must have run through the straits a dozen times: have you anything to suggest?’

‘Pulo Batak, sir,’ said Pullings at once, touching the coast of Sumatra with the dividers. ‘Inside Pulo Batak. We watered there twice in the Lord Clive, both coming and going. It is a right bold shore, forty fathom water not a cable’s length from the land, and a clean bottom. At the head of the bay there is a stream comes out of the rock- sweet water you can fill directly into the boats. It ain’t civilised - nothing but some little naked black men that beats drums in the woods - but it’s purely calm, and the island shelters it from anything but a nor-?wester.’

‘Very well,’ said Jack, hanging over the chart. ‘Very well. Mr Harrowby, lay off the course for Pulo Batak, if you please.’ He went on deck to see what sail she could bear and still remain on a fairly even keel: at midnight he was still there, and at dawn; and as the wind failed, so the Surprise silently blossomed, sail by sail, into a pyramid of whiteness. They needed every ounce of thrust to reach Pulo Batak in twenty-?four hours.

Their noon altitude showed a fair day’s run, and a little after dinner-?time - no pipes, no drum - they made their landfall. Pullings, at the fore royal jacks, was certain of it: a rounded head with two peaks bearing north-?east. The ship ghosted along on the unruffled sea, her lofty skysails giving her four knots.

There was also the strange attraction of the land heaving her in, and presently the whole of the eastern sky was barred with dark mountains, growing greener as she stood on and on. The island guarding the little bay was clear from the deck, with a hint of gentle surf on its westward face, and it looked very much as though the Surprise would drop her anchor within the time laid down: there was still an hour to go.

The best bower was already at the cat-?head and all was cleared away when the land-?breeze set untimely in, coming off strong and gusty, and bringing with it the strong scent of rotting vegetation. The sails slackened, flapped, and her way began to fall off. Jack sent for the deep-?sea line. It splashed into the sea far forward, and running aft down the side came the familiar cry, strangely muted. ‘Watch, watch, bear away, veer away,’ and at last the answer he had expected: ‘No ground, sir, no ground with two hundred fathom.’

‘All boats away, Mr Stourton,’ he said. ‘We must tow her in. Let us hope we reach soundings before the tide sets too strong against us. Mr Rattray, bend another shot of cable to the small bower, if you please; and rouse out the new eight-?inch hawser.’

Pullings took her in, conning the ship from the foreyard-?arm; and when the ebb began to run so hard against them that the boats could no longer give her any headway at all they dropped the small bower in a prodigious depth - something over ninety fathoms to hold their ground. This was deeper water than Jack had ever anchored in, and in his anxiety he twice asked Thomas Pullings if he knew what he was at. ‘Mr Pullings, are you happy about our berth?’

They were standing immediately above the hawse-?hole, with a group of extremely grave forecastlemen, old experienced seamen, behind them. ‘Yes, sir,’ said Pullings. ‘We rode here three days in the Clive: I am sure of the bearings, and the bottom is as clean as Gurnard Point. If we veer out to the bitter-?end, I will answer for it.’

‘Below, there,’ cried Jack down the hatch. ‘Double the stoppers, clap on two dogs, and veer out to the bitter-? end.’

The Surprise was going fast astern: the cable straightened, rising in a drooping curve and dragging the anchor over the sea-?bed far below. A fluke dug into the bottom, dragged a little further, and held firm: the cable rose again, much higher, much straighter; and as it took the full strain it stretched taut, squirting water, and then brought her up, riding steady.

Throughout the tide Pullings stood there, the responsibility heavy on him, watching the cable and the shore, keeping three tall trees in a line to make sure she did not move, drift helplessly out to sea, out to the strong current that set north-?west up the coast, so that they might have to beat up for days before they reached the bay again. The ebb ran faster, even faster, gurgling round her stem.

‘I never heard of an anchor holding, well-?nigh apeak, not in a hundred fathom water,’ observed an elderly hand. ‘It stands to reason, on account of the compression of wolume.’

‘You pipe down, Wilks,’ cried Pullings, turning sharp upon him. ‘You and your Goddamned wolumes.’

‘Which I only passed the remark,’ said Wilks, but very quietly.

How cruel fast it ebbed! But it was slackening, surely it was slackening? Babbington joined him on the forecastle.

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