'Those who desire nonproductive danger and glory are welcome to it,' Jones said. 'Some of us prefer to live safer, more useful lives. It's all a matter of temperament, and that can change with age.'

      'But you could have it all for yourselves! If-if you did not feed and clothe the warriors, they would perish.'

      'That's good enough reason to continue service, then, don't you think?'

      Sos shook his head. 'You aren't answering my question.'

      'I can't answer it. In time you will answer it for yourself. Then perhaps you will join us. Meanwhile, we're always ready to help in whatever capacity we are able.'

      'How can you help a man who wants a weapon when he has sworn to carry none, and who loves a woman who is pledged to another man?'

      Jones smiled again. 'Forgive me, Sos, if these problems appear transistory to me. If you look at it objectively, I think you'll see that there are alternatives.'

      'Other women, you mean? I know that 'Miss' you put on your receptionist's name means she is looking for a husband, but I just don't find it in me to be reasonable in quite that way. I was willing to give any girl a fair trial by the bracelet, just as I gave any man fair battle in that circle, but somehow all my preferences have been shaped to Sola's image. And she loves me, too.'

      'That seems to be the way love is,' Jones agreed regretfully. 'But if I understand the situation correctly, she will go with you, after her commitment to Sol is finished. I would call this a rather mature outlook on her part.'

      'She won't just 'go' with me! She wants a name with prestige, and I don't even carry a weapon.'

      'Yet she recognized your true importance in the tribe. Are you sure it isn't your own desire, more than hers? To win a battle reputation, that is?'

      'I'm not sure at all,' Sos admitted. His position, once stated openly, sounded much less reasonable than before.

      'So it all comes down to the weapon. But you did not swear to quit all weapons-only the six standard ones.'

      'Same thing, isn't it?'

      'By no means. There have been hundreds of weapons in the course of Earth's history. We standardized on six foi convenience, but we can also provide prototype non standard items, and if any ever became popular we couk negotiate for mass production. For example, you employec the straight sword with basket hilt, patterned after medieva models, though of superior grade, of course. But there u also the scimitar-the curved blade-and the rapier, foi fencing. The rapier doesn't look as impressive as the broad• sword, but it is probably a more deadly weapon in con fined quarters, such as your battle circle. We could-'

      'I gave up the sword in all its forms. I don't care to temporize or quibble about definitions.'

      'I suspected you would feel that way. So you rule out any variation of blade, club or stick?'


      'And we rule out pistols, blowguns and boomerangs- anything that acts at a distance or employs a motive powet other than the arm of the wielder. We allow the bow and arrow for hunting-but that wouldn't be much good in the circle anyway.'

      'Which pretty well covers the field.'

      'Oh, no, Sos. Man is more inventive than that, particu. larly when it comes to modes of destruction. Take th€ whip, for example-usually thought of as a punitive in strument, but potent as a weapon too. That's a long fine thong attached to a short handle. It is possible to stand back and slash the shirt off a man's back with mere flicks of the wrist, or to pinion his arm and jerk him off balance, or snap out an eye. Very nasty item, in the experienced hand.'

      'How does it defend against the smash of the club?'

      'Much as the daggers do, I'm afraid. The whipper just has to stay out of the club's way.'

      'I would like to defend myself as well as to attack.' Bul Sos was gaining confidence that some suitable weapon foi him did exist. He had not realized that Jones knew sc much about the practical side of life. Wasn't it really foi some such miracle he had found his

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