strong mesh closer and closer about him, until Bog tripped an crashed to the ground, a giant cocoon.

      All this time Sos was trying savagely to reach and help his partner-but the staff held him at bay. The man mad no aggressive moves; he only blocked Sos off, and at that simple task he was most effective. The staffer never looked behind him, having full confidence in his partner, and as long as he concentrated on Sos and refused to be draw out, Sos could not hurt him.

      The netter finished his job of wrapping and began rollin the hapless Bog out Of the circle, net and all Sos could guess what was coming next: the netter deprived of his own weapon, would grab for the rope, taking whateve punishment he had to to get a grip on it. Then he would keep pulling while his partner took the offensive. All the netter needed was an opening, with the staffer's distractions and two men against one. The netter would naturally be good with his bare hands on anything flexible.

      'Roll, Bog, roll!' Sos shouted. 'Back in the circle! Roll! For once in his life Bog understood immediately. He wrapped body flexed like a huge grub, then countered the netter's efforts to manipulate him over the rim. Bog was hefty hunk of man and could hardly be moved against his will; Bog grunted, the staffer looked-and that was his mistake.

      Sos's rope whipped around the man's neck and brough him down choking, while the Pit spectators groaned. Sos hurdled his hunching body and landed on the back of the straining netter. He clasped the man in his anus, pickei him up and threw him down on top of his rising partner. A quick series of loops, and both men were bound to gether, the staff crosswise between them. Sos did not fool ishly approach them again. They could still maneuve together, or grab him and hang on. Instead he bent to th net, searching out the convolutions and ripping them 'awa: from Bog's body. 'Lie still!' he yelled in Bog's ear as the cocoon continued to struggle. 'It's me! Sos!'

      Untended, the two Pit' men rapidly fought free. Now they had possession of both staff and, rope, while only Bog's legs were loose from the complicated, tenacious net Sos had lost his play for time.

      'Roll, Bog, roll!' he shouted again, and gave his partner a vigorous urge in the right direction. Bog kicked his legs and tried, but the motion was clumsy. The two opponents hurdled him easily-and were caught at waist height by Sos's flying tackle.

      All four men landed in a heap, entangled by rope and net. But the net was spoken for while the rope was loose. Sos quickly wrapped it around all three men and knotted it securely about the' striving 'bundle. Bog, finding the netter similarly bound, grinned through the mesh and heaved his bulk about, trying to crush the man.

      Sos extracted the staff and aimed its blunt tip at the head of its owner. 'Stop!' the Pit spokesman cried. 'We yield! We yield!'

      Sos smiled. He had not really intended to deliver such an unfair blow.

      'Tomorrow the Pits will speak with you,' the spokesman said, no longer so distant. He watched the three men work their way out of the involuntary embrace. 'Our hospitality, tonight.'

      It was good hospitality. After a full meal, Sos and Bog retired to the nearest hostel, that the Pit tribe had vacated for their use. Two pretty girls showed up to claim their bracelets. 'Not for me,' Sos said, thinking of Sola. 'No offense.'

      'I take both!' Bog cried. Sos left him to his pleasures; it was the rope's turn to watch television.

      In the morning Sos learned why the Pits were so secretive about their persons-and why they had formed the doubles tribe. They were Siamese twins: two men joined together by a supple band of flesh at the waist. Both were swords, and Sos was certain that their teamwork, when they fought, was unexcelled.

      'Yes, we know of Sol's tribe,' the left one said. 'Tribes, rather. Two months ago he split his group into ten subtribes of a hundred warriors each, and they 'are roving about the country, expanding again. One of them is coming to meet us in the circle soon.'

      'Oh? Who governs it?'

      'Tor the Sword. He is reputed to be an able leader.'

      'So I can believe.'

      'May we inquire your business with Sol? If you seek to join a tribe yourself, we can offer you and your partner an advantageous situation-'

      Sos politely declined. 'My business is of a private nature. But I am sure Bog will be happy to remain for a few days by himself to give your teams practice, so long as your men, women and food hold out.. .'

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