lips, taken by surprise, were mushy. The bracelet dangled from her fingers. 'Put it on,' he said. 'I think we'll make it.' She looked at the gold, then back at him. Something struck the cab on her side. 'Down!' Neq barked. He was already in motion, ducking, flinging open the door, tumbling to the muck near the wheel. Sword in hand, he crouched by the truck, watching for the enemy. He had recognized the striking arrow by the sound. That meant outlaw attack. Probably not well organized, because they had parked randomly, but no matter to be taken lightly. He was right. Through the rain he heard two men talking. They were debating whether to approach the vehicle now, or try more arrows first. They had not seen the door open. They decided to charge. 'Those crazies can't fight,' one said. 'Just yank it open and haul them out.' They came up, touched the driver's door?and Neq charged them from the side. The battle was brief. In a moment two bodies lay in the mud, 'Let's go,' he called to her. 'Go?' She pushed open her door. 'We can't move the?' 'Not the truck. Us. Where there are two, more may be on the way. We can't stay in the obvious target.' She jumped down, one foot striking one of the corpses. She moved away quickly. They were not dressed for the rain, but did not tarry. He led her into the forest, away from the truck. Neither spoke. Neq found a gnarly yellow birch and climbed it, searching out a suitable perch that would be hidden from the ground. Miss Smith followed, and he put her astride one fat round limb. He took another. Water poured down their backs, but this was a good defensive situation just in sight of the truck. They waited that way for three hours. A man came?an ugly clubber. He passed about thirty feet from their tree, evidently searching for someone. He discovered the truck, and what lay beside it. He ran back. He was alone. Neq jumped down. 'Hey, outlaw!' The man swung to face him, club lifted. 'I killed them,' Neq said. 'As I shall kill you, if you don't?' The clubber was no coward. He charged Neq, swinging viciously. That was all Neq needed to know. A true nomad would have protested the designation of 'outlaw' and demanded satisfaction in the circle. He would not have attacked like this. Neq ducked the blow and slashed in return. He wanted this one alive. There was information he needed. The clubber swung again. This time Neq parried, sliding his blade down along the shaft of the club until it nipped the man's hand. Not a serious wound, but enough to convince the man he was overmatched. As, indeed, he was. 'Tell me what I want to know, and I let you go.' The clubber nodded. Neq backed off, and the matt relaxed. Miss Smith remained hidden in the tree, wisely; it was best that the outlaw not know of her presence. 'If you lie to me, I will take up your trail and kill you,' Neq said. 'But I would not take the trouble?except for vengeance.' The clubber nodded again. Vengeance was something even outlaws understood well. The man might betray Neq if he had the chance, but he would be exceedingly careful about it. He would certainly answer questions honestly. 'How many in your tribe?' 'Twelve. Ten, now. And their women.' 'All outlaw?' 'No. We're a regular tribe. But we take what offers.' 'And if a crazy truck comes, you take it too?' 'Not before this. That must've been Sog's idea. If he saw it stopped, mired?' 'And your chief doesn't care?' 'He has to eat too. The hostels don't stock any?' 'Because the trucks are being raided!' Neq said. 'The crazies can't stock the hostels when their trucks are hijacked.' 'I can't help that,' the clubber said sullenly. Neq turned away in disgust, hoping the man would strike at him from behind and justify a killing return thrust. But the clubber stayed honest, perhaps aware of the trap. 'Go tell your chief to stay away from this truck,' Neq said finally. 'I'll kill anyone who comes near.' The man left. Neq made sure he was gone before returning to the tree. 'Do you think that will work?' Miss Smith asked him. She was shivering, but that would be from the wet chill. 'Depends on the chief. If he's a full outlaw, he'll try to swamp us. If he's halfway nomad, he'll let us be.' 'Then why did you let that man go? Now the tribe will know where we are.' 'I want to know what's really stopping those trucks. This is one way to find out.' She climbed down stiffly. Her garment was clinging to her torso and she was blue with the cold. 'I wish there <were an easier way.' 'There isn't. If I hadn't stopped him, he would have brought the tribe to the truck anyway. If I had killed him, the others would have come looking. No tribe can let its members just disappear. It was better to give them warning.' 'This could happen any time any truck stops,' she said. 'Are all the nomads outlaws now?' 'No. I'm not. But if only one man in five is, no truck will get through.' 'They're so quick to turn against their benefactors!' Neq shrugged. 'As the club said: they have to eat.' 'I didn't think it would be like this.' 'We'll go back to the truck.' 'But that's where they'll attack, if?' 'That's why we have to be there, now. I'll set some traps and keep watch; you can sleep.' 'I can't sleep, waiting for them to come!' 'Then I'll sleep while you keep watch,' he said, heading back to the vehicle. He hauled the men away from the side and left them near the yellow birch as a reminder to approaching tribesmen. Then he checked the cab. 'Where's my bracelet?' She flushed. 'I?' She poked her arm out of the sodden cloth. The bracelet was on it, far back because of the much smaller girth of her forearm, but there. 'You put it on!' he said, amazed. 'There wasn't anything else to do with it, when you jumped out,' she said defensively. 'All right, Neqa. Sing out if you see anything.' 'I'll give it back!' she said. 'I didn't mean?' 'You meant. Let it stay. It's never been on a woman before.' 'But I still can't?' 'Do you think _I_ can? But I'd like to. Maybe after a few days.' Oddly, he wasn't sweating, though of course he was completely wet. She was on the defensive now, not he. 'Yes,' she said. 'That would be nice.' 'I'll squeeze it tight for you.' He took her limp arm, slid the band down to her wrist, and applied his thumbs to the heavy metal ends. The gold gave way, and slowly the bracelet constricted to match her size. 'Euphemism makes it so much easier,' she murmured. 'Thank you.' She was still shivering, though it was warm in the cab. She was afraid, all right?of outlaw attack, of the meaning of a man's band on her arm, of indecision. She needed protecting. 'I never was kissed before...' she said, as though nothing had happened in the interim. Had he done that? Suddenly he felt as though a sword had grazed his scalp, and he was weak with reaction. Neq lay in the back of the truck and slept, ignoring the continuing drizzle. He was a warrior; he could sleep anywhere, regardless of the weather. Miss Smith?Neqa pro tem?needed the shelter of the cab. He dreamed. He had treated the transfer of his bracelet lightly, but it was fundamental. For the first time a woman had accepted it, and they were married, however tenuously. The rest would surely follow. That was his dream, and all of it: a lovely woman bearing his bracelet, loving him. 'Neq!' He woke immediately, sword ready. She was right: there were men approaching the truck. In the face of his warning there could only be one reason, and no mercy. Silently he dropped from the back and flattened himself against the side. He identified the marauders by their sounds: they were clumsy stalkers. Six, seven, eight or more. It was dusk?bright in the sky yet, but dark under the trees. An advantage for him, for he could strike anywhere, while they had to watch for each other. Neq wasted no time. He ran noiselessly at the nearest, a sworder. The man was dead before he realized the fight had started. Neq took his place and stalked the truck with the others. Nothing showed in the cab. Good?Neqa was staying down. 'See anything?' a clubber whispered as they converged. 'That guy is dangerous.' It was the man Neq had warned before. He walked up as though to whisper a reply?and ran his point into the man's neck so that he died without a cry. But the group had converged too much for further secrecy. 'That's him!' someone cried. Then Neq was lashing out, dancing here and there, cutting down whatever he could reach and jumping away in a fury of swordsmanship. Six men hemmed him in?two sworders, two clubbers, a staffer and a dagger. It was the staffer he was most cautious about, for that weapon could interfere with his action while the others closed in. He retreated toward the truck. Two more men ran out of the forest and climbed on the truck. 'Neqa?defend yourself!' Neq cried. Beset as he was, he could not go to her himself. One man yanked open the door. 'A woman!' He reached in, then fell back, grunting. Neq knew she had used the knife. In the cramped space of the cab, it would be more effective than a sword. The cab door swung closed, and the second man backed away from it, joining the main force. Seven warriors remained to the tribe, and now they knew the limits of their opposition. The element of surprise was gone. Neq had hoped to do more damage before it came to this. Had it been down to three or four functional enemies, in the near-dark, he could have brought them down. But seven threw the balance against him unless they were extraordinarily clumsy or unlucky. He could dodge and run, but he couldn't fight them long without getting hurt himself, and ultimately killed. Then the motor of the truck started. It roared, and the blinding headlights came on. She was going to try to drive it away! But the truck backed and turned, its rear wheels spewing up gouts of wet earth. The lights speared toward him. The motor roared again, like some carnivorous animal at bay, and the vehicle bounced toward the group of men. She wasn't going to stop! Neq threw himself to the side, out of the path of the great rubber tires. Mud and sand sprayed at him. Not all the outlaws were as quick to realize the danger. They hadn't ridden this machine for three days, and didn't respect its potential. They stared, confused. The front bumper caught two, not striking them hard enough to kill at this slow speed, but knocking them down. One screamed horribly as the wheel went over him. The other scrambled to safety, only getting clipped on the foot. In the confusion Neq clove a sworder across the face, and one more was down. Two more, counting the one under the wheel. He retreated again, but did not go far from the truck. The huge machine crashed into a tree, shattering a headlight. The wheels spun, digging holes. The gears growled. Then it backed, lifting out of its own trench in one mighty contortion. Neq ran to it and jumped on the back. A clubber, catching on, tried to follow him. A backhand slash dispatched that one. Back across the road they went, slowing in the deepening mud, and the remaining outlaws scattered. The single headlight caught one; the gears
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