to do it, I know that, but I think you will. He’s a nice lad, isn’t he?”

“Allen? He——”

“Oh no. That boy who works for you,” said Pauline, looking at him with mock innocence; suddenly he wanted to wring her neck. “The one with the funny little nose—I wanted to laugh when I first saw him, I should imagine he makes a lot of people feel like that. Isn’t it odd,” she went on, taking a cigarette, “that some people are born cheerful and everywhere they go they make friends and spread brightness and happiness, so to speak, and others—rather like your man Jolly—spread gloom. What is the boy’s name?”

“Higginbottom,” answered Rollison.

“Oh no!”

“James Higginbottom,” said Rollison firmly.

“Oh, how priceless! Why, it would almost be a relief to him to die, wouldn’t it, with a name like that?”

Then she lit her cigarette, and let smoke trickle from her lovely lips.

Her manner hadn’t changed; she was almost frivolous, like a young girl let loose in adult society for the first time. And she was provocatively attractive, but for the first time since he had come round, Rollison felt real alarm.

“You do understand, don’t you?” she cooed.

“Yes,” said Rollison. “Fully.”

“And you will persuade Allen?”

Rollison said quietly: “Yes, I will.”

Her eyes shone. She jumped up and clapped her hands.

“I knew you’d be sensible! I could tell it from the moment I first met you—Merino would have been much wiser to let me see you before he did, instead of playing that foolish trick with the nitro-glycerine. It was a risk anyhow, because there was no knowing who would be the one to stumble over it. It might have been Jolly, and although he wouldn’t have been much loss to anyone, I expect you would have been angry—even angrier than you were. So that’s settled.”

“That’s settled,” said Rollison, heavily.

“I’m so glad!” He thought it wouldn’t take much to make her pat him approvingly on the head. “Of course, you’ll have to play fair,” she went on. “You see, a friend of mine will be in the studio—it’s so easy to get people into that particular studio—and he’ll be listening. If Bob Allen should say the wrong thing, or anything foolish—well, then there would be an unexpected sound over the air. A shot. I wonder if a real murder has ever been broadcast?”

“And whom would your friend murder?” asked Rollison.

“Well, Allen perhaps—or you.” Pauline laughed. “I know you could tell the police or warn the officials, and try to keep suspicious persons away on Saturday night, but that won’t help you. You see, unless Bob broadcasts exactly as we want him to, you won’t see that delicious Higginbottom again. It must be vexing for you to be trapped like this, but I think you’ll be wise and not fight against it. A sensible man always knows when he’s beaten.”

“Yes, doesn’t he?” asked Rollison. “Where is Merino?”

“He’s gone into the country for a day or two, just in case there should be any trouble over the explosion,” said Pauline. “You haven’t told the police about that, have you?”

“No,” lied Rollison, without a qualm.

“I felt sure you wouldn’t. You’ve something in common with Merino,” she went on musingly, “you’re so fond of your own way.”

“And where is Allen?” asked Rollison, interrupting.

“Oh, back at Byngham Court Mansions by now,” answered Pauline. “He didn’t stay long. I told him what was wanted and gave him a copy of the new script—it’s not altered very much really—and told him he’d have to do it, or he’d know what to expect. I will say this for him, he’s not a coward, we haven’t been able to frighten him into submission. And I sent him away quickly because one of those pug-nosed men you’ve employed followed him, and I wanted to get the man away before you arrived. As soon as he’d gone, Higginbottom was dealt with. We’re efficient aren’t we?”

“No doubt about that,” said Rollison. “Is there any more coffee?”

“Of course !” She took his cup, filled it and brought it back. “I’ve given you a dash of milk this time, and not quite so much sugar. You’re looking rather better. I suppose it’s because you’ve a load off your mind now you’ve decided to take the sensible course.”

“Oh, do you?” said Rollison. “Supposing I were to get up and tie you in a chair, telephone the police and tell them all about this—what would you do?”

“I’d keep saying “Higginbottom”,” she declared and giggled. “Or else “Snub”. Dont be awkward, will you?”

“Are we alone here?” asked Rollison.

“Oh no,” she said, “I didn’t take a big risk like that—one can’t always be sure that a gamble will come off—and you’ve such a reputation as a lady-killer!” She turned away swiftly and pressed a bell-push near the door. Almost at once there was a sharp tap. She called: “Come in,” and a short, stockily-built man appeared, wearing a handkerchief over the lower half of his face. And just behind him stood a still shorter man, also wearing a handkerchief mask.

“All right,” she said. “I just wanted to convince Mr. Rollison that I was telling the truth.”

The taller of the two promptly closed the door.

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