Chapter 11 Paths of Fate

Fredrik and Niki rode side-by-side down the dusty trail heading north. It had been a week since they left Cidal by heading westward towards a seldom-used north-south trail. The north-south trail was pretty barren and the only food they were able to procure had been coconuts, some kind of berry and a chicken they stole from a farm. The chicken had almost cost them Fredrik’s life when an arrow streaked past his head. With no target to aim his magic at, Fredrik had simply run off with the chicken.

Niki was miserable. She was hot, tired and dirty. Her days in the mansion in Cidal seemed a distant memory and she kicked herself every time it surfaced. She always knew that she was destined to be a queen someday and when her chance finally came, she had thrown it away. The worst part of it was that Fredrik had become extremely quiet since they left Cidal. She could have accepted him yelling at her for her rash behavior, or even if he laughed about it, but he never mentioned it. His only talk was of where to stop for the night or where they should look for some food. If he didn’t say something about it soon, she was going to scream.

Fredrik sat up straight in his saddle and cocked his head slightly. “There is a wagon up ahead,” he announced. “Let me do the talking. Maybe we can get something to eat.”

Niki perked up at the mention of food and the two magicians rode steadily up to the wagon that was stopped at the crossroads of two dirt trails. An old man and a young boy were sitting under a tree alongside the wagon having a food break and Niki’s eyes lit up when she read the sign on the canvas of the wagon. It read, “Boris Khatama Merchant”.

Fredrik and Niki dismounted and Fredrik tied the two horses to a low branch of a nearby tree. Slowly, they walked over to the merchant. “Greetings, Merchant,” Fredrik said. “I see that you are having a meal break. I wonder if two hungry travelers might join you?”

“If the two hungry travelers are peaceful and courteous, they are welcome to share what little we have,” greeted Boris. “How are you called?”

Fredrik thought quickly about how he should respond. Finally he decided that he would be truthful, but vague. “I am Fredrik and my traveling companion is Niki. We are from the south and have been some time without proper food.”

Boris nodded as if he understood the necessity of being vague these days. “I am Boris, the merchant, and I am traveling with my niece, Tanya. Welcome to our poor table.”

Fredrik looked around for the man’s niece and flushed when he realized that who he had taken for a young boy was the niece. He bowed slightly and held Niki’s hand as she lowered herself to the ground. Fredrik quickly sat next to her and the niece rose and went to the wagon and came back with two plates of bread and cheese and some dried beef. She returned a moment later with two glasses of wine. Niki sniffed the bread and cheese as if it might be moldy, which earned her a nasty glare from Tanya. Both men managed to miss the exchange and seemed to be measuring the other’s mettle.

Boris broke the silence first. “Collapse children, I suppose. You won’t want to be going west, then. There are several score of Dark Riders who are camped out about two hours from here.”

Fredrik and Niki exchanged surprised glances. “What makes you think we are Collapse children?” Niki asked.

The old man’s eyes twinkled. “You appear the right age,” Boris began. “You are obviously running from someone and you just verified it by not denying it,” he chuckled. “Do not be afraid of me. I do not stomach the Dark Riders or their kind very well and what you are and where you are going is none of my affair. At my age, all I have left is my curiosity. Which one of you is a Collapse child or are you both?”

“Both,” offered Fredrik. “You have a keen eye, Master Khatama, and a generous heart. Niki and I do thank you for the food. I am afraid my funds are pitilessly poor, but the few coins I have are yours for the asking.”

Boris waved his hands. “That is not necessary, traveler. Your coins are better kept for your next meal. The road east goes to Toresh. Avoid that town, as it is a major staging point for the Dark Riders. I fear you must continue north and there is not much that way in terms of food unless you know how to live off the land. You strike me as city children and the next few days will be hard on you. I am sorry to say that we are eating the last of our food, so I can not fix you up something to take with you.”

Niki suddenly felt ashamed at sniffing the food now that she knew it was all they had left. She removed her cloak and laid it on the grass as she finished the last piece of bread. She looked at the young girl who, dressed in brown leather shirt and pants with a brown leather cap that came down to her ears, very much resembled a boy. “Is there somewhere where I might clean up a bit, Tanya?” she asked.

Tanya removed her hat and volumes of long, flowing, golden hair fell down her back. “There is a stream just beyond those trees,” she replied. “I will get towels and show you the way.”

Niki stared at the girl’s beautiful hair and face and suddenly wondered how she could have mistaken her for a boy. “Thank you, Tanya. I would like that.”

Fredrik and Boris talked about different places they had been when the merchant said he was heading south and asked Fredrik how conditions were down there. “I am glad that we have met,” Boris said. “I think I shall change my plans and not head south, after all. The picture you paint is not one that would be very lucrative for a merchant. Spare my old bones, Fredrik, and get the bottle of wine at the rear of the wagon. I think we need another glass if we are to wait on the women.”

Fredrik chuckled and rose to get the bottle. When he returned, he found Boris fondling the cloak that Niki had left on the grass. “A very interesting design,” Boris commented, “but I fear that fire has marred its perfection. How did she come by it?”

Fredrik looked at the merchant suspiciously. “She likes it very much, Boris. Niki is sure that she is destined to become a queen one day.”

Boris chuckled as he placed the cloak back where he had found it. “Who knows,” he said. “Perhaps she will be. This is the last bottle of wine, as well. This trip has not been very prosperous.”

The old man’s casual attitude put Fredrik back at ease and the girls soon returned from the stream. Fredrik and Niki mounted their horses and prepared to leave. “Will you be heading north, as well, then?” Fredrik asked.

“I expect so,” Boris replied. “I am not much of a one for living off the land, though. I may head into Toresh for supplies before I head north. Safe journey to you both.”

Tanya turned and finished cleaning up after the midday meal. “There were no Dark Riders west of here,” she stated. “Why did you lie to them?”

“There are many hazards in life, Tanya,” Boris said softly. “Those two are not ready to face them. Nobody is really ready to face them, but that group north of here is where they need to be, at least for now. It should prove to be quite interesting.”

Tanya continued cleaning up and Boris rose to walk off the stiffness of sitting before he climbed up on the wagon again. Boris walked around in circles and suddenly saw something that he had not seen in seventeen years. Through the gray sky overhead, a small hole appeared and a sunbeam lanced down into the intersection of the two roads. It disappeared as quickly as it came and Boris walked over to the center of the intersection where it struck. Looking down he found a small, flat rock. Burned into the face of the rock was the following inscription: From North and East and South and West The children gather towards unknown The whole world’s saviors they are blest The seeds of True Light now are sown Shall Darkness win or Light prevail The outcome’s not foretold or known On brink of Fate’s fluttering sail They’ll win and live or hear Death’s moan

Boris studied the inscription over and over and finally put the rock in his pouch and returned to the wagon. He climbed up onto the wagon just as Tanya finished and joined him. He started the wagon rolling along the dusty trail and at the intersection he turned onto the trail to the north.

“I thought we were going into Toresh for food,” Tanya said

“There has been a change in plans,” Boris replied glumly. “The day you have prepared for is fast approaching. You must remember all that you have been taught by the others and me. It is time that I sent you into the viper’s den.”

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