As they passed one of the Zard captains, a Sarzard as they were called, Shaella barked an order so harshly, that Cole nearly fumbled the egg.

“Bring the collar! NOW!” She yelled.

Wisely, the Sarzard didn’t waste time with any sort of formalities. His only response was a quick, “Yes Masteress,” as he darted off to do as she had bidden him.

Without any fear or hesitation, she stalked purposefully to a place between the dragon and its newest meal. The dragon’s head was raised, and it was chugging a chunk of geka meat the size of both she and Cole put together, down its gullet. But that didn’t seem to faze her. Cole, on the other hand, was terrified. But he wasn’t sure who he was more afraid of. Shaella, at the moment, seemed far more fierce and determined than the dragon.

“Set the egg down before me,” she commanded.

When Cole had done so, she finished giving him his order.

“Go! Help get the collar ready.”

Then, up to the dragon she screamed with all the urgent fury she could muster. It was no small amount.

“You have a choice! Hey you, Dragon bitch!” She waved her sword in the air, until the dragon stopped chewing, and eyed her. “Look! Look at what I’ve got!” She reached down, and touched the dragon’s egg with the tip of her glowing blade.

Hissing sharply, the dragon brought her head down with a quickness that was unnerving. The potion- wrought haze in her huge, amber eyes seemed to fade as her sense of alarm grew.

Shaella had to master herself. She wanted to do nothing other than turn and run as the great beast’s red- plated head loomed in close to her. The black slits in the dragon’s eyes were as long as Shaella was tall. Its bloody teeth were just as big, and as sharp, as swords. A piece of geka meat, that weighed easily as much as Shaella did, hung loosely from between two of those teeth. Heat coming from cavernous nostrils, big enough to walk into, blew her hair back like a strong wind might. The smell of its breath was sulfurous and rotten, like burnt steel and spoiled meat. Had it not been for the hope that she could still save Gerard, she thought she might crumble in her tracks.

“I have no time to waste with you, dragon,” she forced herself to say. “Either you will put on a collar, or all of your hatchlings will be born into one.”

The dragon’s plated brows narrowed between the trunks of her curving yellowed horns. Angrily, she reared back and began sucking in a vast lungful of air. Her intension was obvious. Shaella had to hold the hair back from the left side of her face, as it was being sucked back towards those massive nostrils. The dragon’s flames wouldn’t harm the egg, Shaella knew. Dragon’s used flame to incubate and hatch them. She had to speak quickly and loudly, and make sure the dragon understood.

“You might burn me to ashes, bitch! You’ll save this egg, but what about the others?” She paused, letting her bluff sink in. Pael had told her that there were three eggs. She hoped that he had been correct. “If you even try to burn me, they will be smashed to bits!”

The dragon paused, flames swirling in her big eyes, her expression overflowing with hatred and anger.

“If you refuse, then I’ll ruin this egg while you roast me!” Shaella threatened. The point of her sword rested on the egg at her feet. All it would take was a firm push to render the egg unhatchable.

“Then the Pact hasss been broken?” the dragon asked.

The thunderous hissing voice was more in Shaella’s head than anywhere else, and the sound of it was full of confused malice. When Shaella nodded that the Pact had indeed been broken, the dragon raised her head, and roared out to the heavens. The earth shook as a tower of flame shot up into the clouds. As angry as the dragon was, it knew it was beaten. Shaella knew it too. The curse of all maternal creatures had trapped the mighty beast. Her natural born instinct to protect her young allowed her only one choice in the matter.

“Bring the collar!” Shaella called out urgently.

Chapter 30

Shokin was halfway out of the Seal, held there by the binding words in the wizard’s wicked song. Pael shivered with glee. The spectral demon hadn’t expected to be bound.

With a deep, growling rumble of respect it accepted this condition of its release into the world. It knew that it could find a way to unbind itself later. The wizard Pael wasn’t as powerful as he liked to think he was. Eventually, Shokin could get rid of him. For now, the important thing was to escape the Nethers, even if it meant pledging his service to Pael.

Shokin had been trapped in the black nothingness for far too long to quibble over technicalities, not when he was this close to freedom. He wanted vengeance on he who had banished him. He had sworn it, and if he wanted to vent his wrath on Pavreal’s ancestors then, for now, he had to grant the wizard Pael his boon. He would lower himself to serve Pael for a time. After all, it was only temporary, and the wizard had worked very hard to get the Seal open for him. Yes, he would accept Pael’s binding. For now, he would obey without hesitation.

Pael’s voice was like a distant macabre chorus howling in Gerard’s ears. He had had a thought, a hope, for a fleeting moment, but it slid from his mind when the icy cold, ghost-like form of the demon rose up through him.

Its evil had filled him for a moment, was filling him again. With each pulse of his dying heart, a little more of himself was forced away. It wouldn’t be long now. His life blood was nearly gone. He wondered absently about what had changed the future that the old fortune-teller had seen. Shaella was too close to him to have betrayed him, and Gerard didn’t think she had. He was supposed to be brokenhearted, and climbing down the steps underneath him to seek out some great power. The seer had almost seen the right future, but not completely. He had to admit that he was glad Shaella hadn’t betrayed him. In a strange way, that would have been worse than this. He could face death. He would rather die than feel his heart crushed by the woman he loved. The old crone had gotten part of it right. He had known and felt true love. What else had the woman said? He had been thinking of it only moments ago when he was climbing up the Dragon Spire, but now the train of thought eluded him. He forced open his eyes, hoping that he might be able to see the thought lurking in the dragon’s lair somewhere, as if it were some tangible thing.

It took some time for his eyes to work. The world was a collage of blurring splotches, but it all slowly came back into focus: green flames dancing crazily, spittle flying from the black robed, egg-headed sorcerer’s mouth, as he chanted and circled. Then the light of the cavern suddenly blacked out, eclipsed by some huge, glittering scarlet thing. Then – then he saw Shaella.

“NOOO!” she screamed, as she slid down the side of the newly collared dragon’s neck. Her heart hammered at the sight before her.

“HELP ME!” a terrified voice called out.

One of the deckhands, from the barge they had pirated, was clutched gingerly in the dragon’s jaws.

“OH! PLEA -” His voice stopped abruptly, as the dragon gave him a warning squeeze with her teeth.

“Stop it!” screamed Shaella. “I have your sacrifice right here!”

She stormed over towards the ring of flames, pulling her sword from its sheath as she came. Around her neck, was a collar similar to the one she had put on the dragon. It linked her to the beast, and her anger caused the dragon to let out a low, rumbling growl, which made the cavern tremble.

When she was close enough to see Gerard, she froze. There was so much blood. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. She had just left a feeding ground full of gore that was strewn with dozens of dragon-torn bodies, but she was still shocked. How could Pael have done this? He was supposed to have waited until the dragon was collared. She had promised him a sacrifice, but she hadn’t wanted it to be Gerard. It felt like her heart was being squeezed by some giant icy cold fist. Why hadn’t Pael waited? She had his offering clutched there in the dragon’s jaws. Oh, Gerard!

Her rage at the wizard melted away as she met Gerard’s eyes. His eyelids were fluttering closed. He was so gaunt, and sickly looking, so close to death. She looked back at the wizard, and was about to make a plea for the life of the man she loved, but Pael’s expression sent a tidal wave of fear and anger washing over her.

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