Gold, Artur

Goloshchekin, Filip

Gomulka, Wladyslaw

Gorbachev, Mikhail

Gorbman, Ekaterina

Goring, Hermann

Gottberg, Curt von

Gottwald, Klement

Graniewicz, Bazylii

Graniewicz, Kolya

Grass, Gunter

Great Britain

anti-Semitism in

concentration camps, liberation of by

Czechoslovakia, annexation of and

First World War and

Jews and

Poland, German invasion of and

Poland and

Second World War and

socialism in

Great Depression

Great Terror of 1937–1938

in Belarus

Belarus and

casualties of

children and

class operations of

end of

family, destruction of and

Germany and

Gulag and

Hitler, Adolf and

Japan and

Jews and

kulak operation of

Latvian operation of

Leningrad and

national operations of

NKVD (Soviet secret police) and

NKVD and

Polish operation of

Politburo (Soviet) and

rationale for

Soviet Poles and

Stalin, Joseph and

torture and

troikas and

Ukraine and



Greiser, Arthur

Grossman, Vasily


See also Special settlements

Habrowski, Mieczyslaw

Habsburg monarchy

Halder, Franz

Hanke, Karl

Hecht, Thomas

Hegel, Georg Wihelm Friedrich

Herriot, Edouard

Heydrich, Reinhard

death factories and

Final Solution and

Minsk, Belarus and

Hilberg, Raul

Himmler, Heinrich

Auschwitz and

death factories and

Final Solution and

partisan warfare and

Warsaw Ghetto and


as class struggle

of Holocaust

Marx, Karl and

Marxism and

rewriting of

Soviet Union and

Stalin, Joseph and

Hitler, Adolf

agricultural policy of

anti-Semitism of

assassination attempts on

Belarus and

class terror and

communism and

death of

economic policies of

Final Solution and

Garden of Eden and

German-Soviet war (1941–1945) and

Great Terror of 1937 and 1938 and

Jews, murder of and

Lenin, Vladimir and

National Socialism and

Nazi terror of 1936–1938 and

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