After spending the last hour in a cell, Adam couldn't argue with this. He could not begin to comprehend the horror of living twenty-three hours a day in a tiny cage.

'I forgot my cigarettes,' Sam said, patting his shirt pocket. 'I guess this is a good time to quit.'

'Are you trying to be funny?'


'It's not working.'

'Did Lee ever show you the book with my lynching picture in it?'

'She didn't show it to me. She told me where it was, and I found it.'

'You saw the picture.'


'A regular party, wasn't it?'

'Pretty sad.'

'Did you see the other picture of the lynching, one page over?'

'Yes. Two Kluckers.'

'With robes and hoods and masks.'

'Yes, I saw it.'

'That was me and Albert. I was hiding behind one of the masks.'

Adam's senses were beyond the point of shock. The gruesome photograph flashed through his mind, and he tried to purge it. 'Why are you telling me this, Sam?'

'Because it feels good. I've never admitted it before, and there's a certain relief in facing the truth. I feel better already.'

'I don't want to hear any more.'

'Eddie never knew it. He found that book in the attic, and somehow figured out I was in the other party photo. But he didn't know I was one of the Kluckers.'

'Let's not talk about Eddie, okay?'

'Good idea. What about Lee?'

'I'm mad at Lee. She skipped out on us.'

'It would've been nice to see her, you know. That hurts. But I'm so glad Carmen came.'

Finally, a pleasant subject. 'She's a fine person,' Adam said.

'A great kid. I'm very proud of you, Adam, and of Carmen. Y'all got the good genes from your mother. I'm so lucky to have two wonderful grandchildren.'

Adam listened and didn't try to respond. Something banged next door, and they both jumped.

'Nugent must be playing with his gadgets in there,' Sam said, his shoulders vibrating again. 'You know what hurts?'


'I've been thinking a lot about this, really flogging myself the last couple of days. I look at you, and I look at Carmen, and I see two bright young people with open minds and hearts. You don't hate anybody. You're tolerant and broadminded, well educated, ambitious, going places without the baggage I was born with. And I look at you, my grandson, my flesh and blood, and I ask myself, Why didn't I become something else? Something like you and Carmen? It's hard to believe we're actually related.'

'Come on, Sam. Don't do this.'

'I can't help it.'

'Please, Sam.'

'Okay, okay. Something pleasant.' His voice trailed off and he leaned over. His head was low and hanging almost between his legs.

Adam wanted an in-depth conversation about the mysterious accomplice. He wanted to know it all - the real details of the bombing, the disappearance, how and why Sam got caught. He also wanted to know what might become of this guy, especially since he was out there, watching and waiting. But these questions would not be answered, so he let them pass. Sam would take many secrets to his grave.

The arrival of the governor's helicopter created a stir along the front entrance of Parchman. It landed on the other side of the highway where another prison van waited. With a bodyguard on each elbow and Mona Stark racing behind, McAllister scampered into the van. 'It's the governor!' someone yelled. The hymns and prayers stopped momentarily. Cameras raced to film the van, which raced through the front gate and disappeared.

Minutes later, it stopped near the ambulance behind MSU. The bodyguards and Ms. Stark remained in the van. Nugent met the governor and escorted him into the witness room where he took a seat in the front row. He nodded at the other witnesses, all sweating profusely by now. The room was an oven. Black mosquitoes bounced along the walls. Nugent asked if there was anything he could fetch for the governor.

'Popcorn,' McAllister cracked, but no one laughed. Nugent frowned and left the room.

'Why are you here?' a reporter asked immediately.

'No comment,' McAllister said smugly.

The ten of them sat in silence, staring at the black drapes and anxiously checking their watches. The nervous chatter had ended. They avoided eye contact, as if they were ashamed to be participants in such a macabre event.

Nugent stopped at the door of the gas chamber and consulted a checklist. It was eleven-forty. He told the doctor to enter the Isolation Room, then he stepped outside and gave the signal for the guards to be removed from the four towers around MSU. The odds of escaping gas injuring a tower guard after the execution were minuscule, but Nugent loved the details.

The knock on the door was faint indeed, but at the moment it sounded as if a sledgehammer were being used. It cracked through the silence, startling both Adam and Sam. The door opened. The young doctor stepped in, tried to smile, dropped to one knee, and asked Sam to unbutton his shirt. A round stethoscope was stuck to his pale skin, with a short wire left hanging to his belt.

The doctor's hands shook. He said nothing.


AT eleven-thirty, Hez Kerry, Garner Goodman, John Bryan Glass, and two of his students stopped their idle talk and held hands around the cluttered table in Kerry's office. Each offered a silent prayer for Sam Cayhall, then Hez voiced one for the group. They sat in their seats, deep in thought, deep in silence, and said another short one for Adam.

The end came quickly. The clock, sputtering and braking for the last twenty-four hours, suddenly roared ahead.

For a few minutes after the doctor left, they shared a light, nervous chatter as Sam walked twice across the small room, measuring it, then leaned on the wall opposite the bed. They talked about Chicago, and Kravitz & Bane, and Sam couldn't imagine how three hundred lawyers existed in the same building. There was a jittery laugh or two, and a few tense smiles as they waited for the next dreaded knock.

It came at precisely eleven fifty-five. Three sharp raps, then a long pause. Nugent waited before barging in.

Adam immediately jumped to his feet. Sam took a deep breath, and clenched his jaws. He pointed a finger at Adam. 'Listen to me,' he said firmly. 'You can walk in there with me, but you cannot stay.'

'I know. I don't want to stay, Sam.'

'Good.' The crooked finger dropped, the jaws slackened, the face sank. Sam reached forward and took Adam by the shoulders. Adam pulled him close and hugged him gently.

'Tell Lee I love her,' Sam said, his voice breaking. He pulled away slightly and looked Adam in the eyes. 'Tell her I thought about her to the very end. And I'm not mad at her for not coming. I wouldn't want to come here either if I didn't have to.'

Adam's head nodded quickly, and he struggled not to cry. Anything, Sam, anything.

'Say hello to your mom. I always liked her. Give my love to Carmen, she's a great kid. I'm sorry about all this, Adam. It's a terrible legacy for you guys to carry.'

'We'll do fine, Sam.'

'I know you will. I'll die a very proud man, son, because of you.'

'I'll miss you,' Adam said, the tears now running down his cheeks.

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