'Good. Now--what's happening?'

Billy caught his breath. 'I couldn't sleep last night, Miss. Kept thinking about, y'know, what we'd talked about.'

'Yes, Billy.'

Maisie turned to the door as she spoke and nodded her head to Maurice, who had entered the room dressed as he had been when he had bidden her goodnight. He had not slept either.

'Anyway. 'bout--well, blimey, must 've been over 'alf an hour ago now--I 'eard a bit of a racket outside, sounded like a sack bein' dragged around. So, I goes to the window to see what's what.'

'Go on, Billy. And keep looking around you.'

'Don't you worry, Miss, I'm keepin' me eyes peeled. Anyway, it was 'im, bein' dragged away down the dirt road.'


'The fella that wanted to leave. Could see 'im plain as day, in the light coming from the door.'

'Where does the dirt road lead to--the quarry?'

'Yes, Miss. That's right.'

Maisie took a deep breath.

'Billy, here's what you are to do. Go into the hamlet. Keep very close to the side of the road. Do not be seen. There may be someone else coming from that direction heading for The Retreat. Do not let him see you. Meet me by the oak tree on the green. Go now.'

Maisie replaced the receiver. There was no time to allow Billy Beale another question before ending the call.

Maurice handed Maisie her jacket and hat and took up his own. She opened her mouth to protest, but was silenced by Maurice's raised hand.

'Maisie, I never, ever said that you were too young for the many risks you have taken. Do not now tell me to stay at home because I am too old!'

Billy clambered out of the ditch and stretched his wounded leg. Kneeling had made him sore, and he rubbed at his cramped muscles. The sound of a breaking twig in the silence of the early morning hours, as leaves rustled in a cool breeze, made him snap to attention. He remained perfectly still.

'Now I'm bleedin' 'earin' things,' whispered Billy into the dawn chill that caught his chest and forced his heart to beat faster, so fast he could hear it echo in his ears.

'Like waitin' for that bleedin' whistle to go off for the charge, it is.'

Billy took his bag by the handle and slung it over his shoulder. Looking both ways, he began to cross the road to take advantage of the overhanging branches that would shield him as he made his way along the lane into the hamlet. But as he moved, his leg cramped again.

'Blimey, come on, come on, leg! Don't bleedin' let me down now.'

Billy tried to straighten his body, but as he moved, his war wounds came to life, shooting pain through him as he tried to take a step.

'I'm afraid you've let yourself down, William,' a man's voice intoned.

'Who's that? Who's there?' Billy fell backward, his arms flailing as he tried to regain balance.

Adam Jenkins stepped out of the half-light in front of Billy. Archie stood with him, together with two other longtime residents of The Retreat.

'Desertion is what we call it. When you leave before your time.'

'I just, well, I just wanted to 'ave a bit of a walk, Sir,' said Billy, nervously running his fingers through his hair.

'Well, a fine time to be walking, William. Or perhaps you prefer 'Billy?' A fine time for a stroll.'

Jenkins signaled to Archie and the other men, who pinioned Billy's hands behind his back and tightly secured a black cloth across his eyes.

'Desertion, Billy. Terrible thing. Nothing worse in a soldier. Nothing worse.'

Maisie drew up alongside the oak tree in the hamlet of Hart's Lea. There was no sign of Billy.

'Maurice, he's not here,' said Maisie, as she swung the car in the direction of The Retreat, and accelerated.'We've got to find him.'

Maisie drove at high speed along the lane to The Retreat, scanning the side of the road as she maneuvered the car. Beside her Maurice was silent. Abruptly she swung the car onto the verge by the beech tree and got out. Kneeling on the verge, she ran her fingers over the rough ground. In the early light of morning, she could see signs of a scuffle.

Yes, they had Billy.

Maurice climbed out of the car, with some difficulty, and joined Maisie.

'I must find him, Maurice. His life is in danger.'

'Yes, go, Maisie. But I would advise that this is the time--'

Maisie sighed,'Of course, you're right, Maurice. Over here I think we might be in luck.'

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