“Is she going to make it?” I asked.
Kwon shook his head. “Don’t know.”
“If she dies, who would you blame?” I asked him.
For the first time, he looked up at me seriously. “The Macros,” he said. “They sent us here. We will all die here, or the Centaurs will.”
“How about if we make the Macros die instead?” I asked.
Now I had the corpsman’s attention as well as Kwon’s. His helmet tilted up and his eyes met mine through the visor. I saw his name on his uniform.
“Keep working on the lieutenant, Carlson,” I said.
The corpsman quickly looked down again, saying nothing. He fiddled with a box, running leads to Marquis’ chest. I knew what that meant. We had some nice nanite medical kits now. We could just lay a lead on a body, and a needle-thin wire of them would penetrate the flesh on its own. They would drive deep, and could be used to take measurements, deliver drugs or even shock a heart into beating again. The fact he was using the box wasn’t a positive sign, however. It indicated her injuries were mortal, and that her own nanite defense team could not repair her by itself.
Kwon was still staring at me. At last, he nodded his head. “You think now is the time?” he asked.
“I don’t like our other options. Even if we wipe these Centaurs out, the Macros will do the same to us eventually. Maybe very soon. Maybe, they’ve done it already.”
Carlson glanced up again at that. He looked down again without being told. Lieutenant Marquis was making a scratchy, rasping sound. It sounded like she was trying to breathe now, but there was fluid in her lungs.
“They could be hitting Earth even now,” Kwon said thoughtfully. He stood up and stared around at the field, littered with Centaur corpses. “A fine people. I don’t want to kill any more of them.”
“Neither do I,” I said. “Let’s see if we can talk them out of wasting our strength upon one another.”
I went to the communications box, and I started to negotiate. It took a long time. The Centaurs had their own framework for thought, their own culture. They talked constantly of ‘Herd Honor’ and ‘Challenges’. They frequently made references to their ancestors and the weather. They never used the pronoun ‘I’, but always used ‘we’. I did the same, to make them feel comfortable. They thought as a group, so I negotiated as a group.
I figured they would send up a group of leaders, individuals with white fur and long, curled horns. They didn’t present me with such wise old chieftains. They didn’t show themselves at all. I knew they were out there, hiding in the foliage. In the distance, we could see dust plumes where thousands, maybe even millions, marched and gathered. They were preparing to overwhelm us if the talks were fruitless. For my own part, I had my men clear the battlefield of bodies, if only so we could get a free field of fire. We burned down the nearest clumps of foliage to increase the range at which our laser rifles would be effective. It was all for show and to keep the men busy, of course. If the Centaurs charged us they would come with ten times their previous numbers, and all would be lost. I would only have two options then: to die on the spot, taking down as many of them as possible, or to do the bidding of my steel masters, to open up their ‘sky’ and suck them all out into space, kicking and bleating.
I didn’t like either possibility so I kept working with them on the communications box. There were translation problems and misunderstandings. Often, they interpreted what I said as some kind of Challenge, a call to battle. I did my best to disabuse them of these thoughts, but they kept coming back up. Maybe they wanted a fight. I got that feeling the longer I talked to them. They were angry we’d come here, angry the Macros had used us to circumvent their words of peace and angry we’d beaten them back the first time, leaving so many dead upon the field.
At the same time, however, I came to understand that our initial success at combat was the only reason they would talk to us at all. We’d proven ourselves. If we hadn’t, they wouldn’t have listened to anything we said. They were a showy culture, which liked displays of strength. Such displays won status among their herds. As far as I could tell, it was their only qualification for status. They were definitely intelligent, but their thinking was backward to me. They were more tribal and emotional than Earth diplomats could ever have been. Avenging an insult was worth a million deaths to them.
Working on that angle, I soon found myself coming closer to success.
“Yes,” I said, “we have dishonored you and ourselves by serving the machines. But the greater villains are the machines themselves.”
“Dishonor cannot be forgotten by the wind,” said the communications box.
The comment was typical. They constantly spoke in terms of their own idioms and beliefs. I decided to press ahead, not sure what they meant, but sensing they were listening.
“The machines hold our home herds hostage,” I said. “They have no honor, and forced us to come here. They used lies and threats to gain our cooperation. We did not know who we must fight. We only knew that we must fight for them.”
“The rains will fall upon the honored and the dishonored alike!” said the communications box with sudden emotion.
“Exactly!” I said, hoping the rising excitement in the other’s words was a good thing. I had to grab hold of that emotion and channel it, turn it against the Macros where it belonged. “The Macros have dishonored us both. They urinate down both our skins. If they are capable of laughing, they are doing so now.”
A silence followed. “They dare to laugh at our Herds?” the question came at last. The emotional inflection came through as incredulous. I noted that the communications box was getting better at translating the Centaur’s speech. Every minute we used it, the neural net inside fine-tuned itself.
“Yes!” I said. “The machines think we are fools. They work us like-like tools.”
“This is a fine insult. This cannot be borne.”
“We agree. Because of this, we have paused in our fighting. We have changed the direction of our herd. We no longer wish to press into your lands.”
“You do not claim our lands?”
“No! We do not claim the ground we stand on, and we wish to leave. We wish to join with you, and trample the machines. We will take their lands instead.”
They paused again. I sensed that perhaps a large group of them argued as to how to proceed. During these interludes, it was best to say nothing, as interrupting their thoughts only seemed to make them take longer to come back with a response.
At length, they said: “We will join herds with you, if you have a plan. And you must lead. When no human foot stands upon our lands, we will follow you.”
I took a deep breath and a swig of water from my suit’s reservoirs. The water was warm, but slightly refreshing. I had promised myself to redesign these suits with chillers that worked on the water supply, but hadn’t gotten around to it yet. I wished that I had spent the time. I could use a cold drink right now.
“Sounds like you’ve got them where you want them, Colonel,” said a voice nearby. I turned and saw it was Lieutenant Marquis.
She was standing, but supporting her weight with both hands on Kwon’s arm. He was beaming like a guy with a hot prom date. She had broken her pelvis, but that would heal up in a day or two with the help of a few million hardworking nanites.
I flashed them a smile then waved for them to be quiet. I didn’t want the herds to overhear and get the wrong idea. Kwon led Marquis away. She hobbled and hopped awkwardly.
“Lieutenant?” I called after her. Both of them turned.
“You think you can pilot one of those assault ships in a few hours?”
She looked at me seriously. “I can. They don’t have pedals, you know.”
“I know,” I said.
Kwon was the only one who didn’t look happy. He had a concerned look. I could tell he was thinking he had just brought Joelle back from the dead, and now I was going to send her into the teeth of the Macros again.
He was right, and it wasn’t fair. But there was nothing I could do about it. I was short on pilots.