as president
presidential campaign
Tom Ahern on
“Red Barn”
Red Cross representatives
Red Element
Redeye missile launchers
Regan, Regis
rescue mission.
appeal of
challenges, problems, and skepticism regarding
problem of intelligence
confidence in and readiness for
congressional investigation
dry run/dress rehearsal
execution of
broken chopper and mechanical problems in helicopter
desert landing and transfer from plane to choppers.
explosion and fire
final decision to launch
German-speaking team
hostages learning about failed
injuries and fatalities
as last resort
media coverage
nonlethal riot control agents
option to call it off at last minute
planning and preparation
Red, White, and Blue teams
“requirements” and “conditions”
White House blamed for failure of
causes of
and postrevolutionary struggle
viewed retrospectively
nature of
Revolutionary Council
hostage transfer proposal supported by
Revolutionary Council Command
Revolutionary Guards (
Reza, Gholam
Rezazadeh, Tahereh
Rhyne, Jim
Rice Bowl.
rival factions and political organizations
Robinson, Neil
Rockefeller, David
Roeder, David
on Abbas Abdi
after returning home
Ahmadinejad and
Christmas celebrations and
Ebtekar and
Golacinski and
family threatened during
Iran-Iraq war and
mock execution and
release and return home
Roosevelt, Kermit
Roosevelt Gate
Rosen, Barbara
Rosen, Barry
Abbas Abdi and
after returning home
capture of
at Christmas party
denounced as spy
directive from ICA
mock execution and
release and return home
response to invasion
Roeder and
Simon Farzami and
on television
Rosenfeld, Stephen S.
Roth, Philip
Rowan, Ford
Rowe, Jesse
Royer, William
as go-between for Washington
moved after failed rescue mission
release and return home
Rupiper, Darrell
Sadat, Anwar
Saddam Hussein
war against Iran
safe, captors’ efforts to open
Saliman, Marcel