winks; virtually anything can be used as a trigger.
'Step #1 is invasion, step #2 is intervention. Once the first plateau of the cyclic invasionary process is completed, the child will be 'tested' — again in-office, using a number of visual/audiological sight/sound external invasion techniques to record the level of response of the subject (nicknamed 'knee-jerk' response). This can be a valuable tool in assessing the cost-and-time-effectiveness of this particular technique on this particular subject. Those children who respond more spontaneously are considered to be higher-value prospects for future experimentation.' — Janus (the programming alter's name)
Are you beginning to understand how scientific principles and techniques are used to program people? Here's more from 'Janus':
'I personally was assigned 12 babies as an older child. I was about 7 or 8 when I was first introduced to them all in a room. They were all children of families. So they were long-term projects. I programmed other children, too. I was found to have a knack for trouble-shooting — figuring how what went 'haywire' and 'reprogramming' them. I didn't try to memorize the systems. That wasn't my job. My job was to CREATE alter personalities. There were other people who were more trained in the specific skills of teaching the alters specific jobs. Once an alter was created, and trained to come out in response to a trigger, then they had to learn their jobs. Sometimes I would visit different locations and help train others how to train the children.'
Recall how I told you that technology is available that allows massive amount of learning in an altered state to occur? Patients have drawn pictures of and described in detail very sophisticated electronic equipment used in programming. When I first discovered the book Mega Brain, I was astonished to see some of the very machines that my patients had described, years before the book was published. Similarly, patients had described virtual reality machines used in training alters (dissociated parts) long before that technology was presented to the public. And even before machines were used in programming, enough was known through secret experimentation on human beings, that experimenters knew humans were capable of memorizing enormous amounts of information when in an altered state. In that theta brainwave state, we have access to an 'inner encyclopedia' of all that we have ever learned or experienced. Thus when patients tell us of their 'photographic memories' and are able to recite verbatim seemingly endless scripts, it is a phenomenon that is very real and very understandable, if you can know how the brain works.
This knowledge will also help you understand how programmers use audio and videotapes and movies to confuse people as to what is reality and what is not. In an altered state, people are forced to watch movies and listen to tapes that form what are called 'screen memories' that hide or distort the memories of what actually happened to the person. If a person does begin to recall memories of abuse, or memories of information that is supposed to be buried so deeply in the unconscious that it never reaches conscious awareness (such as knowledge of abusers, the particulars of how people are programmed and abused, or top secret information ferried to others), then the screen memories (also known as 'scramble programs') pop up. When someone begins to tell tales that others recognize as the plot of a movie or television show (I heard the «plots» of the X-files from patients long before the television show existed!), they can be discredited and not believed as others say 'oh, she's just seen the movie and is remembering that.'
If any of the readers are still doubtful about whether mind control really exists, I invite you to read the public transcripts of the hearing by the Senate Committee on Radiation Experiments that was held on April 15, 1997. On that date, Valerie Wolfe (a therapist from New Orleans) and her patient testified before the Senate committee about the mind control experiments that are still being conducted in our country. They were allowed to testify because, even though they were reporting mind control, rather than radiation experimentation, the high-level people named as conducting the experiments were many of the same names that had been exposed as doing the radiation experiments. When they finished testifying, Valerie reports, 'you could hear a pin drop.' It was not in the mandate of that committee to investigate the mind control experimentation; but the Committee did formally issue a request to the President that a thorough investigation be conducted. The transcript of this hearing is riveting; no one can tell the story more convincingly that those who have been through it. As you read Sue Ford's story, keep in mind these things that I have written. Know that thousands of people have come forth with information about these abuses.
'If people truly want to combat this phenomenon, it must be brought out into the public; it must be brought out into the light of day, and it must be done so very publicly so as to protect the people coming forth. It cannot be combated just on a national level, because it is international in nature. Governments work in collusion with other governments throughout the world; people who want power work in collusion with others; they use each other to gain social, economic and political power.' — Dr. Green (a programming alter)
Insights by Mary Lewis, LCSW:
I was born in the Land of Lincoln, following the war to end all wars, in 1947. It was a time of new hope, and as a baby boomer born to a family of educators, I was taught to believe in God, motherhood, apple-pie and the red, white, and blue: America was beautiful. I was raised in a conservative, traditional home, the second oldest child in a family of seven children. We practiced the Catholic Faith by tradition, and we children attended the local parochial school when one was available. There was no physical or sexual abuse in my childhood, so of course I was unaware of its existence. Because the media had not yet begun to play out the truth of such things, I actually reached late adolescence secure in the knowledge that the world was a very safe place in which to be.
I met the man of my dreams as a senior in college, and we married after graduation. I look back over those years and I marvel at the simplicity of our life then. There was nothing to fear, except of course the threat of some awful communist country again trying to mess with the United States. I truly lived my life believing in our government. In 1985 I began to realize that a new career might be in the making, as I saw my children growing into their own and myself responding more and more to requests for help by various troubled people. I decided to go back to school and get a Masters in Social Work.
During my undergraduate work, a professor discussed incest briefly, and then with some disdain, assured us that we would probably never see such a thing, since it only occurred in the 'Hills of Kentucky.' I believed him. The idea of such a horrible thing happening to another human being never crossed my mind again for many years. During my masters program, I again received no information about sexual abuse, or for that matter, any other abuse. I did not learn about addictions. I learned about research, and how to do it. That is an over-simplification of my experience, but suffice it to say, it did not prepare me for what I was to learn in the field of social work as I came to know it.
I was assigned an internship as a unit social worker in a freestanding psychiatric hospital. Thus began my real education. In October of that year, I experienced a poignant moment, branded in my mind. One of the nurses on the unit was commenting on the unusually high number of sexual abuse cases we had on the unit, when another nurse commented, 'Oh, didn't you know this is borderline season?' I was shocked to hear such a statement, but it was a long time before I understood the full implications of that remark.
Following my internship, I was then employed as the unit social worker at this hospital. It was here that I began to hear bizarre stories of satanic ritual abuse from several of the patients. We also saw several cases of self-mutilation, something I sincerely did not know ever happened, much less in such massive numbers. Cutting, burning, using acid to burn the skin, even one patient who purposely put a screw in her leg and let it get infected. This was all new to me. I didn't know what to make of the ritual abuse stories; they were extremely serious in nature, and beyond my ability to believe. I had never heard of such a thing, and yet, hearing the same type of thing over and over from so many different patients, confused me. Something was most certainly not right, but I still had no idea what was really going on.
As I began my private practice, I began to hear more and more stories related to horrible, ritualistic, disgusting abuse. One particular case was most disturbing. This person was most articulate about what had happened to her. Her childhood saga would be food for Stephen King. I was still confused and concerned about