particularly after someone sends the silver at Liu Wen and before it has even begun to cross the space between them he reverses it right back into them.
Finally by accident I send the silver into the golden ball. It has been in play a few times before but I have never even touched it. The long hair reaches for it and one of the other strangers tapps it away. Someone else jacks into our table as the golden ball is gliding past me and I feel everybody shift. It startles me and without thinking I reach out like a jai lai player and sling the ball my way.
When it hits there is an explosion of feeling. For a moment I am the golden ball and the golden ball is me and I am jolted with pleasure. It is orgasmic and threatens to unlock my knees but before I can even react it washes through me and we drop out of contact. I blink and everybody grins at me. I look at them.
Then I remember, 'My point.'
'Five points for a gold,' Liu Wen says.
Back into the light, where I find my sensitivity is heightened. Now when the red or black balls come near I feel a tickle of sensation, with the golden ball it is even more definite. The silver balls seem colder. I become more aggressive in my play and catch the red ball twice. The explosion is less dramatic than the golden ball, and I remember to say, 'My point,' each time.
Only once am I hit with the silver ball, and it drains me, takes away the sensitivity, and I have the sense that what I have lost has gone into my opponent. Hungrily I play harder until I almost take the silver ball again, managing by sheer luck to deflect it into one of the strangers. He has been playing a long time, and I am jolted again by the power of what drains off of him.
'My point,' I say.
'My loss,' he says. Our eyes meet and he looks hungrily at me, and we drop into the light.
I am more careful, made aware by my near miss, and manage to catch the black lacquer ball once. It is like the red lacquer. I catch the red lacquer.
We drop out of contact.
'My point,' I say.
'Time is up,' Liu Wen says. 'Nine points, you almost made it.'
Time is up? 'How long have we been playing?' I ask.
'Two hours,' Liu Wen says. 'That's how much we paid for. If I had realized you had nine points I'd have fed you the tenth, just so you could see what it was like.'
'Like the golden ball?' I ask, staring into the gold of the table.
He shakes his head. 'Different.'
Better, I think.
I look up from the gold. Already the others are back in contact, only Haibao, Liu Wen and I are out. Somehow I keep expecting to drop back in, but instead, they take off their contacts and I take off mine. My bare wrist feels cold in the air.
I look at them, Haibao looks tense. Liu Wen looks like he always does. I am aware of perspiration on my neck, under my hair. I am even more aware of my aching testicles, and that I am tight against the seam of my pants. I feel as if I have been cock-teased for a couple of hours, which is precisely what has happened. But it doesn't seem as if we have been playing for two hours.
I lick my lips.
'He did pretty well,' Haibao says.
'Beginners luck,' Liu Wen says.
I realize that Liu Wen paid for me. 'Thank you for the game,' I say.
'I love the way you talk,' Haibao says softly.
'How do I talk?' I ask.
'Your accent, the formal way you say things.'
'Do I have much accent?' I ask.
'It's charming, exotic, and yet you sound so refined.'
I thought my Mandarin was pretty good. I resolve to work on my accent.
Liu Wen shakes his head, smiling. 'I'll see you two later,' he says and heads back towards another table. I follow him with wistful eyes, wishing to be back in the golden glow, although I ache.
'He's handsome,' Haibao says.
'He could be,' I answer, 'if he would bother.'
'Come with me?' Haibao asks.
Of course I will go with him. We walk through the godown to the back, where there is a narrow iron stair, and up above the lights he opens a door on a room like a coffin, a little more than a meter high, the same wide. It is only then that I realize why he has taken me here, that there is not another game at the end, or at least, only the old game.
I laugh, although I am so aroused there will be damn little joy.
He stoops and enters, and sitting on the mat says, softly, '
And later, once, he asks me, 'Why 'ghost'?'
'You aren't a '
That is what it says on my identification. I was certain my IDEX would be
'You look tired,' the doctor says in Mandarin.
I am, I did not get much sleep the night before. It is Monday and I met Haibao for dinner last night-late because he had something he had to do before he saw me. I was jealous but did not ask.
I am here for an examination, just to make sure that my new kidneys are working.
'You are the first patient I have ever had who is the result of cosmetic gene-splicing,' she says. 'It's illegal here except for authorized disorders.'
It is now at home as well. Except for things like Taysachs, Downs, Herodata's Schizophrenia. She has accessed my deep records, I wonder if she will change my IDEX, but she doesn't seem to think of it. I am jittery and nervous.
The doctor is astonishing. Gone is the perfect, concerned woman I remember from when I was sick. She says the correct things, like 'You look tired,' but she says them with an air of detachment. I don't answer her and it doesn't seem to matter. She explains things, tells me how my kidneys grew, how the old ones are beginning to atrophy. She holds me off with her words. 'If you experience any depression or anxiety these days you are welcome to come and talk with a counselor.'
I nod unhappily. She is jacked in to my medical records. What does she find in my medical records that makes her think that I need counseling? Something from Baffin Island? Or perhaps my constructed genetic make-up is flawed and I am prone to system imbalances? She certainly does not want to counsel me. Why did I think her so wonderful?
'Are you eating right?' she asks, and does not wait for an answer. 'Still avoid things like beer and alcohol and not too much protein yet.' She stands. I stand.
'Thank you Dr. Cui,' I say.
It must be the unit that they used to keep me quiet. It must have encouraged me to trust my doctor, to assume that everything is all right.
All my life, or at least since I was seven and got my jacks implanted, I have jacked in; in school, at work, to call a friend, to find out how much credit was on my account. But those are operations where the system is