
Finally thirst and hunger drove him into the desert. A local rancher found him drinking from the same stream the guy's sheep used. The man took him into town, and Michael was placed in the orphanage. From there he went to his very first foster home.

It took him only a week to learn English. Less than that for math. The social services people had figured he was at a fifth-grade level when they started him at Roswell Elementary. They never could figure out why he didn't remember his parents or where he came from.

Michael still remembered the day Max brought in a piece of amethyst to show the class. He had said he liked it because it was the same color as the ring of light around their teacher, Mr. Tollifson. All the other kids laughed. Mr. Tollifson said it was nice that Max had such a good imagination.

And Michael had the amazing, joy-inducing realization that he wasn't alone anymore. Someone else could see what he saw.

'Mr. Cuddihy isn't going to be happy if the Hugheses complain that you've been staying out all night again,' Max commented as they drove down the empty highway.

'Mr. Cuddihy is never happy,' Michael answered. His social worker would have to deal. And if the Hugheses made too big a stink about it, Mr. Cuddihy would probably have to start looking for foster home number eleven. His social worker would just have to deal with that, too.

'You can come home with me,' Max volunteered. 'My parents won't care.'

'Nah. I feel like being by myself,' Michael answered.

He wouldn't mind hanging out all night at the Evanses'. But he didn't want to be there for breakfast in the morning. Mrs. Evans was always so cheerful. She'd be asking a million questions about school and stuff. And Mr. Evans would be reading the comics out loud with all his goofy voices. It was way too much family for Michael to handle.

Sometimes Michael wondered what his life would have been like if the Evanses had been the ones to find him instead of that rancher. If he had just been in a different place at a different time, he could have had Max and Isabel's life, growing up with parents who loved him. Don't even go there, Michael thought. It's pointless.

'You sure you don't want to come back with me?' Max asked. 'My mom would probably make you blueberry pancakes, and we have that brown mustard you like to go with them.'

Michael shook his head. He was used to being alone now. He was good at it. There was no point in getting used to something that would just get taken away.


Isabel pulled open the top drawer of her dresser and stared inside. Her makeup was neatly organized by use, brand, and color. Maybe I should make little combinations of blush, eye shadow, lipstick, and nail polish, she thought. Then I could just pull out the set that matched whatever outfit I have on and-

No. That would be way too anal. Isabel gently closed the drawer.

She had to stop driving herself nuts over this whole Liz Ortecho situation. If she didn't watch herself, she'd move on to organizing her shoes by heel height and width and embroidering the days of the week on her panties.

Okay, here's what I'll do, Isabel decided. If I get even a hint that Liz is going to open her fat mouth, I'll go into her dreams and find a way to drive her crazy. She can spend the rest of her life in an insane asylum, babbling about aliens. No one will pay any attention to her.

Isabel stretched out on her bed and smiled. Poor Liz. I can see her now. She might even have to get shock treatment.

Now that she had that little problem solved, it was time to decide something really important. What to wear to the homecoming dance. Isabel planned to be crowned homecoming queen, and she wanted to look good. Well, she always looked good. But she wanted to look good.

Isabel grabbed a magazine off her night table and started flipping through it. Definitely not that pink froufrou thing, she thought. The girl looks like she went shopping after an overdose of Prozac. Being that happy just wasn't attractive.

And not that red rag with the built-in push-up bra. No, no, no. 'Somebody call 1-800-Go Ricki,' she mumbled. 'I have a candidate for the 'My Best Friend Went to the Homecoming Dance Dressed Like A Hoochie Mama' show.'

She threw the magazine on the floor and picked up a movie magazine. She studied a photo of a British movie star going into some premiere wearing an ice blue slip dress. Simple. Sexy. And oh, so Isabel.

She would go shopping tomorrow. All she had to do was talk her dad out of his credit card. It had been a few months since the last time. And the homecoming dance was a very important event in a girl's life. He would understand that.

Isabel checked the clock-2 A. M. She'd already gotten in the two hours of sleep she needed, and there were hours and hours to go before she had to get ready for school. She reached for the remote, then changed her mind. Late-night TV sucked. She'd already seen every infomercial about a hundred times. If only humans didn't need so much sleep, there would be good stuff on all night.

She could go see what Max was doing or call up Michael. But they would probably end up arguing about Liz, and Isabel wasn't in the mood.

Isabel checked the clock again. All the guys in Roswell should be asleep by now. She could do some dream walking and make extra sure she would get the votes she needed to be elected homecoming queen. Not that there was any real doubt, but Isabel was a junior, and usually the homecoming queen was a senior. Besides, it was something to do.

She closed her eyes and allowed her breathing to become slow and even. Years of practice made it easy for her to slip into the state between sleep and wakefulness, the place where the shimmering dream orbs were visible.

She never got tired of watching the dream orbs swirl around her, like giant soap bubbles blown with an enchanted bubble wand. Each orb gave off one pure note of music, and Isabel had spent a lot of hours matching up the people she knew with the sound of their dream orb.

Who should I choose tonight? Hmmm. I think it's Alex Manes's turn, she decided. She listened for the sonorous sound of Alex's dream orb, a sound so rich, she could almost taste it. Yes, there it was.

Isabel stretched out her arms and began to hum, calling the orb to her. It spun into her hands and she peered into it, feeling like a gypsy with a crystal ball. Inside the orb she could see a miniature version of one of the halls of Ulysses F. Olsen High. Alex was dreaming about school. How fun.

She hummed louder, and the orb expanded. When it was large enough, she stepped through, the surface of the soap bubble soft against her skin.

Alex must have a good visual memory, she thought. His dream version of school was pretty accurate. She giggled as he ran down the hall past her.

'The calculus final can't be today,' Alex cried. 'It's only October. I didn't study.'

'The final isn't today,' Isabel said calmly.

Alex spun around to face her. His red hair was mussed, as if he'd been nervously running his fingers through it. 'Are you sure? I just saw Mr. O'Brien, and he said the test had already started. He said he was taking off ten points for every second I was late.'

'He was teasing you. The only thing you're late for is the homecoming dance.' Isabel took Alex by the hand and led him toward the gym. He didn't ask one question. She loved how easy it was to convince people of stuff in dreams.

Isabel pushed open the gym's big double doors. A spotlight hit her and Alex, and crowns appeared on their heads.

'Can you believe we won?' Isabel asked. 'We got elected homecoming queen and king! I think we're supposed to lead this dance.'

'Oh. Really? You and me?' Alex blinked into the spotlight.

'You and me.' Isabel wrapped her arms around Alex's neck and rested her head on his shoulder. Nice, she thought. Exactly the right height. And he smells good, too.

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