'Officially, she's not. Officially, she's in Oranja, running the state while Peter besieges Camarghara. Please don't tell anyone that you saw her.'

'Of course. If that's what you want.'

'It is. Come over and sit with us.'

Brother Candle followed the Duke to a table where the Queen of Navaya had just settled with six older men. One was a Dainshau. Two were Devedians. Of those two, one's dress suggested that he had come from Direcia, perhaps accompanying Isabeth. The other, named Michael Carhart, was a Devedian religious scholar of considerable substance and Khaurene's senior Devedian.

Of the remaining men, two were Episcopal priests and one looked like a professional soldier. Brother Candle recognized none of them.

Once Brother Candle and the Duke seated themselves, there were no empty chairs. Brother Candle said, 'I presume that I'm the last to arrive. So what's the occasion for such a distinguished assembly?'

Tormond said, 'A communication from the Patriarch. Sublime, not Immaculate.'

Brother Candle surveyed the others. How had Isabeth gotten here so fast?

'Isabeth was here when the letter arrived. She came because King Peter had heard from the Patriarch earlier, on a related matter.'

'I see.'

'Sublime has commanded me, as Duke of the End of Connec, to rid the province of all heretics and unbelievers. He's done that before, but never backed by the threat of force. As always, he didn't specify who the offenders might be.'

One Episcopal priest muttered, 'The man is an idiot'

The other priest glared.

The first said, 'Does he suppose Johannes would let him get away with that?'

The man who looked like a soldier said, 'The message seems timed to arrive right after Immaculate's assassination. That failed. So the threat has no substance.'

Queen Isabeth said, 'Sublime presumes too much. He believes his own propaganda. His grasp on reality has become suspect.'

Brother Candle turned to Duke Tormond for further explanation.

Tormond said, 'The fool ordered Peter to ready his forces for an invasion of the Connec.'

'Peter of Navaya?' That did indicate a serious disconnect with reality. Why would Sublime think that Peter would abandon the Reconquest to attack his wife's brother? Also, while Peter was a devout Chaldarean, he was tolerant. He did not

persecute the minorities within his own kingdom. Not even Pramans, so long as his own suzerainty remained unchallenged. Hell, rumor had it that Peter's queen was a Maysalean heretic herself. And there were more Maysaleans there than anywhere outside the Connec, except the rump Praman mercantile republic of Platadura, a port on the Direcian coast of the Mother Sea just beyond the eastern coastal end of the Verses Mountains.

Brother Candle suggested, 'King Peter now regrets that his father shifted his allegiance from Viscesment to Brothe.'

Queen Isabeth confessed, 'He did that only because a few important vassals insisted. And they still do.'

The military man asked, 'Will they make war on fellow Chaldareans?'

'No, Sir Eardale. Our lords are of one mind militarily. The Reconquest. They won't respond to Sublime's call. They all have ties with our Connecten families. But someone else certainly will respond if called.'

'Who?” Tormond asked.

'Arnhand, brother. Those people are all thieves.'

'Arnhand has its hands full with Santerin.'

'No one else has the manpower and moral flexibility. Consider helping make sure the conflict with Santerin stays hot.'

'Why are we here?' Brother Candle asked.

'Because your peoples are the ones it's going to happen to if Sublime forces the issue. Father Clayto, here, has condemned Brothe though he's an adherent of the Brothen Patriarchy. Bishop LeCroes, though, is teetering.'

Absurd. Brother Candle did not know the man but knew the name. LeCroes was Immaculate's bishop in Khaurene, where the Episcopal population favored the anti-Patriarch.

Father Clayto was critical of Brothe and what Brothe wanted to do in the Connec. For that he had received severe reprimands. Sublime had demoted him to assistant pastor in one of Khaurene's poorest parishes.

The righteous never go unpunished.

Tormond said, 'I want to know where each of you will stand if Sublime does try to make war.'

Michael Carhart said, 'That man doesn't care about heresy or dissent Greed drives him. He means to plunder the Connec to finance a war against Calzir and another crusade into Suriet. The Holy Lands.' Suriet being the name of the Holy Lands in Melhaic, a language spoken amongst the Wells of Ihrian and by the Devedians of the latest diaspora. 'He's been trying to make forced loans from us in the Episcopal States. In Sonsa the Brotherhood of War tried to destroy and plunder the entire Devedian community.'

In truth, whenever the Brothen Church gained power, laws controlling the activities of non-Chaldareans soon took effect. And those, invariably, worked to the detriment of the larger community.

The more educated people in most communities were non-Chaldareans because most Chaldareans of standing disdained literacy. If the Episcopal nobility wanted something written or read, or if they needed accounts kept, they hired some slinking, greedy, hand-wringing Deve to do the job.

Brother Candle said, 'You've heard rumors of the synod of the Perfect this spring?'

Several people nodded. The military man shook his head.

Brother Candle continued, 'The consensus was that all who follow the Path are required to resist evil actively, even to the extent of countering force with force. If the Patriarch — or anyone else — directly attacks any Seeker After Light for nothing more than the fact that his feet are on the Path, then the Seeker will be absolved of the taint of sin acquired by resisting evil.'

Father Clayto asked, 'Are you declaring war on me Church?'

'Don't be willfully ridiculous, Father. I said the synod believes that we're morally obligated to fight back if we're attacked. Nobody will be given a dispensation to go to Brothe to root Sublime out and hang him.'

Michael Carhart said, “That's an entirely reasonable attitude. The Devedian community will assume the same posture.'

Father Clayto snipped, 'I suspect the Deves of Sonsa made a similar claim before committing their atrocities there.'

Gently, Michael Carhart asked, 'How many of those atrocities occurred outside Sonsa's Devedian quarter, Father? How many? Tell me, how many Chaldareans had their homes burned? Explain to me how it is that you people always find your way to the argument that us resisting rape, robbery, and murder is a crime against your god.'

Duke Tormond stepped in. 'Enough. I just want to know if your peoples will lie down should Sublime actually do something besides talk.' Before anyone responded, he continued, 'I've sent a deputation to Brothe. Another deputation. Though the first had no impact on Bishop Serifs's bad behavior and the second did nothing but bring back absurd demands. Sir Eardale was part of that mission. He had a good look at Firaldia, the Episcopal States, and Brothe.' He pronounced the soldier's name Eh-ahr-dah-lay. 'Brothe itself has been demilitarized.'

Brother Candle knew the name, if not the man. Sir Eardale Dunn hailed from Santerin, a minor noble banished for reasons known only to himself, his king, and presumably, Duke Tormond. He had been Tormond's leading soldier for two decades, never having had to fight a war. He was not well known outside Metrelieux.

Sir Eardale said, 'Sublime's ability to undertake a significant military operation exists entirely inside his own imagination. He believes his own propaganda. God is on his side because he's the Patriarch.'

Sir Eardale continued, 'Sublime has no troops he could send out on a foreign adventure. Every man he can afford to keep is waiting for Johannes Blackboots to attack. Most of them keeping their boots on at night so they don't have to waste time getting started running if Hansel does strike.

'Meantime, I'd be remiss if I didn't tell you that the Emperor is interested in Calzir. Vondera Koterba, his puppet in Alameddine, is recruiting mercenaries, possibly with an eye to annexing Calzir.'

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