the cathedral walls.'

The people of Antieux put on airs about their main church. It was large and grand but not a true cathedral, yet they applauded that bit of Serifs's hubris. Even if most people who lived in Antieux were Seekers After Light or Episcopate who recognized Immaculate II as the True Patriarch.

Grade Drocker appeared at the peak of the bishop's diatribe. He was angry but did not interfere. He consulted Brotherhood henchmen who had seen the whole show. He sighed, glared, shook his head, but did not intervene.

He was content to let Sublime's pet idiot make a complete ass of himself. And Serifs piled up the reasons why he ought to be reduced to itinerant brother status and sent to convert the pagans of the Grand Marshes, such a mission being a common fate for truly bad priests.

Count Raymone said, 'We came here to submit, in the name of peace, despite our experience of the Brothen Church and its people. Our efforts have been rejected and reviled. Hear me, all of you who serve the Adversary, and especially the usurper Honario Benedocto: Antieux rejects you completely and utterly. Let the Lord Our God look down upon this abomination of a bishop and understand why. Let him examine each of our hearts. Then let Him proclaim where the right of the matter lies.'

Obliquely, Count Raymone had declared war. And had placed the outcome in the hands of God.

As Raymone and his companions returned to Antieux, a hundred minds were hard at work already trying to determine how best to guide the hand of God toward a favorable conclusion. Even Bishop Serifs himself did not fail to notice that all three pro-Brothen priests returned to the city.

Else Tage thought that God must spend a lot of time being amazed by the words men put into His mouth.

'They didn't mean it when they made their offer,' Else told his troops. 'They were pretending in hopes that we would go away. Raymone Garete's family are almost all heretics.' He regurgitated the official position recently articulated by Grade Drocker. He intended to parrot the sorcerer as long as he remained caught in his current role.

He needed time to digest what the folk of Antieux had just tried to do.

No Sha-lug would have yielded an inch, religiously, in similar circumstances. But you would not expect unbelievers to do the same, simply because they were wrong.

Bo Biogna expressed a common sentiment. 'Sounds like the smart thing to do, you ask me.'


'There ain't twenty guys in this crowd who give a fuck if they worship rocks or snakes down there, Cap. An' most of them is probably thieves like that fuckin' buzzard bishop.'

Else nodded. What Bo said was, largely, true.

He glimpsed the pretty blond boy in a second-story window, watching Garete's party withdraw. Else studied him until he realized he was being watched.

'The idiot bishop's play toy,' Pinkus Ghort said, following Else's gaze.


'You up for some close-order training? My guys against yours?'

'If you keep your rat-face Berger away from my Pico and Justi.'

'You afraid he'll hurt them?'

'No. I worry about what Just Plain Joe might do if he figures Berger is bullying them.'

'Good point. I've never seen nobody as strong as that Joe. Now what the fuck is going on down there?'

A big clatter and uproar was developing beside the river.

'Ah, damn!' Else swore. 'I knew this was going to happen. This is why I make my guys get their water on this side of the hill.'

Water for the camp came up from the river. The manor's cisterns could not sustain an army. Not even a pathetic little mob like this.

Water carriers from the camp had gotten into it with city youths who were swimming. There were more of the latter than of the former. The situation was a nightmare that found a way to be born.

Younger soldiers camped farther downhill whooped and ran to help me water carriers. Ghort said, 'Ah, shit. Here we go.'

Else said, 'Bo, go tell our guys I want them to fall in here, right now.'

Ghort asked, 'You're not going to get into this, are you?'

'No. I'll take them on a march so they don't get into it'

'I'd better get mine going, too. Or half of them will end up dead due to their own stupidity.'

The situation developed too fast, and with a mad inevitability. More mercenaries raced downhill. More young men came out of the city. Their meeting became a big street brawl beneath the city wall. Count Raymone Garete was still on the far side of Antieux so was unable to stanch the stupidity of his city's youngsters. In the vineyards overlooking the town the Patriarch's authorized Brotherhood officers failed to take notice. They were all inside the manor house, pouting and avoiding the weather.

Else finally figured out what he had missed about the situation down there. While the town boys frolicked in the river and traded insults with the besiegers, hundreds of people were carrying water into the city. Antieux's cisterns were not ready for a siege.

Initially, neither side brought weapons to the fray. But it was not long before the mercenaries seized that advantage.

It took only a few killings to panic the people of Antieux.

The mercenaries pressed forward. A seething mob fought around the postern gate, trying to get inside. People inside did not shut the gate. They put up no resistance when the mercenaries began pouring in. Archers on the walls sent a few shafts down, to no effect. The flood would not be stemmed.

Else could not stop his own company from rushing down there once talk of plunder started. Only Bo Biogna, Just Plain Joe, and Pig Iron, of course, controlled themselves and stayed back.

Of Ghort's company only Ghort himself failed to surrender to the reek of blood on the wind.

Redfearn Bechter finally came charging out of the manor house, demanding, 'What the hell is going on? Where did everybody go?' There were not thirty men left in camp.

'Our boys have gotten into Antieux,' Else told him. 'I imagine they're murdering everyone in sight.'

'Who told them to do that?'

'The Patriarch and Bishop Serifs seemed pretty clear on the no mercy stuff.'

'How long has this been going on? Why didn't somebody come tell us?'

Ghort observed, 'Us riffraff aren't allowed in the house. Unless somebody comes out and invites us. I assume because we might track mud and pig shit all over the parquetry.'

The city was not far enough away for the screaming to go unheard.

'You don't need to be a wiseass, Ghort.' Bechter hurried back into the house. Soon all the Brothers came outside. Then the bishop materialized. And flew into a rage that worsened dramatically when no one paid any attention to his orders. He knocked one of the Brotherhood soldiers down. Before he could do anything more obnoxious, Grade Drocker arrived.

The sorcerer's fell stare calmed the bishop. In a moment Serifs announced his intention of finding a horse so he could get over to his city in a hurry. He had properties in Antieux. Somebody had to protect them.

Drocker spotted Else and Ghort. 'You. With the attitude. What happened?'

Ghort did as he was told. He explained.

Drocker asked, 'Why are you still here?'

'I was told to make war on enemies of the Church, not to murder no women and children. Whether I'm there or here won't make no difference. You've seen this stuff before. These things are like fires that have to burn themselves out. If I stay here — and I ain't got orders to go nowhere else — I won't stain my soul with no more sins than it's got on it already.'

'And you? Hecht?'

'I agree with Pinkus.'

Drocker grunted. 'From what I see, you who stayed are men who have seen this beast before. As have I. But I must show my face over there, even so.' That face was in such a state that no expression could be read there. He

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