Saluda sneered. 'All that perishes before the fact that you were one of the rare few who actually fought the Calzirans. You were the one who distracted their mages long enough for the Collegium to break the pirates.'

'How is that going?' Else asked that rather than why Paludan was determined to be disgruntled by a Brothen success.

'Not good for the pirates. Groups are cut off all over. They just want to leave Brothe, now. But that isn't working for them. There aren't any boats left'

Paludan grumbled, 'The Calziran wizards are frantic. They keep trying to salvage their manpower. But that isn't going well, either.'

Else asked, 'We know that they survived, then?' A concentration on force preservation? Military thinking, that which ought to be alien to the pirates.

Paludan grunted. He was ready for a change of subject.

The Bruglioni properties had come through unscathed. Gervase and Paludan wanted to sit back and let someone else clean up. They had little idea of the reality out there in the Mother City. Men with no personal stake in Brothe, the Imperials and those squatters who had enlisted for the pay, had done and were doing most of the fighting. Neither group would take risks. They were disinclined to die for a city that disdained them.

Mr. Caniglia appeared. 'Master Paludan, your uncle has arrived. He'll be up in a few minutes.'

Saluda told Else, 'They may have to carry him. He has trouble with stairs.' He did not seem pleased by the visit.

Divino Bruglioni arrived puffing, presumably due to the change of attitude. His footmen seated him in a chair the house maintained exclusively for the Bruglioni Principal, then withdrew. 'Stay, Captain Hecht,' Principatй Divino said when Else started to follow.

Paludan's face darkened. But he controlled himself, a habit he had developed since the deaths of his sons.

Principatй Divino told Else, 'I hear you did quite well out there.'

'I managed to get myself beaten to a pulp.'

'You were in the right place at the right time. You distracted our most dangerous enemies at the critical moment.'

'I guarantee you, it wasn't part of my grand scheme. I did what I thought needed doing. If those mystery blond men hadn't turned up I'd be just another body to chunk in the river.'

'Possibly. Possibly. What can you tell me about those people?'

'The blond men? I never saw them. I just heard about them. I was unconscious when they got there. Sergeant Bechter told me they were there. Bechter from the Brotherhood.'

'How about the Calziran sorcerers?'

'I only saw the woman.'

'Any idea why they survived?'

'Had to be the timing. The blonds showed up before the Calzirans were done with me.'

The Principate continued asking questions, moving to the Bruglioni household. He demonstrated a close knowledge of Else's efforts. Closer than Paludan or Gervase. Paludan was unaware that some staff had been replaced.

The old man changed course. 'Paludan. What are you doing to get family back from the country?'

Paludan looked vaguely bewildered. He had sent letters. Followed by threatening letters. 'They're stalling around, Uncle. But they'll respond eventually.'

'Good. Good.' But Divino did not sound pleased. 'Captain Hecht. I'm going to my chambers, now. Walk with me please.'

Else shrugged at his employer and did as he was told.

Out of earshot, the old priest said, 'I left before we got to fiscal matters.'

Else waited. |

'What are you doing about the books?'

'Bringing in a Deve auditor. To look at everything. Household and business accounts both.'

'What do you expect to find?'

'I know what he'll find. That somebody's been looting the Bruglioni treasury. The magnitude of the theft is what I want to determine.'

'You have a suspect?'

'I have someone in mind. But he may be too obvious.'

'Gervase Saluda. Of course. I think Gervase is dipping his beak. In here. We have more to discuss.'

'Yes, Your Grace.' Else did not conceal his unease.

'Gervase is a true friend to Paludan, Hecht. He's Paludan's only friend. And Paludan is Gervase's only friend. I don't see Gervase putting that friendship at risk by committing a crime too big to forgive.'

'The Bruglioni are supposed to have a lot of money.'

'The family is wealthy, yes. But not much of it is in the form of actual money. It's mostly agricultural and mining properties. Sit. I have a proposition.'

Else remained nervous. Divino Bruglioni was a complete unknown.

'You're bright. You're skilled. You take action when it's needed. Paludan let this place go to hell. His problem is, he doesn't want to be bothered. And he doesn't know how to manage people. He wasn't taught. And hasn't tried to learn.'

'I understood Freido never thought anyone but Soneral needed teaching.'

'Freido was an older Paludan. My brother wasn't good for the family. He stopped insisting that our brightest youngsters stay here to tend the family fortune. His temper and drunken bad behavior made them all want to leave.'

Else sat quietly, wondering what the Principal had in mind.

'These are difficult times, Hecht. The malaise affecting the Bruglioni isn't confined to this family. It afflicts all Brothe. It lies like a fog on the Episcopal world. A crusade might wake us up. But at what cost? The Patriarch is obsessed with making a mark on history. At a time when we have no tools to do the work. And a time when nobody wants to get involved in Patriarchal adventures.'

Else nodded. And waited, puzzled.

'Hecht, the whole world seems to be trying to thwart Sublime. These mad Calzirans have distracted him completely from his ambitions in the Connec.'

Else considered offering the opinion that a higher power was vetoing Sublime's machinations.

Divino sighed, caught his breath, continued when Else said nothing. 'Duke Tormond and a mixed delegation, including the queen of Navaya, who is authorized to speak for King Peter, is approaching Brothe. The Duke is offering the Connec's support in punishing Calzir. Queen Isabeth says Peter would contribute warships to the campaign.'

'That's a tit for tat? If the Patriarch leaves the Connec alone the Connec will rescue him from Calzir?'

'It hasn't been said that way, but that's what it amounts to. And Sublime, despite being a prime specimen of Benedocto weasel, can't possibly slime his way around Tormond and Peter this time. Not with the Emperor peeking over everybody's shoulders.'

'Which means he'll never raise the money to finance an overseas adventure?'

“True. You do see past the end of your nose. I like that'

'Thank you, Your Grace.' Else felt better, suddenly.

'I brought you here so I could get a better look at you. I liked what I heard. And now I like what I see. So. Can I hire you away from my nephew?'

'Your Grace?'

'Not right away. I may be a Prince of the Church but I'm still a Bruglioni. You've only just started whipping this place into shape. I want you to stay after that till Paludan's jealousy, anger, and paranoia crush his good sense and he fires you. Then you come to work for me.'

Else gaped.

'What do you think?'

'I think I'm overawed. I think it's too good to be true. It's the hope of finding opportunity like this that brings men from the corners of the world to Brothe. Of course I'll do it.' Of course he would do it. It was a dream come

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