'She's fine. Had a little scare last week, though.'

'When those Calzirans came up out of the underground?'

'Happened right down the street. I hope that's the last bunch.'

'Collegium says so.'

'That the same Collegium that gave the all-clear a week before that mob popped up?'

'You'd think a gang of sorcerers like them would be a little sharper at their own racket, wouldn't you?'

'Wouldn't you? Can you tell me anything that'll make my job easier?'

'Nope. Well, don't turn your back on nobody. Like I said, the Principatй ain't thrilled about how things are working out. I don't think he'd do anything drastic. But he's a little freaky right now. Not much else is going the way he wants, either.'

'Why should he be unhappy with me? I'll be moving over to the Collegium any day now. He wouldn't want me to jeopardize that, would he?'

'I'll remind him. He's just anxious for something to go his way so he can get some exercise patting himself on the back for being so clever.'

'You ask me, things are going amazingly well. I thought it would take me twenty years to get where I've gotten in just a few months. And you…'

'Yeah, shit. I know. I'm lucky to have a job. And Doneto, too. He really screwed the bitch in the Connecten fiasco. But he got promoted anyway.”

'They do say nepotism works best when you keep it in the family. Which wasn't what I was going to say, but sometimes the truth just slides out.'

'A joke? From you? Damn, Pipe. You're starting to come around. You'll turn into a real human being if you don't watch out.'

'I'm trying. How're Bo and Joe?'

'Joe got kicked up to be in charge of the Principatй's Stables.”

'Good for him.'

'Pig Iron lives like a king.'

'Good for him, too. I have to go, Pinkus.'

'The Castella?'

'Yes. They've brought in a painter who's trying to create a portrait of Starkden based on my memories. I think it's a waste of time. But who argues with the Brotherhood of War?'

'Especially the Special Office. Bechter's all right, though. He's just a soldier. He don't preach at you.'

'He is a good man.'

'Look out for that asshole Drocker.'

'Hey, I'm careful of everybody who hasn't shown me any reason to trust them.'


'I trust you, Pinkus. I trust you to be Pinkus Ghort. I trust you to look out for Pinkus Ghort. And I think I know Pinkus Ghort well enough to know when I need to strap my chastity belt on.'

Ghort snorted. 'Is it true, what I hear? The Bruglioni are really gonna give you a company to take down to Alameddine?'

'I don't expect many real Bruglioni to be involved. Except my man, Polo. He's Uncle Divino's spy. He's obvious and inept. We've worked things out. He pretends he's just my batman. I pretend I don't know he's watching me. Appropriate greetings to Bo and Joe. And see that Pig Iron gets a turnip from me. I have to get going. I can't be late.'

Ghort grunted.

Else was right. He could not be late. Because he was not expected at any specific time. The summons from the Castella had not mentioned a time to show up.

In addition to working with that painter, Else was being wooed by the Brotherhood. He had, twice, turned down the chance to join. Which, according to Redfearn Bechter, actually pleased Grade Drocker.

Drocker did not consider Piper Hecht Brotherhood material. A blind man could see that Piper Hecht was not devoted to God.

Irony in the extreme. Else thought. Irony worthy of a divine chuckle.

The Brotherhood had been having trouble recruiting for decades. Modern Chaldareans were not prepared to endure the austerity and poverty expected of God's Soldiers.

Lamenting the headed-to-Hell-in-a-hand-basket state of the Chaldarean world, Divino Bruglioni claimed, 'What this century needs is a good plague to revive the old values.'

Redfearn Bechter waited at the blue postern. That was not remarkable. A lookout on the Castella ramparts would have seen Else coming.

'You're later than we'd hoped.'

'The letter said the morning.'

'I understand.'

'It's like a mausoleum in here.' The halls and rooms and corridors were empty and still. The day-to-day austerity of the Brotherhood was intimidating in itself. Else found them every bit as committed and determined as the best Sha-lug.

'Those Brothers who were able went to Alameddine with the Emperor's scouts. Those of us who stayed are too old, too sick, too injured, or too involved in the planning to go.' Bechter added, in a whisper, 'I'd rather be out there myself. Not that I like fighting.'

'Not enough men left to dilute Grade Drocker's venom, eh?'

Bechter chuckled. 'You said it. I didn't. But I won't have to gut it out much longer. The convoy from Runch should show up before the end of the week. Hawley Quirke will be back. The sorcerer can stew in his own juice.'

That made Else uncomfortable. He was not sure why. 'Who Else is coming? Anyone I know?'

'How would I know? Hell. How would you know any of them?'

'By reputation, I mean. I wouldn't know any of them personally. Unless they shared those happy days in the Connec with us.'

'Those men are either all dead, here, or down south. Scouting out the best ways to stomp Calzir.'

They entered a room where, to Else's surprise, nearly fifty men sat quietly while Ferris Renfrow employed a long wand to point out areas of interest on a map of mainland Calzir painted on a blank wall that had been plastered, then whitewashed beforehand. The map had south toward me top, as the foot of the Firaldian peninsula appeared from Brothe. Artists continued painting the map while Renfrow talked about the Calziran kingdom. The painters wore Imperial livery. The major stuff, coastlines, cities, passes, rivers, and fortresses, were on the wall already. The artists were adding finer details.

Else was impressed.

He was more impressed by the gathering. He was late, yes, but not very. The audience had not yet begun to show the inevitable signs of boredom. Several major personalities including Johannes Blackboots himself and numerous members of the Collegium, were there. He saw Grade Drocker, of course, and some of the most senior commanders of the Patriarchal States and of the Grail Empire. Representatives of the Five Families were present as well, including Rogoz Sayag.

Else did not see Pinkus Ghort. Of course. He had left Ghort on the street, as unaware of this gathering as he had been himself. But if Piper Hecht belonged here, so did Pinkus Ghort. Ghort would be closer to what was going on.

Bechter led him to a seat on the left side of the room. So. His presence was not exalted.

A servant brought tea, a luxury Else had enjoyed only a few times before, long ago in al-Qarn.

Ferris Renfrow watched, apparently amused. But the man did not interrupt his monologue.

Renfrow talked about Calzir as though he had been there.

This was a dangerous man. How well did he know Dreanger? How much time had he spent in the Holy Lands, amongst the Wells of Ihrian?

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