anyway. You have to tell me. Tell me what to do, to prevent this happening.'

Razor Eddie's mouth moved in a slow, utterly mirthless smile. 'Kill yourself.'

'You betrayed John to the Harrowing,' said Joanna. 'Why should we believe anything you say? Maybe we should forget about rescuing you. Just stick you back in the cocoon again.'

'That's not going to happen, Eddie,' I said quickly, as the horror filled his eyes again. 'Come with us. Help us prevent this. We're not far from the

Timeslip's boundary. I can crack it open, get us home again. Back where we belong.'

'Back ... into the past?'

That stopped me for a moment. If this Eddie had got here the hard way, the long way, could I risk taking him back? Would the Nightside accept two Razor Eddies? I pushed the thought aside. It didn't matter. There was no way I was going to leave Eddie here. In the dark. In the cocoon. Some things you just can't do and still call yourself a man.

We got him on his feet, and this time his legs supported him. Even after all he'd been through, he was still Razor Eddie, and tough as nails. Joanna and I helped him across the room, pushed and pulled him through the hole in the wall, and out into the alley. As soon as we were all out into the night, the sounds started up again. Eddie actually cringed for a moment as he heard them, but only for a moment. His gaze was steady now, and his mouth was firm. By the time we reached the main street again, he was walking on his own. Something had broken him, something awful, but he was still Razor Eddie.

'How did you end up the only living person here?' I said finally. 'When is this, anyway? How far in my future? I've just come back into the Nightside, after five years away. Does that help you date it? Dammit, Eddie, how many centuries have passed, since the city fell?'

'Centuries?' said Eddie. 'It seems like centuries.

But I've always had a good grasp of time. Not centuries, John. It's only been eighty-two years since you betrayed us all, and the Nightside fell.'

Joanna and I looked at each other, and then out over the deserted city. The crumbling buildings, the starless, moonless night.

'How could all this have happened in just eighty-two years?' I said.

'You were very thorough, John. All of this is down to you. Because of what you did.' Eddie tried to sound more accusing, but he was just too tired. 'All Humanity is dead ... thanks to you. The world is dead. Cold and corrupt, the only remaining life ... like maggots writhing in a rotten fruit. And only I am left... to tell the tale. Because I can't die. Part of the deal I made ... all those years ago. On the Street of the Gods. Fool. Damned fool. I have lived long enough ... to see the end of everything and everyone I ever cared for. To see all my dreams dashed, and made into nightmares. And now I want so badly to die . .. and I can't.'

'What did John do?' Joanna said urgently. 'What could he have done ... to bring about this?'

'You should never have gone looking for your mother,' said Eddie. 'You couldn't cope, with what you found. You couldn't cope with the truth.'

'Hang in there, Eddie,' I said lamely. 'You're going home. Back in Time, to the Nightside as it was.

And I swear to you ... we'll find a way to prevent this. I'll die, rather than let this happen.'

Razor Eddie turned his head away and wouldn't look at me. He breathed deeply of the relatively fresh air, as though it had been a long time since he'd breathed anything like it. He was walking more or less normally now, and we were making a good pace as I headed us towards the boundary. But we were still in the same street when it all went to hell.

They came up out of holes in the ground, before and behind and all around us. Dark and glistening, squeezing and forcing their flexible bodies through the ragged openings in the dusty ground. We stopped dead in our tracks, looking quickly around us. And everywhere there were long spindly legs, hard-shelled bodies, compound eyes, grinding teeth and clattering mandibles, and long, quivering antennae. Insects, of all shapes and breeds, species I'd never seen before, all horribly, unnaturally large. More of them came scuttling and scurrying out of the ruined buildings, or skittering down the crumbling walls, light as a breath of air for all their size, joining the hundreds and hundreds already circling us, hopping and seething in a living carpet, covering the ground. The smallest were six inches long, the largest two and even three feet in length, with great serrated mandibles that looked sharp enough and strong enough to take off a man's arm or leg in a single vicious bite. Sometimes the insects crawled right over

each other to get a better look at us, but for the moment at least they maintained a safe distance.

I could feel my gorge rising. I really can't stand creepy-crawlies.

'Well,' I made myself say lightly, 'I always thought insects would end up inheriting the world. Just never thought they'd be so bloody big.'

'Cockroaches,' said Joanna, her voice thick with loathing and disgust. 'Revolting things. I should have stomped on more when I had the chance.' She waved her cigarette lighter at the nearest insects, and they actually seemed to shrink back a little. It had to be the light. It wasn't any real threat now, but their instincts remembered. Maybe we could use it to open up a path, make a run for it... I glanced at Eddie, to see how he was doing, and was horrified to discover he was quietly crying. What had they done to him? The great and terrible Razor Eddie, Punk God of the Straight Razor, reduced to tears by a bunch of bloody bugs? I was suddenly so angry I couldn't speak. Somehow, before I left this place, there was going to be some serious payback.

'This ... is disgusting,' said Joanna. 'We've come to where the really wild things are. Nature at its most basic and appalling.'

'Got that right,' said a familiar, cheerful and self-satisfied voice. I looked round sharply, and there he was, in a little circle entirely clear of insects—the Collector. An old acquaintance of mine, from before

I left the Nightside. Not a friend. I don't think the Collector has friends. Got a hell of a lot of enemies, though. He was currently dressed as a gangster from the Roaring Twenties; every detail correct, from the white spats on his shoes to the overbearing colour scheme of the waistcoat, to the snap-brimmed hat. But he was at least thirty pounds too heavy for the suit, and his stomach strained against the half-buttoned waistcoat. As always there was an impression of the utterly false about him. Of someone hiding behind a whole series of masks. His face was almost painfully florid, his eyes gleamed fiercely, and his smile was totally insincere. No change there, then. Warm yellow sunlight surrounded him, from no obvious source, and the insects gave it plenty of room.

'What the hell are you doing here, Collector?' I said. 'And who did you steal that incredibly vulgar suit from?'

'It is rather good, isn't it?' said the Collector smugly. 'It's an original Al Capone, acquired from his very own wardrobe when he wasn't looking. He won't miss it. He had twenty others just like it. I even have a letter of authentification, from Capone's tailor.' He beamed about him, not in the least disturbed by his surroundings. 'We do meet in the strangest places, don't we, John?'

'Do I take it you know this person?' said Joanna, looking at me almost accusingly.

'This is the Collector,' I explained resignedly.

'You name it and he collects it; even if it's nailed down and surrounded by barbed wire. Nothing too rare or too obscure but he hasn't got a line on it. He has an endless appetite for the unique item, and the thrill of the chase. Word is he gets off just indexing his hoard. The Collector, thief, con man, cheat, and quite possibly the most conscienceless individual in the Nightside. There's nothing he won't go after, no matter how precious it might be to other people. I know other collectors, not in his league, who'd give everything they owned, and everything you owned, just for a tour of the Collector's famous and very well hidden warehouse. How's it going, Collector? Found the Phoenix's Egg yet?'

He shrugged. 'Hard to tell, until it hatches.' He turned his entirely unconvincing smile on Joanna. 'You don't want to believe everything you hear about me, my dear. I am a very misunderstood man.'

'No you're not,' I said. 'You're a grave robber, a miser and a meddler in history. Archaeologists use your name to frighten their children. You don't care who gets hurt, as long as you get what you want.'

'I save things that would otherwise disappear into the mists of history,' said the Collector, unperturbed. 'One day I'll open a museum in the Nightside, so everyone can appreciate my treasures ... But for the moment there are just too many competitors, jealous people, who would cheerfully rob me blind.'

'What are you doing here, Collector?' I said. 'I

wouldn't have thought there was anything valuable left here for you to appropriate.'

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