
The woman who betrayed Julien to his mortal ene­mies hadn't even made it into the legends, her very name forgotten. Julien had been known to say that that was the best possible punishment he could have wished for her. Otherwise, he never spoke of her at all.

And now he sat behind his editor's desk, studying me intently with his dark eyes and sardonic smile. Julien was still a man who saw the world strictly in black and white, and despite all his experience of life in the current- day Nightside, he still would have no truck with shades of grey. As a result, he was often not at all sure what to make of me.

'I'm putting together a piece on the recent unexpected power cuts,' he said abruptly. 'You wouldn't know anything about them, of course.'

'Of course.'

'And Walker's appearance here looking for you with fire and brimstone in his eyes was nothing but a coincidence.'

'Couldn't have put it better myself, Julien. I'm all tied up with a new case at the moment, investigating the Cavendishes.'

Julien frowned briefly. 'Ah yes, the reclusive Mr. and Mrs. Cavendish. A bad pair, though always somehow just on the right side of the law. For all their un­doubted influence in the Nightside, all I have on them are rumours and unsubstantiated gossip. Probably time I did another piece on them, just to see what nastiness they're involved with these days. They haven't sued me in ages. But don't change the subject, John. Why is Walker after you?'

'Don't ask me,' I said, radiating sincerity. 'Walker's always after me for something, you know that. Are you going to tell him I was here?'

Julien laughed. 'Hardly, dear boy. I disapprove of him even more than I do of you. The man has far too much power and far too little judgement in the exercis­ing of it. I honestly believe he has no moral compass at all. One of these days I'll get the goods on him, then I'll put out a special edition all about him. I did ask him if he knew what was behind the blackouts, but he wouldn't say anything. He knows more than he's telling . . . but then, he always does.'

'How bad were the blackouts?' I asked cautiously.

'Bad. Almost half the Nightside had interruptions in their power supply, some of them disastrously so. Millions of pounds' worth of damage and lost business, and thousands of injuries. No actual deaths have been confirmed yet, but new reports are coming in all the time. Whoever was responsible for this hit the Night­side where it hurt. We weren't affected, of course. Vic­toria House has its own generator. All part of being independent. You were seen at Prometheus Inc., John, just before it all went bang.'

I shrugged easily. 'There'd been some talk of sabo­tage, and I was called in as a security consultant. But they left it far too late. I was lucky to get out alive.'

'And the saboteur?'

I shrugged again. 'We'll probably never know now.'

Julien sighed tiredly. 'You never could lie to me worth a damn, John.'

'I know,' I said. 'But that is my official line as to what happened, and I'm sticking to it.'

He fixed me with his steady thoughtful gaze. 'I could put all kinds of pressure on you, John.'

I grinned. 'You could try.'

We both laughed quietly together, then the door banged open suddenly as Otto came whirling in, his bobbing windy self crackling with energy. An eight-by-ten shot out of somewhere within him and slapped down on the table in front of Julien. 'Sorry to interrupt, sir, but the pictures sub wants to know whether this photo of Walker will do for the next edition.'

Julien barely glanced at the photo. 'No. He doesn't look nearly shifty enough. Tell the sub to dig through the photo archives and come up with something that will make Walker look actually dishonest. Shouldn't be too difficult.'

'No problem, chief.'

Otto snatched the photo back into himself and shot out of the office, slamming the door behind him.

I decided Julien could use distracting from thoughts about Prometheus Inc., so I told him I'd been present at Caliban's Cavern when one of Rossignol's fans had shot himself right in front of her. Julien's face bright­ened immediately.

'You were there? Did you see the riot as well?'

'Right there on the spot, Julien. I saw it all.' And then, of course, nothing would do but I sit down with one of his reporters immediately and tell them everything while the details were still fresh in my mind. I went along with it, partly because I needed to keep Julien distracted, and partly because I was going to have to ask him a favour before I left, and I wanted him feeling obligated towards me. Julien's always been very big on obligation and paying off debts. I tend not to be. Julien used his intercom to summon a reporter to his office, a young up-and- comer called Annabella Pe­ters. I tried to hide my unease. I knew Annabella, and she knew far too much about me. She'd already pub­lished several pieces on my return to the Nightside, after five years away, and she had speculated exten­sively about the reasons for my return, and all the pos­sible consequences for the Nightside. Some of her guesses had been disturbingly accurate. She came barg­ing into Julien's office with a mini tape recorder at the ready, a bright young thing dressed in variously coloured woollens, with a long face, a horsey smile and a sharp, remorseless gaze. She took my offered hand and pumped it briskly.

'John Taylor! Good to see, good to see! Always happy to have a little sit down and chat with you.'

'Really?' I said. 'In your last piece, you said I was a menace to the stability of the whole Nightside.'

'Well, you are,' she said reasonably. 'What were you doing at Prometheus Inc., John?'

'We've moved on from that,' I said firmly. 'This is about the riot at Caliban's Cavern.'

'Oh, the Rossignol suicide! Yes! Marvelous stuff, marvelous stuff! Did she really get his brains all over her feet?'

'Bad news travels fast,' I observed. Annabella sat down opposite me and turned her recorder on. I told her the story, while downplaying my own involvement as much as possible. I suggested, as strongly as I could without being too obvious about it, that I was only there as part of my investigation of the Cavendishes, and not because of Rossignol at all. I never discuss my cases with journalists. Besides, putting the Cavendishes in the frame as the villains of the piece would make it easier for me when I had to ask Julien for that favour. The two of us had worked together in the past, on a few cases where our interests merged, but it never came easily. I finished my story of the riot by telling how I'd been swept outside along with the rest of the ejected audience and only saw the resulting mayhem from a safe distance. Julien nodded, as though he'd expected nothing else from me. Annabella turned off her mini recorder and smiled brightly.

'Thanks awfully, John. This will make a super piece, once I've chopped it down to a reasonable length. Pity you weren't more personally involved with the violence, though.'

'Sorry,' I said. 'I'll try harder next time.'

'One last question . . .' She surreptitiously turned her recorder back on again, and I pretended I hadn't noticed. 'There are rumours circulating, suggesting the Nightside was originally created for a specific purpose, and that this is somehow connected with your missing mother's true nature and identity. Could you add any­thing to these rumours?'

'Sorry,' I said. 'I never listen to gossip. If you do find out the truth, let me know.'

Annabella sighed, turned off her recorder, and Julien held the door open for her as she left. She trotted off to write her piece, and Julien shut the door and came back to join me.

'You're not usually this cooperative with the press, John. Would I be right in assuming you're about to beg a favour from me?'

'Nothing that should trouble your conscience too much, Julien. It wouldn't break your heart if I was to bring the Cavendishes down, would it?'

'No. They're scum. Parasites. Their very presence corrupts the Nightside. Just like the Murder Masques in my day, only without the sense of style. But they're very big and very rich, and extremely well connected. What makes you think you can hurt them?'

'I may be onto something,' I said carefully. 'It con­cerns their new singer, Rossignol. What can you tell me about her?'

Julien considered for a moment, then used his inter­com to summon the gossip columnist Argus. The

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