from your face what you were thinking.'
She stared down at the dead
Ben knelt down next to the dead man, placing his hand on his shoulder. 'No wonder I couldn't reach him. It's Nob'cobi.' Ben lifted his eyes to Harry. 'What happened?'
With tears threatening, Harry explained, 'I'd gone to check for survivors from the elevator explosion. The
Ashley knelt next to Ben. 'He saved my boy's life.'
'Yes,' Harry said. 'Jason got a good knock on the head. Blacked out for a few seconds, but he's fine. Linda took him-'
Ashley whirled to face the building. Jason stood in the blasted opening, a bandage wrapped over his forehead. 'Jason!'
She stood up and ran to him. They collapsed into each other's arms. 'Oh, honey, I'm so sorry.' She hugged him hard to her chest.
'I love you, Mom.'
She just held him, rocking him in her arms.
Ben pointed to the large carcass. 'I thought I had killed that bloody beast.'
'Apparently it had a hide as thick as yours,' Harry said.
Linda then stepped through the doorway, a smile on her face. Jason saw her and wiggled out of Ashley's arms. He wiped at his nose and straightened his bandage, obviously embarrassed at such a childish display of motherly attention.
Ashley smiled. Was he already that old?
Harry suddenly called out, 'Look!' He jabbed a finger toward the roof.
She stood up and joined the others, staring at where Harry pointed.
Lights, pirouetting downward.
In the feeble glow of a few remaining spotlights, ballooning parachutes drifted downward. As she watched, more and more chutes flared open from the top of the skeletal elevator shaft. The chutists each had a halogen light, which they waved to and fro as they descended. Within minutes there seemed to be hundreds of them, drifting in all directions to cover the entire base.
Like fireflies on a warm spring night.
'Who are they?' Jason asked.
'I believe that's the cavalry coming over the hill.' Harry said.
Ben snorted. 'About bloody time!'
BEN CRAWLED INTO BED, SIGHING. WHAT A DAY! HE snuggled next to Ashley. She moaned in her sleep and rolled onto her side. He placed his hand on her belly. She was already showing. Four months along, and not a sign that she was ready to cut back on her cultural study of the
He smiled in the darkness and lay back with an arm propping his head, staring at the ceiling. Alpha Base had almost been put back together again. The sonic repellents that Linda had developed were succeeding in keeping the
Ben let out a rattling sigh and stretched, bone-tired. As
Ben wiggled deeper under the blankets. He really shouldn't complain. The job did have its perks. In his spare time, he could explore the vast trails of caverns. The hunters who traveled the dark paths showed him sights so wondrous that he sometimes thought he was dreaming.
Even if it was while collecting
Ben closed his eyes. Morning would come too soon. He rolled onto his side and wrapped an arm around Ashley's waist.
As he drifted into slumber, something touched his dreams. Weak and tentative. Someone calling to him.
He opened himself up, inviting, but the contact faded. Only a passing connection, like a warm breeze wafting across a cold cheek.
Then nothing.
Under his hand, he felt the baby move in Ashley's belly. And Ben remembered Mo'amba's words: 'Blood runs true.'
There are too many folks to thank for the production of this story. From Pesha Rubinstein, my literary agent, who saw some glimmer in the rough-cut draft; to Lyssa Keusch, my editor, who painstakingly polished this story into its current form; to my writing group, who arduously picked apart the plot and made it better (Chris Crowe, Dennis Grayson, Dave Meek, Jeffrey Moss, Jane O'Riva, Stephen and Judy Prey, Caroline Williams); and a special thanks to Carolyn McCray, for her support, criticism, love, and friendship.
And finally to two people for whom I must blame this all on: Thanks, Mom and Dad!
James Rollins is the bestselling author of five previous novels:
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