“To allow me greater precision in estimating age at death.”

“Then the kid was ID’ed by prints and that became irrelevant.”


Ryan slurped his coffee.

“But on viewing the thin sections I noticed something wrong with some of the Haversian canals.”

“Point of order.” Ryan raised an index finger.

“Haversian canals are tiny tubes that run longitudinally down compact bone.”

“How tiny?” Slurp.

“Really tiny. Must you make that noise with your coffee?”

“It’s hot.”

“Blow across the top. Or wait.”

“What are these canals for?”

“Stuff goes through them.”

“What kind of stuff?”

“Blood vessels, nerve cells, lymphatics. That’s not important. What’s important, or could be, is that some of the canals exhibit unusual patterning at their rims.”

“What kind of patterning?”

“Weird dark lines.”

“You’re really hot when you use that scientific jargon.”

I’d have rolled my eyes but they were glued to Ireland’s photos.

Seconds passed.


“Next time, could you choose a cold beverage?”

“It’s drinkable now. So what do these mysterious dark lines mean?” Ryan asked.

“With the light microscope at the ME office I could only crank the magnification to four hundred. That’s not enough to really see detail.”

“Enter Ireland’s big gorilla.”


“We’re now viewing hard copy from her SEM analysis.” Aborted slurp.


I’d singled out and was studying one photo. A white band at the bottom provided the following information:

Mag=1.00 KX 20µm EHT=4.00kV Signal A=SE2 Date: 16 Oct

WD=6mm Photo No=18

“What’s that?” Ryan’s face was right beside mine.

“Femoral section 1C magnified a thousand times.”

“Looks like a moon crater circled by frozen waves.” Ryan pointed at a jagged crack shooting from the crater’s center. “That one of your weird dark lines?”

Without answering, I exchanged the photo for another. Femoral section 2D showed two fissures originating within the Haversian system.

One by one I studied every image.

Twelve of the twenty showed microfracturing.

“It’s not an artifact,” I said. “The cracks are real.”

“What caused them?” Ryan asked.

“I don’t know.”

“What do they mean?”

“I don’t know.”

“Lunch?” Ryan asked.

“But I intend to find out.”

“That’s my girl,” Ryan said.

My mind was already triaging possibilities. No evidence of a fungus. A disease process seemed unlikely. So did trauma, even repeated trauma to the femur.

I reexamined each image.

The cracks seemed to be originating deep within the canals and radiating outward. What could distribute strain so deep and so widespread within bone to cause such a phenomenon?


Ryan placed a sandwich in front of me. Ham? Turkey breast? I took a bite, chewed, swallowed. My mind was spinning too fast to notice.

Vascular pressure? Lymphatic?

A phone rang somewhere in the same time zone.

“Shall I get that?” Ryan asked from far off.

“Yeah. Yeah.”

I heard Ryan’s voice. Didn’t listen to his words.

Pressure due to expansion?

Expansion of what?

Ryan said something. I looked up. He was beside me, palm pressed to the mouthpiece of the portable.

“What might expand and place stress deep within bone tissue?”


“I’m talking about inside the compact bone, not in the marrow cavity.”

“I don’t know. Water. Do you want to take this? The caller’s pretty insistent.”

“Who is it?”

“Woman named Stallings.”

Anger flashed from nerve ending to nerve ending.

My first reaction was to order Ryan to disconnect.

Then I changed my mind.

“I’ll take it,” I said, reaching for the portable.

Patting my head, Ryan stepped from the kitchen.

“Yes.” Practically hissed.

“Allison Stallings.”

“I know who you are. What I don’t know is how you have the audacity to phone my home?”

“I thought maybe we could talk.”

“You thought wrong.” My voice could have flash-frozen peas.

“I’m not trying to compromise your investigation, Dr. Brennan. Really, I’m not. I write true-crime books and I’m scouting an idea for my next project. It’s nothing more sinister than that.”

“Where do you get off crashing my crime scenes?”

Your crime scenes?”

I was too furious to answer.

“Look, I have a police scanner. When I heard a call concerning a satanic altar, it caught my attention. Right now people are nuts for voodoo and witches. Then the body washed up at Lake Wylie and I thought the situation was worth pursuing.”

“You’re a paparazzo. You sell photos exploiting personal tragedy.”

“My books don’t make a lot of money. Occasionally I sell a picture. The income puts bread on the table.”

“Mutilated children always sell. Too bad you didn’t get a close-up of Klapec.”

“Come on, you can’t really fault me. This thing has all the elements. Satanic ritual. Male prostitution. Fundamentalist Southern politico. Now a murdered witch.”

“What do you want?” Through tightly clamped molars.

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