Landry looked at the attorney with hooded eyes. 'What's your connection to these people, Counselor?'
'This should be self-evident, but we are dealing with the Sheriff's Office, after all,' Shapiro said to the room at large, amused with himself. Stubby little cocksucker. 'I'm Mr. Jade's attorney.'
'Yeah, I caught on to that. And Van Zandt's attorney.'
'And who else in that little rat's nest? Trey Hughes?'
'My client list is confidential.'
'Just trying to save you some time,' Landry said. 'Hughes will be in here next, talking to us about Mr. Jade. So, if he's one of yours too, you can just hang out with us morons at the Sheriff's Office all day. Enjoy our hospitality and bad coffee.'
Shapiro frowned. 'Do you have some legitimate reason for wasting Mr. Jade's time here, Detective?'
Landry looked around the room, the same way Shapiro had. 'That should have been self-evident when Mr. Jade was Mirandized. He's charged with the kidnapping of Erin Seabright.'
Jade pushed his chair back from the table and got up to pace. 'That's absurd. I haven't kidnapped anyone.'
'What evidence do you have to support the charge, Detective?' Shapiro asked. 'And before you answer, let me point out to you that it's not illegal to have one's photograph taken by an ardent fan or employee.'
Landry looked at Jade, letting the anticipation gain some weight. 'No, but it is against the law to hold a young woman against her will, chain her to a bed, and beat her with a riding whip.'
Jade exploded. 'That's ridiculous!'
Landry loved it. The cool cat was in a corner now. Now the temper came out. 'Erin didn't seem to find it amusing at all. She says you were the mastermind.'
'Why would she say such a thing?' Jade demanded. 'I've never been anything but kind to that girl.'
Landry shrugged just to be annoying. 'Maybe because you terrorized her, abused her, raped her-'
'I did no such thing!'
Shapiro put a hand on his client's arm. 'Have a seat, Don. Clearly, the girl is mistaken,' he said to Landry. 'If she's been tortured, as you say, who knows what kinds of things the kidnappers put into her head. They might have convinced her of anything. They might have had her on drugs-'
'Why would you say that?' Landry asked.
'Because clearly the girl isn't in her right mind if she thinks Don had anything to do with this.'
'Well, somebody's misunderstood something,' Landry said. 'When last we spoke, Mr. Jade denied having had anything other than a working relationship with Erin Seabright. Maybe he misunderstood the meaning of 'working relationship.' That doesn't generally involve sex between employer and employee.'
Jade blew out a breath. 'I told you before: I have never had sex with Erin.'
Landry pretended not to be listening. He fingered the photographs on the table. 'You know, we found these photographs this morning-Sunday morning-in the apartment shared by Jill Morone-victim of murder and sexual assault-and Erin Seabright-victim of kidnapping and sexual assault. Jill Morone was last seen alive having an argument with you, and you yourself admit you were the last person to see Erin before she disappeared.'
'She came to tell me she was quitting,' Jade said. 'I had no idea she'd gone missing until you brought it up.'
'Employee relations are not your strong suit, are they, Don?' Landry said. 'Erin wants to leave you, so you chain her to a bed. Jill disappoints you, so you shove her face in a pile of shit and suffocate her-'
'My God,' Jade said, still pacing. 'Who could believe I would do any of that?'
'The same people who believe you electrocuted a horse for the insurance money.'
'I did nothing of the kind.'
'Erin knew, Jill knew. One's dead, one's lucky not to be.'
'This is all speculation,' Shapiro said. 'You don't have a shred of evidence against him.'
Landry ignored him. 'Where were you a week ago Sunday, Don? Sunday late in the day, say around six o'clock.'
Shapiro gave his client a look of warning. 'Don't answer that, Don.'
'Let me speculate,' Landry said. 'With your friend Ms. Atwood, who has the amazing ability to be in two places at once?'
Jade glanced down. 'I don't know what you mean.'
'You told me Ms. Atwood was with you Thursday night when Michael Berne's horses were being set loose and a woman was being assaulted not fifty yards from your barn.'
Shapiro held a finger up. 'Don't say anything, Don.'
Landry went on. 'The night Ms. Atwood was also seen in attendance at a charity ball in Palm Beach. Did you think we'd just take your word for it, Don? Or the lady's, for that matter?'
'We got together after her event.'
'Don, don't-'
'Oh.' Landry nodded. 'You mean the same time she was also partying with friends at Au Bar?'
Jade sank back into his chair and rubbed his temples. 'I don't remember the time exactly-'
'You would have been smarter picking Jill for your alibi for Thursday night, after all,' Landry said. 'She was willing to lie for you, and she was probably home alone at the time.'
Shapiro was up now, hovering behind his client. He leaned forward and said, 'Mr. Jade has nothing to say to you on this subject or any other. We're through here.'
Landry gave the lawyer a look. 'Your client can still help himself out here, Mr. Shapiro. Don't get me wrong. He's in deep shit, but maybe he can still climb out of it and take a shower. His partner is still out there, running around loose. Maybe Don here wasn't the one with the whip. Maybe the whole scheme was the partner's idea. Maybe Don can help himself out giving us a name.'
Jade closed his eyes for a moment, inhaled and exhaled, composing himself. 'I'm trying to be cooperative, Detective Landry,' he said, still struggling to be calm. 'I don't know anything about a kidnapping. Why would I risk doing something so insane?'
'For money.'
'I have a very good career. I have a very good situation with Trey Hughes at his new facility. I'm hardly desperate for money.'
Landry shrugged. 'So maybe you're just a psycho. I once knew a guy killed a woman and cut her tongue out just to see how far back it went in her throat.'
'That's disgusting.'
'Yes, it is, but I see that kind of thing all the time,' Landry said reasonably. 'Now I see this deal: one girl dead, one girl missing, and a horse killed for the insurance money; and it all revolves around you, Mr. Jade.'
'But it doesn't make sense,' Jade insisted. 'I would have made good money on Stellar as a sales horse-'
'Provided you could get him sold. I understand he had some problems.'
'He would have sold eventually. In the meantime, I collected my training fee every month.'
'And you'll collect your training fee for his replacement, too. Right?'
'Trey Hughes doesn't have to wait to sell one horse to buy another.'
'That's true. But I've learned over the years there are few people greedier and less patient than the rich. And you stand to make a big commission on the replacement horse. Isn't that right?'
Jade sighed and closed his eyes for a moment, trying to gather himself. 'I intend to have a long and happy working relationship with Trey Hughes. He's going to buy and sell a lot of horses in that time. I'll profit on all of them. That's how the business works. So, why would I risk that by kidnapping someone? The risk would far outweigh any possible gain.
'If, on the other hand, I live a law-abiding life,' he went on. 'I'm set to move into a beautiful new facility to train horses for people who will pay me a great deal of money. So you see, Detective Landry, you simply don't have a case against me.'
'That's not quite true, Don,' Landry said, pretending sadness.
Jade looked at Shapiro.
'What do you think you have, Landry?' Shapiro asked.
'I have ransom calls placed to the Seabright home on a prepaid cell phone purchased by Don Jade two weeks