– Ещё пять минут, – сказал он себе, – ещё пять минут и я войду в море. Войду и буду идти. Мы не приспособлены к такой жизни, ни один человек Земли никогда не сможет к этому привыкнуть. Ох, нервы, нервы:

Он пробился через море листвы и влаги и вышел на небольшой холм.

Впереди, сквозь холодную мокрую завесу, угадывалось жёлтое сияние.

Солнечный Купол.

Круглое жёлтое строение за деревьями, поодаль. Он остановился и, качаясь, смотрел на него.

В следующее мгновение лейтенант побежал, но тут же замедлил шаг. Он боялся. Он не звал на помощь. Вдруг это тот же Купол, что накануне. Мёртвый Купол без солнца?

Он подскользнулся и упал. 'Лежи, – думал он, – всё равно ты не туда забрёл. Лежи. Всё было напрасно. Пей, пей вдоволь'.

Но лейтенант заставил себя встать и идти вперёд, через бесчисленные ручьи. Жёлтый свет стал совсем ярким, и он опять побежал. Его ноги давили стёкла и зеркала, руки рассыпали бриллианты.

Он остановился перед жёлтой дверью. Надпись: Солнечный Купол. Он потрогал дверь онемевшей рукой. Повернул ручку и тяжело шагнул вперёд.

На пороге он замер, осматриваясь. Позади него в дверь барабанил ливень. Впереди, на низком столике, стояла серебрянная кастрюлька и полная чашка горячего шоколада с расплывающимися на поверхности густыми сливками. Рядом на другом подносе – толстые бутерброды с большими кусками цыплёнка, свежими помидорами и зелёным луком. На вешалке, перед самым носом, висело большое мохнатое полотенце; у ног стоял ящик для мокрой одежды; справа была кабина, где горячие лучи мгновенно обсушивали человека. На кресле – чистая одежда, приготовленная для случайного путника. А дальше кофе в горячих медных кофейниках, патефон, тихая музыка, книги в красных и коричневых переплётах. Рядом с книжным шкафом – кушетка, низкая, мягкая кушетка, на которой так хорошо лежать в ярких лучах того, что в этом помещении самое главное.

Он прикрыл глаза рукой. Он успел заметить, что к нему идут люди, но ничего не сказал. Выждав, открыл глаза и снова стал смотреть. Вода, стекая с одежды, собралась в лужу у его ног; он чувствовал, как высыхают волосы и лицо, грудь, руки, ноги.

Он смотрел на солнце.

Оно висело в центре купола – большое, жёлтое, яркое.

Оно светило бесшумно, и во всём помещении царила полная тишина. Дверь была закрыта, и только обретающая чувствительность кожа ещё помнила дождь. Солнце парило высоко над голубым сводом, ласковое, золотистое, чудесное.

Он пошёл вперёд, срывая с себя одежду.

The Rocket Man 1951

The electrical fireflies were hovering above Mother's dark hair to light her path. She stood in her bedroom door looking out at me as I passed in the silent hall. 'You will help me keep him here this time, won't you?' she asked.

'I guess so,' I said.

'Please.' The fireflies cast moving bits of light on her white face. 'This time he mustn't go away again.'

'All right,' I said, after standing there a moment. 'But it won't do any good; it's no use.'

She went away, and the fireflies, on their electric circuits, fluttered after her like an errant constellation, showing her how to walk in darkness. I heard her say, faintly, 'We've got to try, anyway.'

Other fireflies followed me to my room. When the weight of my body cut a circuit in the bed, the fireflies winked out. It was midnight, and my mother and I waited, our rooms separated by darkness, in bed. The bed began to rock me and sing to me. I touched a switch; the singing and rocking stopped. I didn't want to sleep. I didn't want to sleep at all.

This night was no different from a thousand others in our time. We would wake nights and feel the cool air turn hot, feel the fire in the wind, or see the walls burned a bright color for an instant, and then we knew his rocket was over our house-his rocket, and the oak trees swaying from the concussion. And I would lie there, eyes wide, panting, and Mother in her room. Her voice would come to me over the interroom radio:

'Did you feel it?'

And I would answer, 'That was him, all right.'

That was my father's ship passing over our town, a small town where space rockets never came, and we would lie awake for the next two hours, thinking, 'Now Dad's landed in Springfield, now he's on the tarmac, now he's signing the papers, now he's in the helicopter, now he's over the river, now the hills, now he's settling the helicopter in at the little airport at Green Village here….' And the night would be half over when, in our separate cool beds, Mother and I would be listening, listening. 'Now he's walking down Bell Street. He always walks … never takes a cab … now across the park, now turning the comer of Oakhurst and now…'

I lifted my head from my pillow. Far down the street, coming closer and closer, smartly, quickly, briskly- footsteps. Now turning in at our house, up the porch steps. And we were both smiling in the cool darkness. Mom and I, when we heard the front door open in recognition, speak a quiet word of welcome, and shut, downstairs….

Three hours later I turned the brass knob to their room quietly, holding my breath, balancing in a darkness as big as the space between the planets, my hand out to reach the small black case at the foot of my parents' sleeping bed. Taking it, I ran silently to my room, thinking, He won't tell me, he doesn't want me to know.

And from the opened case spilled his black uniform, like a black nebula, stars glittering here or there, distantly, in the material. I kneaded the dark stuff in my warm hands; I smelled the planet Mars, an iron smell, and the planet Venus, a green ivy smell, and the planet Mercury, a scent of sulphur and fire; and I could smell the milky moon and the hardness of stars. I pushed the uniform into a centrifuge machine I'd built in my ninth-grade shop that year, set it whirling. Soon a fine powder precipitated into a retort. This I slid under a microscope. And while my parents slept unaware, and while our house was asleep, all the automatic bakers and servers and robot cleaners in an electric slumber, I stared down upon brilliant motes of meteor dust, comet tail, and loam from far Jupiter glistening like worlds themselves which drew me down the tube a billion miles into space, at terrific accelerations.

At dawn, exhausted with my journey and fearful of discovery, I returned the boxed uniform to their sleeping room.

Then I slept, only to waken at the sound of the horn of the dry-cleaning car which stopped in the yard below. They took the black uniform box with them. It's good I didn't wait, I thought. For the uniform would be back in an hour, clean of all its destiny and travel.

I slept again, with the little vial of magical dust in my pajama pocket, over my beating heart.

When I came downstairs, there was Dad at the breakfast table, biting into his toast. 'Sleep good, Doug?' he said, as if he had been here all the time, and hadn't been gone for three months.

'All right,' I said.


He pressed a button and the breakfast table made me four pieces, golden brown.

I remember my father that afternoon, digging and digging in the garden, like an animal after something, it seemed. There he was with his long dark arms moving swiftly, planting, tamping, fixing, cutting, pruning, his dark face always down to the soil, his eyes always down to what he was doing, never up to the sky, never looking at me, or Mother, even, unless we knelt with him to feel the earth soak up through the overalls at our knees, to put our hands into the black dirt and not look at the bright, crazy sky. Then he would glance to either side, to Mother or me, and give us a gentle wink, and go on, bent down, face down, the sky staring at his back.

That night we sat on the mechanical porch swing which swung us and blew a wind upon us and sang to us. It was summer and moonlight and we had lemonade to drink, and we held the cold glasses in our hands, and Dad read the stereo-newspapers inserted into the special hat you put on your head and which turned the microscopic

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