The general was a little shaky, too, but Harry knew the type-he’d go along, then maybe blow his brains out afterward. The defense guy, Wolffer, was committed to the program, and he wasn’t going to budge.

And then there was Landsdale. Harry remembered Ted Nash, Corey’s CIA nemesis, now deceased. Corey had once said about Nash, “The best you can say about a CIA officer is that they lie to everyone equally.” If Landsdale had sat there agreeing with everything, Harry would have suspected him of being a double. But Landsdale gave Madox a lot of shit, so Landsdale was probably loyal to the program, even if he wasn’t loyal to Madox. Harry thought that Madox understood this, but he must have trusted Landsdale, or the guy wouldn’t be here. In fact, Harry could sense that Landsdale was actually in tighter with Madox than the others were.

And then there was Madox himself. Here was a guy who had everything, but something was driving him to risk it all. It wasn’t really about oil, or money, or power. It was about hate, like it always is with these guys, like it was with bin Laden, Hitler, Stalin, and all the people Harry had interrogated and arrested since he’d gotten into anti- terrorism. And it was a little bit about crazy, too, which led to the hate. Or was it the other way around?

Madox looked at Harry as though he knew that Harry Muller was thinking unkindly of him and asked, “Did you want to say something, other than ‘fuck you’?”

“Yeah. As a Federal law enforcement officer, I want to remind everyone that conspiracy to commit murder is a crime-”

Madox interrupted, “We’re talking about war, Detective Muller, not murder. Generals sometimes sacrifice troops-and even civilians-so that other troops can live to fight again.”


Madox waved his hand in dismissal and turned his attention back to his Board members. “Gentlemen, on September 11, 2001, nineteen Islamic hijackers who had no good reason to do us harm, and who were not of the caliber of you men sitting around this table, carried through with their plan. Not one of them deserted, or informed on the others-and they went willingly to their deaths. I’m not asking any of us to sacrifice our lives-I’m only asking that we, as patriotic Americans, do no less to our enemies than our enemies did to us.” He concluded, “If they can do it, we must do it.”

A few heads nodded.

Madox said, “I’d like each of you, at this time, to give a yea or a nay to Project Green.” He turned to the deputy secretary of defense. “Ed?”

Ed Wolffer stood and said, “Gentlemen, what we are about to do takes courage and resolve, which is in no short supply here. And I believe that each one of us knows in his heart that what he is doing is necessary and right.” He paused, then continued, “This is not a time for us to think of ourselves and the personal risks we’re taking. It is a time to stick our necks out for our country-the way our men and women in uniform do every day.” He concluded, “I vote to implement Project Green.”

General Hawkins also stood and said, “As a military man, I have taken an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution, as you all have. I have also taken an oath to obey the commander in chief. I take these oaths seriously, and after much thought, I’ve decided that I can, in good conscience, vote to go ahead with Project Green.”

Paul Dunn got to his feet and said, “I wish this hadn’t been forced on us with so little time to fine-tune our plan, but we have to play the hand we’ve been dealt. I vote to go ahead.”

Scott Landsdale remained seated and said, “I have a strong feeling that this is the only chance we’re going to get. Harry Muller was not sent here to watch birds. Our best defense against any further government interest in our activities-and possible conspiracy charges-is to take the offensive. If we don’t use the nukes, we’ll lose the nukes.” He said, “I vote yes.”

Bain Madox stood and stared silently at the far wall, deep in thought. Then he looked at his Board. “Thank you for your courage and your loyalty. Indeed, you are all soldiers in the service of civilization.”

Harry said, “Good soldiers don’t murder civilians. Did you murder civilians in Vietnam? Is that what they gave you the Silver Star for?”

Madox glared at Harry and for the first time showed anger. “Shut up. You are not to speak until spoken to. Understand?”

“One last thing-fuck you.”

Bain Madox ignored him and began, “Gentlemen, we few men are the small army that can and will defeat the spread of Islamic fundamentalism and terror. We are but the latest, and perhaps the last, in a long line of good Christian men and women who have defended the faith and Western Civilization against Islam. Please be seated.”

Madox hit a few keys, and a map of Europe and the Middle East appeared on the monitor. “The Spanish and the French-before they lost their balls-fought the Muslims in the West. The Crusaders brought the war to the Muslim heartland. The Christians in the Balkans fought the Turks for half a millennium.”

He paused a moment, then continued, “Perhaps you’ve heard the story of the Polish king John, who, in the seventeenth century, when the Muslim hordes were poised to drive into the heart of Christian Europe, this man, without being asked by anyone, took his army from Poland and battled the Turks at the gates of Vienna.”

Madox looked around the table to make sure everyone was listening and continued, “No one has asked us to save Western Civilization, but we see the danger, and we will do what needs to be done. I believe that the Holy Spirit is guiding our thoughts and our actions, just as God guided King John, who had little to gain and everything to lose by coming to the aid of his Christian brothers at Vienna. Because King John knew, gentlemen, that if he didn’t stop the Turks at Vienna, then all of Europe would fall to Islam. And remember, no one else in Europe came to the aid of the beleaguered city-all of Europe chose to bury its head in the sand and pray that they would not be next. Sound familiar? But the Holy Spirit, gentlemen, entered the mind and heart of King John and told him what he had to do, told him that it was right and necessary, and that his victory over Islam would please God. And armed with the presence of the Holy Spirit, outmanned and outgunned, King John of Poland defeated the Muslim Turks and saved Christian Europe. This man neither asked for nor received any thanks or reward for all he’d done.”

Landsdale asked, “Not even an oil lease?”

Bain Madox ignored him and continued, “We, gentlemen, are like King John. We are all that stands between Western Civilization and the enemy at the gates. God has led us to this place and this time for a purpose. By sacrificing two American cities-which, like Sodom and Gomorrah, aren’t worth much anyway-we can prevent the enemy from destroying other American cities at his time and choosing. We are, in effect, saving Washington, New York, Seattle, Chicago, Atlanta, Dallas… Palm Beach… I want you all to understand and believe that, and to sleep easy tonight, and not be troubled in your hearts, your minds, or your souls.”

He looked again at each man. “If Jesus Christ himself were here, he’d say, ‘Strap on your brass balls, boys, and go for it.’”

The other four men glanced furtively at one another, but no one commented on Madox’s speech, or his imagined message from Jesus Christ.

Bain Madox took a swig of water, which Harry was starting to suspect was straight vodka.

Madox concluded, “Okay, I’ve said my piece. Now, I ask you to bow your heads in silent prayer and ask the Lord for strength, guidance, and maybe a little absolution in case He has any problems with this.” He called down the table, “You, too, Harry. Pray with us.”

Bain Madox bowed his head in silence, then reluctantly the others followed.

Harry Muller prayed that one of these guys would come to his senses or lose his nerve, or maybe get a better divine message than Madox was getting.

After a minute, Madox said, “Amen,” then said, “Cocktails start at five in the barroom, dress is casual. Poker in the game room, if anyone is interested. We have a new dartboard with Hussein’s face on it. Dinner is at seven- thirty, tie and jacket, please. Use the fireplace for your notes on the way out. This Executive Board meeting is ended. Thank you for coming.”

The four men gathered their things and quietly filed out of the room.

Bain Madox and Harry Muller stared at each other down the length of the table.

Madox said, “It’s just you and me, Harry.”

Harry Muller sized up the situation. If he could coldcock Madox, then the window was his best chance. But if he could talk to the two goons outside, and tell them what was going on, that might be better than making a run for it.

Madox asked him, “What are you thinking about?”

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