through the glittering bottles. 'Thanks,' I said sullenly, knowing his nose was better than mine. 'Now get out. No, wait.' He hesitated by my small stained-glass window, and I vowed to sew up the pixy hole in the screen. 'Who's watching Glenn?'
Jenks literally glowed with parental pride. 'Jax. They're in garden. Glenn is shooting wild cherry pits straight up with a rubber band for my kids to catch before they hit the ground.'
I was so surprised, I almost could ignore that my hair was dripping wet and I was wearing nothing but a towel. 'He's playing with your kids?'
'Yeah. He's not so bad—once you get to know him.' Jenks vaulted through the pixy hole. 'I'll send him inside in about five minutes, okay?' he said through the screen.
'Make it ten,' I said softly, but he was gone. Frowning, I shut the window, locked it, and checked twice that the curtains hung right. Taking the bottle Jenks had suggested, I gave myself a splash. Cinnamon blossomed. Ivy and I had been working for the last three months to find a perfume that covered her natural scent mixing with mine. This was one of the nicer ones.
Whether undead or alive, vampires moved by instinct triggered by pheromones and scent, more at the mercy of their hormones than an adolescent. They gave off a largely undetectable smell that lingered where they did, an odoriferous signpost telling other vamps that this was taken territory and to back off. A far cry better than the way dogs did it, but living together the way we were, Ivy's smell lingered on me. She had once told me it was a survival trait that helped increase a shadow's life expectancy by preventing poaching. I wasn't her shadow, but there it was anyway. What it boiled down to was, the smell of our natural scents mingling tended to act like a blood aphrodisiac, making it harder for Ivy to best her instincts, nonpracticing or not.
One of Nick's and my few arguments had been over why I put up with her and the constant threat she posed to my free will if she forgot her vow of abstinence one night and I couldn't fend her off. The truth was, she considered herself my friend, but even more telling was that she had loosened the death grip she kept on her emotions and let me be her friend as well. The honor of that was heady. She was the best runner I'd ever seen, and I was continually flattered that she left a brilliant career at the I.S. to work with me/save my ass.
Ivy was possessive, domineering, and unpredictable. She also had the strongest will of anyone I had met, fighting a battle in herself that if she won would rob her of her life after death. And she was willing to kill to protect me because I called her my friend. God, how could you walk away from something like that?
Apart from when we were alone and she felt safe from recrimination, she either held herself with a cool stiffness or fell into a classic vampire mode of sexy domination that I had discovered was her way of divorcing herself from her feelings, afraid that if she showed a softening she would lose control. I think she had pinned her sanity on living vicariously through me as I stumbled through life, enjoying the enthusiasm with which I embraced everything, from finding a pair of red heels on sale to learning a spell to laying a bigbad-ugly out flat. And as my fingers drifted over the perfumes she had bought for me, I wondered again if perhaps Nick was right and our odd relationship might be slipping into an area I didn't want it to go.
Dressing quickly, I made my way back to the empty kitchen. The clock above the sink said it was edging toward four. I had loads of time to make a spell for Glenn before we left.
Pulling out one of my spelling books from the shelf under the center island counter, I sat at my usual spot at Ivy's antique wooden table. Contentment filled me as I opened the yellowed tome. The breeze coming in the window had a chill that promised a cold night. I loved it here, working in my beautiful kitchen surrounded by holy ground, safe from everything nasty.
The anti-itch spell was easy to find, dog-eared and spotted with old splatters. Leaving the book open, I rose to pull out my smallest copper vat and ceramic spoons. It was rare that a human would accept an amulet, but perhaps if he saw me making it, Glenn might. His dad had taken a pain amulet from me once.
I was measuring the springwater with my graduated cylinder when there was a scuffing on the back steps. 'Hello? Ms. Morgan?' Glenn called as he knocked and opened the door. 'Jenks said I could come right in.'
I didn't look up from my careful measuring. 'In the kitchen,' I said loudly.
Glenn edged into the room. He took in my new clothes, running his eyes from my fuzzy pink slippers, up my black nylons to my matching short skirt, past my red blouse, to the black bow holding my damp hair back. If I was going to see Sara Jane again, I wanted to look nice.
In Glenn's hands was a wad of mullein leaves, dandelion blossoms, and jewelweed flowers. He looked stiffly embarrassed. 'Jenks—the pixy—said you wanted these, ma'am.'
I nodded to the island counter. 'You can put them over there. Thanks. Have a seat.'
With a stilted haste, he crossed the room and set the cuttings down. Hesitating briefly, he pulled out what was traditionally Ivy's chair and eased into it. His jacket was gone, and his shoulder holster with his weapon looked obvious and aggressive. In contrast, his tie was loose and the top button of his starched shirt was unfastened to show a wisp of dark chest hair.
'Where's your jacket?' I asked lightly, trying to figure out his mood.
'The kids…' He hesitated. 'The pixy children are using it as a fort.'
'Oh.' Hiding my smile, I rummaged in my spice rack to find my vial of celandine syrup. Jenks's capacity to be a pain in the butt was inversely proportional to his size. His ability to be a stanch friend was the same. Apparently Glenn had won Jenks's confidence. How about that?
Satisfied the show of his gun wasn't intended to cow me, I added a dollop of celandine, swishing the ceramic measuring spoon to get the last of the sticky stuff off. An uncomfortable silence grew, accented by the whoosh of igniting gas. I could feel his gaze heavy upon my charm bracelet as the tiny wooden amulets gently clattered. The crucifix was self-explanatory, but he'd have to ask if he wanted to know what the rest were for. I had only a paltry three—my old ones were burnt to uselessness when Trent killed the witness wearing them in a car explosion.
The mix on the stove started to steam, and Glenn still hadn't said a word. 'So-o-o-o,' I drawled. 'Have you been in the FIB long?'
'Yes ma'am.' It was short, both aloof and patronizing.
'Can you stop with the ma'am? Just call me Rachel.'
'Yes ma'am.'
The brew was at a full boil, and I turned the flame down, setting the timer for three minutes. It was in the shape of a cow, and I loved it. Glenn was silent, watching me with a wary distrust as I leaned my back against the edge of the counter. 'I'm making you something to stop the itching,' I said. 'God help me, but I feel sorry for you.'
His face hardened. 'Captain Edden is making me take you. I don't need your help.'
Angry, I took a breath to tell him he could take a flying leap off a broomstick, but then shut my mouth. 'I don't need your help' had once been my mantra. But friends made things a lot easier. My brow furrowed in thought. What was it that Jenks did to persuade me? Oh, yeah. Swear and tell me I was being stupid.
'You can go Turn yourself for all I care,' I said pleasantly. 'But Jenks pixed you, and he says you're sensitive to pixy dust. It's spreading through your lymph system. You want to itch for a week just because you're too stiff- necked to use a paltry itch spell? This is kindergarten stuff.' I flicked the copper vat with a fingernail and it rang. 'An aspirin. A dime a dozen.' It wasn't, but Glenn probably wouldn't accept it if he knew how much one of these cost at a charm shop. It was a class-two medicinal spell. I probably should have put myself inside a circle to make it, but I'd have to tap into the ever-after to close one. And seeing me under the influence of a ley line would probably freak Glenn out.
The detective wouldn't meet my eyes. His foot twitched as if he was struggling to not scratch his leg through his pants. The timer dinged—or mooed, rather—and leaving him to make up his mind, I added the blossoms of jewelweed and dandelion, crushing them against the side of the pot with a clockwise—never withershins—motion. I was a white witch, after all.
Glenn gave up all pretense at trying not to scratch and slowly rubbed his arm through his shirtsleeve. 'No one will know I've been spelled?'
'Not unless they did a spell check on you.' I was mildly disappointed. He was afraid to openly show he was using magic. The prejudice wasn't unusual. But then, after having taken an aspirin once, I'd rather be in pain than