The Journey of Awakening, Ram Dass
Grist for the Mill, Ram Dass and Levine
A Gradual Awakening, Levine
The Way of the Pilgrim, French (translator)
The Last Barrier, Reshad Feud
The Invisible Way, Reshad Feild
The Art of Prayer, Ware
Miracle of Love (tales of Maharaji, compiled by Ram Dass)
Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi (published in India, available in Bodhi Tree bookshop, Los Angeles)
Journey to Ixtlan, Castaneda
The Myth of Freedom, Chogyam Trungpa
The Lazy Man's Guide to Enlightenment, Thaddeus Golas
The Way ofChuangTzu, Thomas Merton
The Three Pillars of Zen, Roshi Philip Kapleau
The Experience of Insight, Joseph Goldstein
Living Buddhist Masters, Jack Komfield
The Zen Teachings of Huang Po, John Blofeld (translator)
The Teahings of Ramana Maharshi, Arthur Osborne, editor
Zen Flesh, Zen Bones, Paul Reps
Dropping Ashes on the Buddha, Seung Sahn (compiled by Stephen Mitchell)
The Hsin Hsin Ming (teachings of the Third Zen Patriarch)
At the Edge of the Body, Erica Jong
The Kabir Book, Robert Biy (translator)
Four Quartets, T.S.Eliot
A Gift for God, Prayers and Meditations, Mother Teresa
The Prophet, Kahlil Gibran
Care of the Dying, Lamenton
Last Letter to the Pebble People, Virginia Hine
Counseling the Dying, Bowers, Jackson, Knight, and LeShan
Until We Say Goodbye, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Home Care, Evelyn Baulch
КНИГИ «СОФИИ» (книги издательства «София» г. Киев)
Кн.1: Карлос Кастанеда
Т-1 «Учение дона Хуана»,
Т-2 «Отдельная реальность»
Кн.2: Карлос Кастанеда
Т-3 «Путешествие в Икстлан»,
Т-4 «Сказки о силе»
Кн.3: Карлос Кастанеда
Т-5 «Второе кольцо силы»,
Т-6 «Дар Орла»
Кн.4: Карлос Кастанеда
Т-7 «Огонь изнутри»,
Т-8 «Сила безмолвия»
Кн. 5: Карлос Кастанеда
Т 9 «Искусство сновидения»
Кн.1: Флоринда Доннер «Жизнь-в-сновидении»
Кн.2: Флоринда Доннер «Шабоно»