22. Sharman, 67-70.
23. Ingle, 113.
24. Ibid., 61.
25. Beaty.
26. Ingle, 59.
27. Ibid., 60.
28. Ibid., 113-114.
29. Douglas, 42.
30. Ibid., 22.
31. Fox, 11-12.
32. Ibid., 13.
33. Ibid.
34. Ibid., 17-18.
35. Ibid., 38.
36. Ibid., 17-20.
37. David Hodges, George Fox and the Healing Ministry (Surrey, England: Friends Fellowship of Healing, 1995): 28-29.
38. Ibid., 26.
39. Ibid., 38.
40. Fox, 92-93.
41. Ibid., 92.
42. Henry J. Cadbury, ed., George Fox’s “Book of Miracles” (Philadelphia: Friends General Conference; London: Quaker Home Service, 2000): 42-43.
43. “Cromwell, Oliver”, The World Book Encyclopedia 4, (Chicago, 111.: Field Enterprises, Inc., 2003): 1151- 1152.
44. Douglas. 38.
45. Ibid., 38-39.
46. Christopher Hill, God’s Englishman: Oliver Cromwell and the English Revolution (New York: Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1970): 155.
47. Ibid., 9.
48. Douglas, 38.
49. Sharman, 75.
50. Ibid., 79-80.
51. Ibid., 92.
52. Vipont, 41.
53. Ibid., 42.
54. Ibid., 43.
55. Ingle, 93.
56. Ibid.
57. Ibid., 103-106.
58. Ibid., 107, 110.
59. Ibid., 114.
60. Beaty.
61. Sharman, 133-138.
62. Ibid., 155.
63. Ibid., 167.
64. “London”, World Book Encyclopedia 12, 441.
65. Douglas, 59.
66. Ibid., 79.
67. Sharman, 174-175.
68. Douglas, 89-90.