Arioch's laughter filled the hall (смех Ариоха заполнил зал).

`Yes. Exactly (именно). A fine joke, eh (прекрасная шутка, а)? Now, give me my heart, little Vadhagh (а теперь, отдай мне мое сердце, маленький вадаг).

Corum pressed his back to the wall and drew his blade (Корум прижался спиной к стене и вытащил клинок). He stood there with the Heart of Arioch in his left hand and his sword in his right (он стоял с сердцем Ариоха в левой руке, /держа/ меч в правой).

`I think I will die first, Arioch (думаю, я прежде умру, Ариох).

`As you please (как пожелаешь).

laughter [`lRftq] sword [sLd]

Arioch's laughter filled the hall.

`Yes. Exactly. A fine joke, eh? Now, give me my heart, little Vadhagh.

Corum pressed his back to the wall and drew his blade. He stood there with the Heart of Arioch in his left hand and his sword in his right.

`I think I will die first, Arioch.

`As you please.

The monstrous hand reached out for Corum (громадная рука потянулась к Коруму). He dodged it (он увернулся от нее). Arioch bellowed with laughter again and plucked two of the Mabden warriors from the floor (Ариох снова громко расхохотался и поднял двух мабденских воинов с пола; to bellow — мычать, реветь, орать; to pluck — собирать, щипать; силой утащить). They screamed and writhed as he drew them towards his great, wet mouth, full of blackened teeth (они кричали и извивались, когда он поднес их к своему огромному рту, полному почерневших зубов). Then he popped them into his maw and Corum heard their bones crunch (затем он бросил их в пасть, и Корум услышал, как хрустят их кости; maw — утроба, брюхо; пасть, глотка). Arioch swallowed and spat out a sword (Ариох проглотил /их/ и выплюнул меч). Then he returned his gaze to Corum (потом снова обратил взор на Корума).

Corum jumped behind a pillar (Корум прыгнул за колонну). Arioch's hand came round it, feeling for him (рука Ариоха шарила вокруг нее, ища его; to come round — обходить, объезжать кругом; to feel for — нащупывать, искать ощупью). Corum ran (Корум побежал).

More laughter and the hall reverberated (снова смех, и зал задрожал; to reverberate — отражаться, отдаваться /о звуке/). The God's mirth was echoed by the uttering voices of his Mabden parasites (радость = смех бога подхватили голоса его мабденов-паразитов; to echo — вторить, подражать; to utter — издавать звук, произносить). A pillar crashed as Arioch struck at it, seeking Corum (колонна разрушилась, когда Ариох ударил по ней, ища Корума).

pillar [`pIlq] reverberated [rI`vq: b (q) reIt]

The monstrous hand reached out for Corum. He dodged it. Arioch bellowed with laughter again and plucked two of the Mabden warriors from the floor. They screamed and writhed as he drew them towards his great, wet mouth, full of blackened teeth. Then he popped them into his maw and Corum heard their bones crunch. Arioch swallowed and spat out a sword. Then he returned his gaze to Corum.

Corum jumped behind a pillar. Arioch's hand came round it, feeling for him. Corum ran.

More laughter and the hall reverberated. The God's mirth was echoed by the uttering voices of his Mabden parasites. A pillar crashed as Arioch struck at it, seeking Corum.

Corum dashed across the floor of the hall (Корум помчался по полу зала), leaping over the broken bodies of the Mabden who had fallen from the corpulent body of the God (перепрыгивая через разбитые тела мабденов, которые упали с тучного тела бога).

And then Arioch saw him, seized him, and his chuckles subsided (тут Ариох увидел его, схватил, и его хихиканье утихло).

`Give me my heart now.

Corum gasped for breath and freed his two hands from the soft flesh that enclosed him (Корум дышал с трудом/задыхался и высвободил свои руки из мягкой плоти, что окружала его). The giant's great hand was warm and filthy (огромная рука великана была теплой и грязной). The nails were broken (ногти были обломаны).

`Give me my heart, little being (отдай мне мое сердце, малявка).

`No! Corum drove his sword deep into the thumb, but the God did not notice (Корум вогнал меч глубоко в большой палец, но бог не заметил этого).

corpulent [`kLpjulqnt] thumb [TAm]

Corum dashed across the floor of the hall, leaping over the broken bodies of the Mabden who had fallen from the corpulent body of the God.

And then Arioch saw him, seized him, and his chuckles subsided.

`Give me my heart now.

Corum gasped for breath and freed his two hands from the soft flesh that enclosed him. The giant's great hand was warm and filthy. The nails were broken.

`Give me my heart, little being.

`No! Corum drove his sword deep into the thumb, but the God did not notice.

Mabden clung to the hair of the chest and watched, their grins blank (мабдены вцепились в волосы на груди и наблюдали с бесцветными/пустыми усмешками).

Corum's ribs were near to breaking, but still he would not release the Heart of Arioch that lay in his left fist (ребра Корума почти сломались = трещали, но он по-прежнему не выпускал сердце Ариоха, которое лежало в его левой руке).

`No matter (неважно), said Arioch, his grip relaxing a trifle (сказал Ариох, ослабляя немного сжатие), `I can absorb both you and the heart at the same time (я могу поглотить и тебя, и сердце; at the same time — одновременно, вместе).

Now Arioch began to carry his great hand towards his open mouth (Ариох начал подносить свою огромную руку к открытому рту; to carry — переносить, перевозить). His breath came out in stinking blasts and Corum choked on it, but still he stabbed and stabbed (его дыхание было зловонным, и Корум задыхался от него, но по-прежнему колол и колол /мечом/; to come out — выходить, появляться; blast — сильный порыв ветра, поток воздуха).

A grin spread over the gigantic lips (усмешка разлилась по гигантским губам). All Corum could see now was that mouth, the scabrous nostrils, the huge eyes (все, что Корум мог теперь видеть, были тот рот, противные ноздри и громадные глаза; scabrous — грубый на ощупь, шершавый; покрытый грязью). The mouth opened wider to swallow him (рот широко открылся, чтобы проглотить его). He struck at the upper lip, staring into the red darkness of the God's throat (он нанес удар по верхней губе, глядя в красную тьму глотки бога).

absorb [qb`zLb] breath [breT] scabrous [`skeIbrqs]

Mabden clung to the hair of the chest and watched, their grins blank.

Corum's ribs were near to breaking, but still he would not release the Heart of Arioch that lay in his left fist.

`No matter, said Arioch, his grip relaxing a trifle, `I can absorb both you and the heart at the same time.

Now Arioch began to carry his great hand towards his open mouth. His breath came out in stinking blasts

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