Corum's silver helm lay beside him, together with his axe and sword. He breathed the leafy air and relaxed as he contemplated the peaks of the mountains, blue, grey and white in the distance. This was pleasant, peaceful country and he was enjoying his journey through it. Once, he knew, it had been inhabited by several Vadhagh estates, but there was no trace of them now. It was as if they had grown into the landscape or been engulfed by it. Once or twice he had seen strangely shaped rocks where Vadhagh castles had stood, but they had been no more than rocks. It occurred to him that these rocks were the transmogrified remains of Vadhagh dwellings, but his intellect rejected such an impossibility. Such imaginings were the stuff of poetry, not of reason.

He smiled at his own foolishness (он улыбнулся своей собственной глупости) and settled himself more comfortably against the tree (и устроился более удобно под деревом; to settle — поселить/ся/, обосноваться; усаживать/ся/, размещать/ся/). In another three days (еще через три дня) he would be at Castle Crachah (он будет в замке Крашах), where his aunt the Princess Lorim lived (где его тетка принцесса Лорим живет). He watched as his horse folded its legs (он посмотрел, как его конь подогнул ноги; to fold — сгибать, складывать, сворачивать) and lay down beneath the trees to sleep (и лег под деревьями, чтобы поспать; to lie down — ложиться, прилечь) and he wrapped his scarlet coat about him (завернул свой алый плащ вокруг себя = укутался в плащ; to wrap — завертывать, оборачивать), raised the hood and slept also (поднял капюшон и тоже заснул; to raise — поднимать, повышать /в звании и т. д. /; to sleep-slept-slept).

comfortably [`kAmfqtqblI] aunt [Rnt] beneath [bI`nJT]

He smiled at his own foolishness and settled himself more comfortably against the tree. In another three days he would be at Castle Crachah, where his aunt the Princess Lorim lived. He watched as his horse folded its legs and lay down beneath the trees to sleep and he wrapped his scarlet coat about him, raised the hood and slept also.

CHAPTER THREE (глава третья)

The Mabden Herd (мабденское стадо)

Towards the middle of the following morning (около середины следующего утра) Prince Corum was awakened by sounds (был разбужен звуками; to awaken — просыпаться; пробуждать /чувство/) that somehow did not fit the forest (которые как-то не подходили лесу = не свойственными лесу; to fit — быть впору, подходить, соответствовать). His horse had heard them too (конь услышал их также; to hear-heard-heard), for it was up (потому что поднялся; to be up — вставать, подниматься) and sniffing at the air (и принюхивался к воздуху; to sniff — сопеть, фыркать, втягивать носом воздух), showing small signs of agitation (проявляя небольшие признаки беспокойства; sign — знак, символ, признак, жест).

Corum frowned (Корум нахмурился) and went to the cool water of the river (пошел к прохладной воде речки) to wash his face and hands (умыть лицо = умыться и вымыть руки; to wash one’s face — умываться). He paused, listening again (он остановился, прислушиваясь вновь; to pause — делать паузу, медлить; задержаться). A thump (глухой удар; thump — тяжелый удар /кулаком, дубинкой/, глухой шум). A rattle (гвалт; rattle — треск, грохот; шумная болтовня). A clank (бряцанье /оружия/). He thought he heard a voice (ему почудилось, он слышит голос; to think — думать, считать, представлять; to think-thought- thought) shouting further down the valley (кричащий далеко в долине; to shout — кричать, громко говорить; further — дальше, более отдаленный; down — /вниз/ по, вдоль по) and he peered in that direction (он всмотрелся в том направлении; to peer — вглядываться, заглянуть; выглянуть /о солнце/) and thought he saw something moving (и ему показалось, он видит что-то движущееся).

agitation [, xGI`teIS (q) n] thump [TAmp] shouting [`SautIN]

Towards the middle of the following morning Prince Corum was awakened by sounds that somehow did not fit the forest. His horse had heard them too, for it was up and sniffing at the air, showing small signs of agitation.

Corum frowned and went to the cool water of the river to wash his face and hands. He paused, listening again. A thump. A rattle. A clank. He thought he heard a voice shouting further down the valley and he peered in that direction and thought he saw something moving.

Corum strode back (зашагал назад; to stride — шагать /большими шагами/, перешагнуть; to stride-strode-stridden) to where he had left his gear (/туда/, где он оставил свои вещи; gear — одежда, имущество, снаряжение) and he picked up his helmet (подобрал свой шлем), settling it on his head (надел его на голову), fixed his sword's scabbard to his belt (пристегнул ножны меча к поясу; to fix — устанавливать, крепить; belt — пояс, ремень; полоса), looped the axe on to his back (закрепил топор на спине; to loop — делать петлю, скреплять петлей). Then he began to saddle the horse (затем принялся седлать коня) as it lapped the river (когда тот пил из речки; to lap — свертывать, жадно пить, глотать; плескаться /о волнах/).

The sounds were stronger now (звуки были громче теперь) and, for some reason (по какой-то причине), Corum felt disquiet touch his mind (Корум почувствовал, /как/ беспокойство тронуло его душу; mind — ум, рассудок, душа). He mounted his horse (он сел на своего коня; to mount — подниматься, восходить; садиться /на лошадь, велосипед, в машину/) but continued to watch (но продолжал наблюдать).

scabbard [`skxbqd] disquiet [dIs`kwaIqt] mounted [`mauntId] continued [kqn`tInjHd]

Corum strode back to where he had left his gear and he picked up his helmet, settling it on his head, fixed his sword's scabbard to his belt, looped the axe on to his back. Then he began to saddle the horse as it lapped the river.

The sounds were stronger now and, for some reason, Corum felt disquiet touch his mind. He mounted his horse but continued to watch.

Up the valley came a tide of beasts and vehicles (вверх = из долины шел поток животных и повозок; tide — прилив, отлив, поток, течение; vehicle — транспортное средство). Some of the creatures (некоторые из существ) were clothed in iron, fur and leather (были одеты в доспехи, мех и кожу; iron — железо, черный металл; любые предметы из железа). Corum guessed that this was a Mabden herd (догадался, что это было стадо мабденов). From the little he had read of Mabden habits (из /того/ немногого, /что/ он читал о мабденских привычках), he knew the breed (он знал, /что/ племя /мабденов/; breed — племя, порода, род) to be for the most part (является главным образом) a migratory species (мигрирующим видом), constantly on the move (постоянно в движении; on the move — на ходу, на ногах, в движении); as it exhausted one area (когда оно истощало один участок; to exhaust — исчерпывать, полностью расходовать; изнурять) it would move on (оно двигалось дальше), seeking fresh game and wild crops (ища новую дичь и дикорастущие культуры; to seek — искать, разузнавать; to seek-sought-sought; fresh — свежий, новый; crops — зерновые культуры). He was surprised to note (он был удивлен заметить) how much like Vadhagh arms and armour (насколько похожими на вадагские оружие и доспехи)

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