could do it.
Elend wasn't in a mood for such subtlety, even had he possessed it. He yelled in defiance, snapping more coins at the beast. He flipped them up off the ground toward himself, then flung them forward, shooting missile after glittering missile into the creature's blue body. Its back became a glistening mass of too-red blood, and finally it slumped over.
Elend spun, turning from the relieved father and daughter to face down another koloss. It raised its weapon to strike, but Elend just screamed at it in anger.
As the koloss swung its weapon, Elend flared pewter and flung himself to the side, then sheared the creature's hand free at the wrist. As the beast screamed in pain, Elend threw himself back into the fight. The villagers began to rally around him. They obviously had no training for war-they were likely under Yomen's protection and didn't need to worry about bandits or roving armies. Yet, despite their lack of skill, they obviously knew to stay close to the Mistborn. Their desperate, pleading eyes prodded Elend on, drove him to cut down koloss after koloss.
For the moment, he didn't have to worry about the right or wrong of the situation. He could simply
Two years before, during the siege of Luthadel, Vin had attacked Cett's fortification and slaughtered three hundred of his soldiers. Elend had trusted that she had good reasons for the attack, but he'd never understood how she could do such a thing. At least, not until this night, fighting in an unnamed village, too much ash in the dark sky, the mists on fire, koloss dying in ranks before him.
The Inquisitor didn't appear. Frustrated, Elend spun away from a group of koloss, leaving one dying in his wake, then extinguished his metals. The creatures surrounded him, and he burned duralumin, then burned zinc, and
The village fell silent.
Elend paused, stumbling slightly as he finished his spin. He looked through the falling ash, turning toward the remaining koloss-thousands and thousands of them-who now suddenly stood motionless and patient around him, under his control at last.
Worried, yet uncertain what else to do, he turned to scan the village. Some people had gathered to stare at him. They seemed to be in shock-instead of doing something about the burning buildings, they simply stood in the mists, watching him.
He should have felt triumphant. And yet, his victory was spoiled by the Inquisitor's absence. In addition, the village was in flames-by this point, very few structures remained that weren't burning. Elend hadn't saved the village. He'd found his koloss army, as he'd planned, but he felt as if he'd failed in some greater way. He sighed, dropping his sword from tired, bloody fingers, then walked toward the villagers. As he moved, he was disturbed by the number of koloss bodies he passed. Had he really slain so many?
Another part of him-quiescent now, but still aflame-was sorry that the time for killing had ended. He stopped before a silent group of villagers.
'You're him, aren't you?' an elderly man asked.
'Who?' Elend asked.
'The Lord Ruler,' the man whispered.
Elend looked down at his black uniform, encased in a mistcloak, both of which were slick with blood.
'Close enough,' he said, turning to the east-toward where his human army camped many miles away, waiting for him to return with a new koloss force to aid them. There was only one reason for him to do that. Finally, he acknowledged what he'd decided, unconsciously, the moment he'd set out to find more of the creatures.
During the days of the Lord Ruler, Luthadel had been the most crowded city in the world. Filled with three- and four-story tenements, it had been packed with the skaa who'd worked its numerous furnaces and forges, with the noble merchants who'd sold its goods, and with the high nobility who'd simply wanted to be near the imperial court. TenSoon had assumed that now, with the Lord Ruler dead and the imperial government shattered, Luthadel would become far less densely populated.
He had, apparently, been wrong.
Still wearing the wolfhound's body, he trotted along in amazement as he explored the streets. It seemed that every nook-every alleyway, every street corner, each and every tenement-had become home to a skaa family. The city smelled terrible, and refuse clogged the streets, buried in ash.
He poked his head out of the alleyway, looking at Keep Venture. TenSoon's heart sank to see that its beautiful stained-glass windows had been shattered. Crude boards blocked the broken holes. There were guards at the front gates, however, which seemed a better sign.
TenSoon crept forward, trying to look like a mangy stray. He kept to the shadows, edging his way up to the gate. Then, he lay down in some refuse to watch the soldiers. He expanded his eardrums, craning to hear what the men were saying.
It turned out to be nothing. The two guards stood quietly, looking bored and not a little disconsolate as they