Slim said to him, “You don’t have to prove anything.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Yeah, you do,” I said.

“Fraid not.”

“Yeah, right.”

He gave me the finger, then headed for the dirt road.

I muttered, “Damn it.”

“You’d better go with him,” Slim said.


She called out, “Rusty, wait! Dwight’s going with you.”

“I am?”

Rusty stopped and turned around. “You coming?” he asked.

“Just a minute,” Slim called. To me, she said, “We can’t let him go by himself.”

“Sure we can.”

She shook her head. “Besides, what about Lee?”

Lee had temporarily slipped my mind.

“Whether that was Lee in the pickup or not,” Slim said, “she’ll probably turn up at the show sooner or later and she’s expecting us to be there.”

“She can hook up with Rusty,” I said. It sounded feeble even to me.

“Suppose the Cadillac twins decide to go after her?”

Grimacing, I nodded. “Yeah,” I muttered. “Maybe I’d better go. I don’t want to, but...”

“Duty calls,” Slim said. In the dim grayness of the forest, she seemed to smile at me. “Anyway,” she added, “I know you want to see the Vampire Show.”

“Don’t you wanta see it?”

She shook her head. “Not hardly. Look, you go to the show and take care of Rusty. I don’t think the Cadillac twins are likely to bother you guys if I’m not with you. They might not even recognize you. So just go on ahead. Find Lee. Enjoy the show. Bitsy and I’ll wait for you in the car.”

“I don’t know,” I muttered.

“Yes, you do.”

“What if something happens to you and Bitsy?”

“We’ll be fine. The car’s well hidden. It’ll be a hell of a lot safer for us than going to the Vampire Show, I know that much.”

“Maybe you should drive on home.”

She shook her head. “We’ll wait.”

“We’ll wait,” echoed Bitsy.

“Here’s your ticket,” Slim said. She held it out for me.

As I took it, she stepped in against me. She put an arm around my back, pressed her slender body against mine and kissed me. I felt the warmth of her belly, the soft push of her breasts, the gentle pressure of her lips. But only for a moment. Easing away from me, she whispered, “Be careful.”

“You, too,” I said.

“What about me?” Bitsy asked.

Slim stepped aside for her. Bitsy put both arms around me and tilted back her head for a kiss.

Slim gave a little nod.

So I hugged Bitsy.

She writhed against me, moaning. Her heavy, open lips mooshed against mine and squirmed like a pair of slugs.

When I eased her away, she whimpered.

“See you later,” I said.

As I lifted a hand in farewell to Slim, Bitsy grabbed my other arm. “I’m coming with,” she said.

“You’ll be safer with Slim,” I told her.

“But I wanta come with you. You promised! Everybody promised. If you’re goin’ to see the vampires, I getta go, too!”

“It’s too dangerous now,” Slim explained. “I’m not going, either.”

“But they are! If they get t‘go, I get t’go.”

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