Фото 17
Armour of a member of the Matsch famdy. Milanese, c. 1420.
Фото 18
Armour of a member of the Matsch family. Milanese (Missaglia workshop), c. 1450.
Scott Collection, Glasgow Museum
Фото 19
St. Wflliam. Detail of picture by Gian Francesco de' Maineri and Lorenzo Costa, c. 1498.
National Gallery, London
Фото 20
Sabothai bringing water to King David. Detail of the Heilsspiegelaltar by Konrad Witz. South German, c. 1440.
Kunsthalle, Basle
Фото 21
The Emperor Friedrich III by Jakob Kaschauer, 1453.
Imperial Castle, Wiener Neustadt
Фото 22
Armour of the Archduke Sigmund of Tyrol by Lorenz Helmschmied, c. 1480.
Фото 23
Part of an armour, by Hans Prunner, c. 1490-1500.
Фото 24
Armour believed to be that of Kunz Schott von Hellingen. Nuremberg, c. 1500.
Collection of Mr. R. T. Gwynn, Epsom
Фото 25
Armour of Johann Friedrich, Elector of Saxony. Saxon (?), 1530
Фото 26
Parade armour made for the Emperor Charles V when Archduke by Konrad Seusenhofer, 1512-14.
Фото 27
Parade armour of the Emperor Charles V, by Bartolommeo Campi, 1546.
Фото 28
Armour, probably of Albrecht V, Duke of Bavaria. Nuremberg, 1549.
Фото 29
Light field armour (Harnasch) of Heinrich von Rantzau. Saxon (?), c. 1550-60.