“Bye-bye, Alaric,” Eleni said, smiling a sweet, gap-toothed smile.

Everyone stared at her. The child had the ability to see a short distance into the future, so of course she must see that she would be leaving through the portal. He wondered, though, why she’d named him in particular.

The portal flashed into existence before anyone could venture an opinion, and again that deep male voice called out to them. “You need?”

“Wait,” Conlan shouted, but the light flashed a brilliant sapphire blue, and two things occurred simultaneously: Riley, Aidan, Keely, Eleni, and Erin all disappeared, and Christophe and his soul-melded mate, Lady Fiona, flew out of the portal and landed on their asses on the ground.

Then the portal winked out of existence again.

“I have had enough of this,” Conlan said.

Alaric could only nod, as he stumbled forward, the pressure in his skull reaching an unbearable level. “Christophe, I’m going to need some help,” he said, and then he fell forward into the relentless dark.

* * *

When the world snapped back into focus, Alaric realized that his subconscious had somehow maintained his magical hold on all the dangerous balls he was juggling, and the dome had not collapsed.

He somehow wasn’t even shocked to see Christophe sitting across from him on the grass, grinning.

“Please tell me this is all part of the nightmare,” Alaric said wearily.

“Got your back, my friend,” Christophe said smugly. “Feel free to say thank you at any time.”

Alaric took stock and realized that the warrior was indeed carrying some of the magical load. Quite a bit, in fact. He leaned back and took his first full breath since the crisis began.

“Thank you,” he said, and then enjoyed watching Christophe’s shock. Alaric didn’t have a history of expressing appreciation or gratitude.

“We were a bit worried for a moment,” Lady Fiona said in her crisp British accent. “Lovely to see you up and about. Now what do we do?”

Alaric stood up and nodded to her. “Welcome. Now that Christophe has taken more than his fair share of the magical burden, I can leave to find Poseidon’s Pride. All we need is for the portal to—”

“You need?” came the voice and flash of light, and Alaric went spinning through the vortex.

“I know you’re sentient. I met Gailea,” he shouted. “What in the nine hells do you think you’re up to?”

“Ask your sea god,” came the cryptic response, and then Alaric plummeted down through an early-morning sky. Before he had time to transform into mist, he crashed through a skylight made of blacked-out glass, and he landed on his feet in the middle of at least a dozen vampires.

“This,” Alaric said, looking around for who he’d have to kill first, “I did not need.”

The room was high-ceilinged and lit only by a couple of bare lightbulbs hanging drunkenly from frayed cords. Stark black-and-red graffiti, both words and images, crawled across the walls like the spreading stain of blood from a wound. The stench of vampire permeated the room, making him think the abandoned building must have long been their lair.

“You’ve interrupted lunch,” one of the bloodsuckers hissed. “That means you become part of it.”

“Always with the cheesy dialogue, as Ven would say.” Alaric shook his head and got ready to turn into mist and escape, until he saw exactly what they were preparing to eat for lunch.

Whom they were preparing to eat for lunch.


It was kids.

“You again?” The kid in the red shirt looked familiar, and Alaric realized it was the same boy he’d saved from Ptolemy.

“That is far too large a coincidence. What are you doing here?”

The vamp who thought he was the leader snarled at Alaric. “You can address me if you have something to say.”

“Shut up. You were saying, kid?”

The kid jerked his chin at the group of five smaller children who were huddled and crying in the middle of the group of bloodsuckers. “I take care of them.”

“Not very well, apparently.”

The kid lunged at Alaric, trying to get away from the vamp who held him, but bloodsuckers had unnatural strength, so it was a futile struggle.

“You’re angry at the wrong person, Faust,” Alaric advised, forming a sword out of pure energy and slicing off the kid’s captor’s head before anybody could move. “I’m not the one trying to eat you and your friends for lunch. What do you say we take care of this and get out of here?”

Faust dropped to the floor, pulling a gun out from underneath his shirt in one quick motion and firing on the nearest vamp before Alaric had come to the end of his sentence.

“Guns don’t work on—”

“Silver to the brain stem does,” Faust interrupted, surprising Alaric. Not many humans knew that. “Help me get these kids out of here?”

The vampires started shrieking, hissing, biting, and clawing—all the things vamps usually did—but Alaric had endured too damn much to put up with any of it. He set to work with the shining sword, with Faust at his back taking aim with his gun.

Within minutes every vamp in the room was dead and dissolving in a pile of acidic slime, and only one of the children was badly injured: a girl with a nasty bite on her neck bleeding out on the floor. Alaric could feel her life force ebbing as he watched, and she was a tiny bit of a thing, probably no older than five.

“I need to get her to a doctor, man,” Faust said, panicking.

“There’s no time,” Alaric said, as gently as he knew how.

The boy ignored him and carefully gathered the girl in his arms, and in the space of those few moments, Alaric considered his options. He was teetering on the edge of overuse of magic as it was; would the energy to heal one human child who was already so close to dying send him over the edge? Could he risk it, when the result might be to condemn thousands of Atlantean children to death?

The girl cried out, and he realized he didn’t actually have a decision to make at all. He couldn’t do nothing and watch this child die.

He stopped Faust and placed his hand over the site of the wound. Blue-green light flared as Alaric’s healing energy swept through him and into the child. She stiffened in the boy’s arms and then sat up, grinning.

“Do it again!”

The bite on her neck was gone as if it had never happened.

“But—” Faust looked wildly from Alaric to the child. “How did you—”

“The bite is healed and any vampire venom is completely destroyed, so she is not at risk from the blood bond, either,” Alaric told him. “I have to go now. Try to stay out of trouble, won’t you? I don’t have time to keep rescuing you. I have to go kill that impostor who calls himself Ptolemy.”

Faust called out to him before Alaric reached the doorway. “I can take you to him. He’s getting ready to have a press conference at City Hall at eight o’clock.”

Alaric paused and then swung back. “We’re in New York?”

The little girl he’d healed giggled up at him. “Mister, you’re not very smart, are you?”

He shook his head. “No, sweetling. I’m not very smart at all.”

Chapter 17

Outside City Hall, New York

Quinn stood on the sidewalk in City Hall Park, staring up at the grand limestone facade of the beautiful building, and considered her options. She’d been thinking subtle: steal her way into the building and find Ptolemy; confront him privately. See what he had in mind for Atlantis. For Poseidon’s Pride.

For her.

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