‘I am trying.’
‘It should be growing easier.’
‘But it’s not! Aunt, I don’t think it was a good idea to infect him with the blood of the
‘My son has been stupid all his life and hadn’t the strength to resist. And, we hadn’t learned the right combination of herbs then, to keep the mind strong. Chi Fu is all right—’
‘Chi Fu is not all right! Chi Fu is turning into one of those things too, no matter how many herbs and medicines we give him! When I try to find my brother’s mind, it’s like trying to pick up the fragments of a rotting body—’
‘You’re a coward and a fool. Chi Fu will be well. He is recovering. As for Li – Li is
Chi T’uan held out his arm, steadied his formidable aunt’s mincing steps as he led her toward the door of the main pavilion. Toward the stairway that led down to their prisoner’s lair, where the vampire Li could live in safety and darkness forever.
Asher and Mizukami descended the stair, crossed the courtyard swiftly, their breath clouds of silver in the excruciating cold. There was no one, now, in this part of the compound – everyone being presumably out combing the lakeshore or repelling rioters. They followed the walkway to the small courtyard where An Lu T’ang’s pleasure pavilion stood, and so out into Big Tiger Lane.
The sounds of riot around the Empress’s Garden had died away. As they turned down Lotus Alley, broken shopfronts, smashed shutters, and fragments of furniture and bottles bore witness to the magnitude of the disorder. The lanterns of shopkeepers bobbed in the darkness as they took stock of shattered boxes and looted goods. Here and there bullet holes punctuated the thick walls, and the air reeked with spilled liquor and vomit.
Outside the gate of the wine shop itself, Mizukami stopped a blue-uniformed policeman and asked, ‘Was anyone badly hurt?’
The representative of Peking’s Finest expiated for some minutes on the subject of big-nosed foreign-devil stinking sons of slave girls and hoped their commanding officers would flog them with rusty chains until the skin was stripped off their backs, and no, nobody had been killed. Mizukami handed him a few coins and signaled a couple of rickshaws.
When Asher climbed into one, the Count said to the puller, ‘Japanese Legation.’
An hour and a half later – it was by this time nearly three in the morning – Asher, pacing the sparely- furnished four-mat room at the back of Mizukami’s cottage, heard the cottage door open and the soft scrunch of running feet on the tatami. A moment later, the door of the room was flung open and Lydia threw herself into his arms.
‘Forty.’ Asher turned Ysidro’s note over in his fingers.
Though the cottage was wired for modern electrical lamps, Mizukami clearly preferred the dimmer glow of paraffin. An oil-lamp stood – incongruous with its pink-flowered globe – on the small Chinese table in the corner, and by its honey-colored light the queer letters – drawn with a writing brush as if they were pictures – were clearly readable on the stiff yellow paper.
Other than the lamp and its table, the room, like all those in the house, was furnished in the Japanese style, which to a Westerner’s mind meant not very furnished at all. When Asher and Mizukami had returned there, servants had brought out quilts for Asher to sleep on, a neat dark square that took up two-thirds of the floor.
He now sat cross-legged on the floor mats beside a low table, Lydia perched on a cushion at his side.
A servant had brought tea, and then left them alone.
It was nearly dawn.
‘Forty isn’t so very many.’ Lydia spoke in the neutral tone that Asher had observed her use when she was deeply troubled about something.
He knew what it was: what she wasn’t saying.
‘It is when there’s only five or six in the defending party,’ he replied. ‘And when you know that if you’re wounded – if enough of their blood gets into the cut – you’ll be one of them within days.’
Lydia looked down at her hands. Not saying – because she could not say it, not even in her own heart –
The words stood between them as they discussed the explosives, and chlorine gas, and how to keep the rats at bay long enough to plant the gelignite charges. (‘Do the German regiments have any
Asher understood. It was one thing to say,
The fact that Don Simon Ysidro had gone to the mines in the first place to help Asher’s investigation of the Others – to keep the threat from spreading further – made no difference.
Nor did the fact that he had saved Asher’s life, and Lydia’s, and that of Miranda before she was born.
The fact that Asher had himself killed, repeatedly, over the span of nearly twenty years in the service of the Department made no difference, either. He had walked away from it. Ysidro could not, and never would.
To do him justice, the vampire was probably not expecting rescue. Nevertheless, Asher felt like a Judas, the pain of betraying and deserting a comrade grinding in him like the poisoned barbs of an arrow.
‘She really deliberately infected her son, and then her nephew –
He knew she was thinking of Miranda. Tiny, perfect, like a red-and-white flower . . .
‘She’s a woman who had her feet mutilated by her own mother before she reached the age of six,’ replied Asher, ‘so that she’d be “beautiful” enough to sell to someone whose influence would help her family.’
Lydia started to say something else, then couldn’t, and only shook her head.
‘A woman whose feet are bound lives in daily pain for the rest of her life, Lydia. I wouldn’t say it gave Madame Tso a hatred for her family, but I can’t see how it wouldn’t give you a rather specialized view of what a family can reasonably ask its members.’
‘And I thought Aunt Louise was bad . . .’
‘I don’t know how Madame Tso found herself in the position to mutilate the vampire Li and make him her prisoner,’ Asher went on quietly. ‘Whether it was chance, or whether he trusted her enough to let her know where he slept.’
‘Well, I must say it certainly explains why the Peking vampires don’t trust the living.’
‘Or anyone. My guess is, once she had him at her mercy, she starved him—’
‘It’s what I’d do,’ agreed Lydia reasonably. ‘That is, if I were – um – that kind of person . . .’
Asher brought up her hand and kissed it. ‘I’ve seen you in the dissecting rooms, Best Beloved, and you
‘Well, no.’ She blinked at him behind her spectacles, as if his observation were self-evident.
‘Later she had victims brought to him, in exchange for his using a vampire’s ability to read dreams – and plant dreams – to give her husband and his enforcers an edge over other criminal families in Peking.’
‘And reading dreams,’ went on Lydia, ‘and being able to . . . to touch the minds of others, the way very old vampires can do, he would have become aware of the minds of the Others. Or the hive mind, anyway, which is what it sounds like they have.’ Her brow furrowed briefly. ‘I certainly wouldn’t want to have had Madame Tso’s dreams for the past twenty years . . .’
‘No. But if he’s been sending her wake-up-screaming nightmares every night for two decades, it’s still a price