The baby grabbed his penis at the root.
“Jesus Christ!” Rosser winced, jerking away.
“What’s wrong now, hon?”
What was wrong? “Your baby just grabbed my dick!”
The erection deflated.
“What’re you all wound up fer?” Maxine asked. “He’s just a li’l baby.”
“Ga. Ga-ga.” Then the baby picked his nose and tried to wipe it on Rosser’s thigh.
“He’s seen me givin’ fellas head before, and fuckin’ too. Ain’t no big deal.”
“Awright, awright,” she agreed, perturbed.
Of course, it would’ve been easier to just say to hell with it and walk off, but Rosser was pissed. He’d gone to a lot of trouble, a lot of annoyance (and a lot of revulsion) to get this far. He wasn’t a quitter. He was bound and
He put it back in. He thought about the blonde. He imagined her hands all over him. She was cooing in his ear, licking his neck, whispering adorations with her perfect bare breasts pressed against his chest. She was straddling him, her sex tight as a mouth itself, slowly drawing up and down over his erection. She was drenched, her own excitement for him undeniable. Now he was thrusting up, her breasts bouncing, her vagina clenching. She was sighing her bliss to the air, her eyes wanton slits.
Then she panted, “I love you, I love you…”
Rosser shuddered, ejaculating into the fantasy’s loins which were actually Maxine’s white-trash mouth. The semen blurted out of him, and now that he thought of it, it
Corey would’ve been proud of him.
Maxine pulled her mouth off. Had she swallowed? Rosser had heard no evidence of expectoration. When he looked at her, her expression seemed nonchalant, but…she kept her lips tightly seamed, as if deliberately holding his sperm inside. Post-climactic loss-of-breath diverted Rosser’s focus; he wasn’t paying much attention, but he was paying a little. Maxine, it seemed, continued to hold the semen in her mouth. Then she began to lean over—
—toward the baby.
As if on cue, the baby looked up, as though the strange gesture were familiar. Just as strangely, Rosser thought of a chick in a nest opening its beak when the mother landed with a worm.
The baby’s fat-swaddled face beamed in elation.
Then its mouth opened.
Maxine brought her lips an inch from the baby’s and began to—
Rosser slammed his eyes closed.
“There, Shots!” she exclaimed. “Tum-tum full now?”
The initial shock locked him up; he was a root in the ground, in the cement. At first he didn’t even believe what he’d seen. But when the baby—Shots—began smacking his lips with a big fat baby-smile, Rosser knew it was true.
“WHAT DID YOU DO!” he bellowed.
Maxine gave him the most absurd look, as though she’d done virtually nothing out of the ordinary. “It’s just come. It’s good fer him. He’s a growin’ boy and he needs to eat. I feed him all my trick’s blow-jobs, just like my mama done fer me, and my daddy too.” That look on her face lengthened. “Mister, you are one weird guy.”
Rosser’s shock persisted. He frantically yanked his pants back up. “It’s child-abuse, for God’s sake, if the county child-protection services knew—” but then his complaint was severed, by two things: One, a wet
“HEY!” he shouted and jumped back. He glared at the baby.
Glossy strings dangled off the kid’s chin. Shots grinned at him—a grin that could only be described as
Maxine chuckled. “Oh, he’s such a li’l devil, ain’t he? Always throwin’ his poop around.”
Rosser stood aghast. The waste wasn’t particularly solid, more like warm chocolate pudding, or mousse. Creamy. Smacking noises caught his attention next. He looked at Shots again and saw his little fingers playing with a few strings. The kid cackled greedily, then pointed a spermy finger at Rosser.
“Ga! Ga-ga!”
Maxine was grinning at him, but it was a lascivious grin if anything. She was tweaking her nipples through her top. “I gotta tell ya somethin’, handsome. Suckin’ dick makes me horny as a bitch in heat, and after that blow-job, I am ALL fired up fer you. Git them pants back down. I’ll get’cha hard again in a jiffy, then you’s kin fuck me.”
Rosser’s shoulders slumped as if his collarbones had turned to rubber. “You’re kidding me, right?”
“Does it look like I’m kiddin’, cutie? Come on, I’se serious. No charge, neither.” She looked at him and licked her lips. She pulled her knees back up, raised her hem, and bared the entire nightmarish mess that was her vagina. “Come’n get it.”
“There is
She blinked, uncomprehending. “Huh?”
“Let me put it another way, since you clearly don’t understand the English language. I would rather
Another blink, then the obese face reddened. When she lowered her knees, her big, corn-riddled flipflopped feet smacked the cement. The baby started crying.
“You ain’t got no right to be so shitty ta me!” she railed, her voice rising. “I’m a respected woman round these parts—”
Rosser rolled his eyes.
“—and I won’t stand fer bein’ treated like that. So you git down on yer knees right now’n fuck me!”
“That won’t be happening,” Rosser said, nose crinkling at the shit-smell from his shirt. “That’s an impossibility.”
“Then gimme more money!” she demanded.
“No. I already gave you money.”
“Why you prick! You asshole!” she began, her face nearly crimson now. The baby was crying in force, in machine-like bursts.
“Who do you think you are!” Maxine continued, “treatin’ me like common tramp!”
Rosser rolled his eyes.
“Well, I’ll show you, I’ll show you—”
“Yeah, yeah,” Rosser said.
“Oh, yeah, I’ll fix your wagon, buddy.” Now she was on her feet, the baby left to squall on the bench. “You just watch.”
She bumbled toward him, flipflops snapping, tits jumping. At first Rosser thought she was going to assault him, but instead she edged out of the shelter, maniacal. Rosser just stared at her.