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425 С.T., n° CCCXIV. P. 204–205.

426 Forey, A. J. The military orders and the spanish Reconquest in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries // M.O.C. V. P. 221.

427 Finke, Heinrich. Papsttum und Untergang des Templerordens. Bd. 2: Quellen. Munster i.W.: Aschendorff, 1907. S. 4. Nr. 4 // Forey, Alan John. The military orders: from the 12th to the early 14th centuries. Basingstoke: Macmillan Education, 1991. P. 89.

428 Torres Sudrez, C. Rodrigo Tellez Giron, maestre de Calatrava // Anuario de estudios medievales. XII (1981). P. 790.

429 Forey, A. J. The military orders and the spanish Reconquest in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries // M.O.C. V. P. 219.

430 Solano Ruiz, Emma. La Orden de Calatrava en el siglo XV: los senorios castellanos de la Orden al fin de la Edad media. Sevilla: Universidad, 1978. P. 161–162.

431 Forey, A. J. The military orders and the spanish Reconquest in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries // M.O.C. V. P. 226.

432 Forey, Alan John. The Templars in the «Corona de Aragon». London: Oxford university press, 1973. P. 33–34.

433 Sainz de la Maza Lasoli, Regina. La orden de San Jorge de Alfama. Barcelona: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, 1990. P. 199–200, n° 1.

434 Corchado Soriano, Manuel. Estudio historico-economico- juridico del Campo de Calatrava. Ciudad Real: Instituto de estudios manchegos; Diputacion provincial de Ciudad Real, 1982–1984. 3 vol. — Javierre Muir, A.L. La orden de Calatrava en Portugal // Boletin de la Real Academia de la historia. T. CXXX (1952). P. 360.

435 Housley, Norman. The later crusades, 1274–1580: from Lyons to Alcazar. Oxford: Oxford university press, 1992. P. 391.

436 Forey, Alan John. The military orders: from the 12th to the early 14th centuries. Basingstoke: Macmillan Education, 1991. P. 49.

437 У. Тевт., с. 47 (Устав, ст. 22). — Urban, W. The organization of defense of the livonian frontier in the thirteenth century // Speculum. T. 48 (1973). P. 529.

438 Christiansen, Eric. The northern crusades: the Baltic and the Catholic frontier, 1100–1525. London; New York: Macmillan, 1980. P. 210.

439 Ibid. P. 87, 211–213.

440 Housley, Norman. The later crusades, 1274–1580: from Lyons to Alcazar. Oxford: Oxford university press, 1992. P. 332.

441 Christiansen, Eric. The northern crusades: the Baltic and the Catholic frontier, 1100–1525. London; New York: Macmillan, 1980. P. 156.

442 Ibid. P. 87.

443 Urban, W. The organization of defense of the livonian frontier in the thirteenth century // Speculum. T. 48 (1973). P. 531.

444 Ekdahl, S. Horses and crossbows: two important warfare advantages of the Teutonic order in Prussia // The Military orders, II. P. 125.

445 Scriptores rerum Prussicarum: Die Geschichtsquellen der preussischen Vorzeit bis zum Untergange der Ordensherrschaft. Hrsg. v. Dr. Theodor Hirsch, Dr. Max Toppen und Dr. Ernst Strehlke. Leipzig: S. Hirzel, 1861–1874. Bd. 2. S. 572.

446 Quinti belli sacri scriptores minores. Edidit Reinholdus Rohricht. Genevae: J.-G. Fick, 1879. — Testimonia minora de quinto bello sacro. Edidit Reinholdus Rohricht. Genevae: J.-G. Fick, 1882.

447 Ekdahl, S. Horses and crossbows: two important warfare advantages of the Teutonic order in Prussia // The Military orders, II. P. 133.

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