sector of economy (but being ina litim sa alim).
But also in the city, closely knit extended family groups were important and active. One of such groups inhabited houses 4—12, Paternoster row, in Ur. To it belonged the brothers (or cousins) AnaSinwussur, Abuni, Imlikum, Sagisabusu, Iliiddinam, Attaia et al. (UET V, 76 et al.). They appear in sundry business documents sometimes alone and sometimes in groups of two or three but, apparently, always representing the same «family firm». Also other similar family groups can be attested.
Inside an extended family group, not all were connected with business or official activities; some of them appear only in documents concerning the division of inheritance, marriage contracts etc. Many houses excavated in OB Ur, some of them very big and apparently rich, did not contain any documents, which probably means that the families in question, whether belonging to the priesthood or connected with agricultural or animal-breeding activities, were not involved in business money transactions which need ed to be fixed in writing.
Documents and terracottas from the block Paternoster row 4—12 show that certain girls belonging to the extended family served as ukbabatum-priestesses (the title ukbabtum in Ur being equivalent to qadistum elsewhere). They were (at least originally) clearly distinguished from the prostitutes, the harimtum. Although also the latter were under the protection of the goddess Istar, they were, in contradistinction to the qadistum and the ukbabtum, not priestesses. In the author's conjecture, the ukbabtum / qadistum were destined to coition with a stranger representing a god (cf. Herodotus, I, 199), in what was an equivalent to the Sacred Marriage Rite in the great temples.
If a princess royal could become an entum (high priestess) and (in Ur) spouse of the Moon-god, girls belonging to the elite might be recruited as lukur, or concubines of the same or other great gods, and probably substitutes of the entum as she grew older; families of somewhat lower standing gave some of their daughters away as ukbabtum or qadistum; it was probably a matter of dowry which the family could spare for the girl's initiation. In the poorest families the girls that did not marry became harimtum.
Part of the contents of this chapter are published in the «Zeitschrift fur Assyriologie» NF 74—1 (1985) as Extended Families in Old Babylonian Ur, and in the «Journal of Economic and Social History of the Orient», XIX (1985), as Women in Old Babylonia not under Patriarchal Authority.
Chapter VII. Slaves and poor people, is based on documents discovered in the same block 4—12, Paternoster row, but deals with impecunious people only, either living in the same extended family complex, or being clients of the businessmen in that family: Abuni, Ilusunasir, Umussu, NidnatSin, LudlulSin, Dulatum, Naramtum, the pauper-prostitute Bawurisat, et al.
Chapter VIII. Servitors of the Temple. Another School is based on the archives of 5 and 7, Quiet street, connected with the family of the temple administrator UrNanna, and later with Kug- dNingal, and their neighbours and associates. The text 7804 = UET V 666, belonging to this archive, erroneously listed by H. H. Figulla and D. Charpin as a «list of logs», is shown to be a cadastre of lands belonging to the Temple of Nanna; the lands are listed once according to their quality, and the second time according to their being apportioned to certain social groups under different conditions.
The family in question was that of a sandabakku which seems thus to have been the economic administrator of the Nanna temple; hence, it is doubtful that the family inhabited only the modest house 7, Quiet street; more probably, it owned, like the Imlikum clan, the whole block of houses in Quiet street. UrNanna's descendant, Kug-dNingal, was an abrikku-ipriest of Eia.
An interpretation different from that given by D. Charpin is suggested for the «school» in 5 Quiet street, and to the «Children's corner» containing dozens of burials of children (school-children?), apparently synchronous, and belonging to children of approximately the same age; victims of Samsuiluna's raid?
Chapter IX. The Spouse of the Moon-gоd is devoted to the «Gipar», the temple of the goddess Ningal and also the residence of the entum-priestess; the stress is upon its latter role. Some new evidence on the Sacred Marriage Rite between the Moon-God and the entum-priestess, dating from periods earlier and later than the OB, is adduced. It is stressed that the rituals in the temples, apart from praises and prayers to the gods, consisted mainly of imitations of the deity's everyday life, including awakening, feeding, dressing, guest parties to other deities, and imitation of the deity's sexual life which, as Sacred Marriage Rite, had a tremendous importance for the thriving of grain, animals, and humans. Also the qadistu-priestesses, far from being prostitutes, may have treated their guests as representatives- of an Unknown Deity.
Социально-экономическая обстановка эпохи охарактеризована в других работах И. М. Дьяконова (I. М. Diakonoff), к которым и отсылается интересующийся читатель (там же ссылки на источники):
1. Законы Вавилонии, Ассирии и Хеттского царства. Пер. и комм. И. М. Дьяконова и Я. М. Магазинера, под ред. И. М. Дьяконова. — ВДИ. 1952, № 3–4 (ниже — ЗВАХ I и II).
2. Дьяконов И. М. Muskenum и повинностное землевладение на царской земле при Хаммураби. — Eos, № 48 (Symbolae R. Taubenschlag dedicatae). Vratislavae-Varsaviae, 1956, c. 37– 62.
3. Дьяконов И. M. Общественный и государственный строй древнего Двуречья. Шумер. М., 1959.
4. Дьяконов И. М. Община на древнем Востоке в работах советских исследователей. — ВДИ. 1963, № 1, с. 16–34.
5. Дьяконов И. М. Основные черты экономики в монархиях древней Западной Азии. — НАА. 1966, № 1, с. 44–58.
6. Дьяконов И. М. Проблемы собственности. О структуре общества Ближнего Востока до середины II тысячелетия до н. э. — ВДИ. 1967, № 4, с. 13–35.
7. Дьяконов И. М. Проблемы экономики. О структуре общества Ближнего Востока до середины II тыс. до н. э. — ВДИ. 1968, № 3, с. 3— 27; № 4, с. 3–40.
8. Diakonoff I. М. The Rise of the Despotic State in Ancient Mesopotamia. — Ancient Mesopotamia. M., 1969, c. 173–203.
9. Diakonoff I. M. On the Structure of the Old Babylonian Society. — Beitrage zur sozialen Struktur des alten Vorderasiens. — Schriften zur Geschichte und Kultur des Alten Orients, I. В., 1971, с. 15–31.
10. Diakonoff I. M. Socio-Economic Classes in Babylonia and the Babylonian Concept of Social Stratification. — Gesellschaftsklassen im Alten Zweistromland und in den angrenzenden Gebieten. XVIII. Rencontre assyriologique internationale. Munchen, 1970 (= Abh. der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Ph.-Hist. Klasse. NF 75). Munchen, 1972, c. 41–52.
11. Дьяконов И. M. Рабы, илоты и крепостные. — ВДИ. 1973, № 4, с. 4—