
“As to that,” said Cadfael candidly, “he’s of the same mind as you, for until he knows that all’s made plain, and Dame Hammet safe and respected, he won’t budge. Much as he wants to get to honest service in Gloucester, here he stays while she’s in trouble. Which is only fair, seeing the risks she has taken for him. But once this is over, he’ll be away, out of your territory. And not alone!” said Cadfael, meeting Hugh’s quizzical glance with a complacent countenance. “Is it possible I still know something you do not know?”

Hugh furrowed his brow and considered this riddle at leisure. “Not Giffard, that’s certain! He could not get himself out of the trap fast enough. Two women in the affair, you said, one of them young

Do you tell me this young venturer has found himself a wife in these parts? Already? These imps of Anjou work briskly, I grant them that! Let’s see, then

” He pondered, drumming his fingers thoughtfully on the rim of the clay saucer. “He had got himself into a monastery, where women do not abound, and I think you will have got your due of work out of him, he had small opportunity to go wooing among the townswomen. And as far as I know, he made no approach to any other of the local lordlings. I’m left with Giffard’s household, where the boy’s embassage may have been a none too well-kept secret, and where there’s a very pleasing young woman, of the Empress’s faction by blood, and bold and determined enough to choose differently from her step-father. Why, pure curiosity would have brought her to have a close look at such a paladin of romance, come in peril of his liberty and life from over the sea. Sanan Bernicres? Is he truly wanting to take her with him?”

“Sanan it is. But I think it was she who made the decision. They have horses hidden away ready for departure, and she has her own small estate in jewels from her mother, easily carried. No doubt she’s provided him sword and dagger, too. She’ll not let him come before the Empress or Robert of Gloucester shabby, or without arms and horse.”

“They mean this earnestly?” wondered Hugh, frowning over a private doubt as to what his own course ought to be in such a case.

“They mean it. Both of them. I doubt if Giffard will mind much, though he’s done his duty by her fairly enough. It saves him a dowry. And the man’s had his losses, and is ambitious for his son.”

“And what,” demanded Hugh, “does she get out of it?”

“She gets her own way. She gets what she wants, and the man she’s chosen for herself. She gets Ninian. I think it may not be a bad bargain.”

Hugh sat silent for a brooding while, weighing the rights and wrongs of allowing such a flight, and recalling, perhaps, his own determined pursuit of Aline, not so long past. After a while his brow smoothed, and the private gleam of mischief quickened in his black eyes and twitched at the corner of his mouth. An eloquent eyebrow tilted above a covert glance at Cadfael.

“Well, I can as easily put a stop to that as cross the court here, yes, and bring the lad flying out of hiding into my arms, if I choose. You’ve taught me the way to flush him out of cover. All I need do is arrest Mistress Hammet, or even put it abroad that I’m about to, and he’ll come running to defend her. If I accused her of murder, as like as not he’d go so far as to confess to an act he never committed, to see her free and vindicated.”

“You could do it,” Cadfael admitted, without any great concern, “but you won’t. You are as convinced as I am that neither he nor Dame Diota ever laid hand on Ailnoth, and you certainly won’t pretend otherwise.”

“I might, however,” said Hugh, grinning, “try the same trick with another victim, and see if the man who did drown Ailnoth will be as honest and chivalrous as your lad would be. For I came here today with a small item of news you will not yet have heard, concerning one of Ailnoth’s flock who’ll be none the worse for a salutary shock. Who knows, there are plenty of rough and ready fellows who would kill lightly enough, but not stand by and let another man be hanged for it. It would be worth the trial, to hook a murderer, and even if it failed, the bait would come to no lasting harm.”

“I would not do it to a dog!” said Cadfael.

“Neither would I, dogs are honest, worthy creatures that fight fair and bear no grudges. When they set out to kill, they do it openly in broad daylight, and never care how many witnesses there may be. I have less scruples about some men. This one?ah, he’s none so bad, but a fright won’t hurt him, and may do a very sound turn for his poor drab of a wife.”

“You have lost me,” said Cadfael.

“Let me find you again! This morning Alan Herbard brought me a man he’d happened on by chance, a country kinsman of Erwald’s who came to spend Christmas with the provost and his family here in the Foregate. The man’s a shepherd by calling, and Erwald had a couple of ewes too early in lamb, penned in his shed out beyond the Gaye, and one of them threatened to cast her lamb too soon. So his cousin the shepherd went to the shed after Matins and Lauds on Christmas morning, to take a look at them, and brought off the threatened lamb safely, too, and was on his way back, just coming up from the Gaye and along to the Foregate at first light. And who do you suppose he saw sneaking very furtively up from the path to the mill and heading for home, but Jordan Achard, rumpled and bleared from sleep and hardly expecting to be seen at that hour. By chance one of the few people our man would have known by sight and name here, being the baker from whose oven he’d fetched his cousin’s bread the day before. It came out in purest gossip, in all innocence. The countryman knew Jordan’s reputation, and thought it a harmless joke to have seen him making for home from some strange bed.”

“Along that path?” said Cadfael, staring.

“Along that path. It was well trodden that night, it seems.”

“Ninian was the first,” said Cadfael slowly. “I never told you that, but he went there early, not being sure of Giffard. He took himself off smartly when he saw Ailnoth come raging to the meeting, and nothing more did he know of it until morning, when Diota came crying the priest was lost. She was there, as I’ve told you. I said there must be a third. But Jordan? And blundering homeward at first light? It’s hard to believe he had so much durable malice in him as to carry his grudge so long. A big, spoiled babe, I should have said, but for being an excellent baker.”

“So should I. But he was there, no question. Who’s abroad at first light on Christmas morning after a long night’s worship? Barring, of course, a shepherd anxious about an ailing ewe! That was very ill luck for Jordan. But it goes further, Cadfael. I went myself to talk to Jordan’s wife, while he was busy at his ovens. I told her what news we had of his moves, and made her understand it was proven beyond doubt where he’d been. I think she was ready to break like a branch over-fruited. Do you know how many children she’s borne, poor soul? Eleven, and only two of them living. And how he managed to engender so many, considering how seldom he lies at home, only the recording angel can tell. Not a bad-looking woman, if she were not so worn and harried. And still fond of him!”

“And this time,” said Cadfael, awed, “she really told you truth?”

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