Ren took out the second drawing from the rapist. There was something in these drawings … or the sense of something … she just wasn’t quite sure what. She sat forward.

The curve. It’s the curve of the bird’s wing, the bird perched on the bed. It’s like the curve of a scythe. She had seen it before. She had seen that shape … on the lightning strike that marked the path to Kennington Asylum.


Ren put a call in to Glenn Buddy. ‘Glenn, those drawings — the curves in the bird’s wings and on some of the buildings in the second drawing … they’re the same curves on the lightning strikes on the ground at Kennington. I think they were drawn by the same person.’

‘Really?’ said Glenn.

‘It looks that way,’ said Ren. ‘I’m looking through my notes here, and I was thinking — we should go talk to the boy that Ally Lynch said she liked that night. If the feeling was mutual, if he had any connection with her, he could be the one to break his silence and tell us who organized the party or who did the artwork that led to it.’

‘OK — I’ll pick you up,’ said Glenn.

Ren followed Glenn into the Principal’s Office of St John’s Academy in Park Hill. There sat the object of Ally Lynch’s affections: Rigg Raskin. A name straight from Gossip Girls.

Rigg was handsome, athletic and devastatingly unattainable to most girls. And, in the way he moved to settle himself in the chair …

Possibly devastatingly unattainable to all girls.

‘So, Rigg …’ said Ren. Where the hell did you get your name?

‘I know you gave your statement about the party,’ said Ren, ‘and you said you didn’t know who was running it-’

‘That’s correct, ma’am,’ said Rigg.

Nice and polite. I’ll cope with the ma’am.

‘I just showed up,’ said Rigg.

‘But who told you it was on, and where to go?’ said Ren.

‘The same bunch of people you guys interviewed already. We were all, like, afterwards saying that it seemed to go in a circle — we all thought we heard from each other, but no-one had an outside source.’

‘OK,’ said Ren. ‘I have a different question for you.’ She placed the image of the lightning strike on the table. He sat forward.

‘This, as you know, was used to guide you to the door of the party, and everyone’s hands were stamped in invisible ink with the same logo.’


‘Who did the stamping at the door?’ said Ren.

‘I don’t know, they were older, bouncer types, there for the start of the party, and apparently they were gone by the time any late people arrived.’

‘Do you know who drew this?’ said Ren.

‘Who drew it?’ said Rigg.

Ren nodded. ‘It’s important.’

He frowned. ‘I don’t know.’

‘Do you think you can find out for me?’ said Ren.

Glenn Buddy leaned forward. Very far forward. ‘I don’t think giving us that information will expose whatever dealer was behind the party that everyone is afraid of.’

A trace of fear flashed in Rigg’s eyes.

‘We’re not interested in the dealer,’ said Glenn.

For now …

‘Or,’ said Glenn, ‘their suppliers, despite what movies you’ve seen. Special Agent Bryce and I want to know where this symbol originated, and we figure that it wasn’t with whoever threw the party.’

If he was the rapist, he wouldn’t have been arriving after midnight to his own event.

‘I guess I could try,’ said Rigg.

‘No trying,’ said Glenn. ‘That’s not what we want here. We want a name.’

Rigg turned to Ren with an imploring look in his eye.

‘It’s an important part of our investigation,’ said Ren.

Rigg nodded. ‘Agent … ma’am … there’s a rumor … about Ally Lynch …’ He stared at the ground. ‘I haven’t seen her. I know you can’t say, but … if it’s true, please … I’ll do … I’d like to do what I can. Ally’s … Ally’s a cool person. She’s a really good person.’

‘Here’s my card, Rigg,’ said Glenn. ‘If you find out who drew this, call me right away. And don’t speak about this to anyone.’

‘Sure,’ said Rigg. He turned to Ren. ‘If … if you see Ally, tell her I said hi …’

Rigg Raskin, you sweet boy. Poor Ally Lynch is not ready to hear that you care, because the idea of you even having a clue what happened to her would crush her spirit even more.

Ren arrived back at the office to an email from Matt.

OK, Ren, I do not want you to hate me for this, but I’m sending you an email that I’d really like you to read. Call me afterwards, if you like but … look, I’m not saying it will be easy reading, but please just think about it, OK? I love you very much. Just remember that.

She opened the email:

Ren, I’ve gone back over some of our emails from earlier this year, and I’ve taken out some of the things you wrote me, so you can, hopefully, see a pattern. I know it won’t seem a fair or a kind thing to do but … I just hope you can understand why I’m worried about you. Love, always, Matt.

Ren frowned. What?

Jan. 02 to Jan.11: No emails (same thing for last three years).

Jan. 12: OMG — Livestock Show Party! Amazing night! Roped v cute extreme rider (LOL!!!). THE worst hangover. EVER.

Jan. 15: On trail of Tiny Toes Bandit — guy with tiny feet who robs banks while wearing shoes that are too big. Left a teeny tiny footprint at one scene, lost a shoe at another!!! Idiot!!!

Jan. 17: Asleep at desk …

Jan. 18: Caught bandit. Here’s link. Totally nailed it.

Jan. 19: Hangover from hell …

Jan. 21: Started dance class. What a blast! Teacher said I was a natural.

Jan. 24: Extreme rider rides off into sunset …

Jan. 25: Phone company total IDIOTS!!! Hate them!!!

Jan. 27: Took delivery of some very nice dance gear.

Feb. 12: Gave up dance.

Feb. 18 to Feb. 24 (no mails).

Feb. 25: Note to self: don’t open credit card statement when miserable.

Feb. 27: Off work for a while. Gary great. Feel like shit.

Feb. 28: Not going to make it to NY. Sorry.

Mar. 06: Back at work. Ugh.

Mar. 05: Yes, saw Helen. Helped, as always.

At the end, Matt had written: Ren, try that psychiatrist again. For me.

Ren deleted the email.

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