mazik: a clever little devil
megillah: the whole long tale
meshuggener: an idiot, a fool
meshumed: an apostate
mezuzah: a charm placed on a doorway to sanctify a house
miesse meshina: an ugly fate or death
mitzvah: a blessing, a good deed
mispocheh: family
nu: a multitude of meanings (sim to eh? in Greek or Ar in Australian)
nudzing: nagging
schlemiel: an idiot
schlimazl: an unlucky idiot
shah: silence
Shabbes: the Sabbath
shalom aleichem: Peace be unto you—a greeting
shemozzl: a mixed-up mess
shiksa: a non-Jewish girl
shivah: a period of mourning
Torah: the Book of Laws, the bible
zayde: grandfather