have no idea how little I have to lose.'
'Probably not. Can I put the gun down now?'
Walker nodded, and the pistol clattered into a drawer. 'You're going to answer all my questions, and you're going to do so immediately. I will not ask a question twice. Understand?'
The double chin jerked up, then puddled.
'What's your full name?'
'Wesley Aloysius Dieter.'
'A contract deal came through here on Wednesday, June sixth. Do you know anything about it?'
'Swear to God no.'
'Do you have hidden cameras?'
'Uh-uh. It makes guys nervous. Say the press or a guy's wife gets ahold of some footage. We had a state assembly rep in here last week, ya know?'
Walker's eyes ticked toward the video equipment. 'But you film them?'
'Sometimes. But it's just the one tape, shipped to an address they designate.' Wes tapped a contract underlying the counter's scratch guard. 'We don't keep a master, nothing.' He exaggerated showing Walker his hands before pulling a ChapStick from his pocket and moistening his lips. 'I had a closed-circuit in for a while, some lenses in the preserve to keep an eye on the girls, but some of my customers are pretty paranoid. They like their privacy.' He added, with an element of pride, 'We get a lot of tough guys, former operators, ya know?'
'You keep a log?'
'Yeah, but it won't do you any good. Guys use fake names or tags, mostly.' Wes wiped the sweat from his cheeks. His voice was less fearful. He seemed to be enjoying himself, playing a role in a real-life dangerous plot.
Walker put a charge back into him, circling the counter and pressing the point of the Redhawk to his greasy cheek. 'Get it.'
Wes recoiled, then dug through some binders behind the desk and produced an appointment sheet-names marked by the start times. Walker glanced through the list-nothing he recognized, though he wasn't sure what he was expecting.
'Tell me something useful.'
'Okay,' Wes's voice ratcheted even higher. He snatched up the page, his fingers snapping nervously as he perused the names. 'Mostly my regulars here. That was the day Cheetah Runner twisted her ankle. I remember it.' Wes's eyes darted around the page, and then he made a strangled noise of excitement. 'This guy.' He tapped the page excitedly. 'Sickle Moon. Rookie mission. He had a silver briefcase. I remember because he had to rent two lockers, one for it, one to fit his clothes and gear. Look right here.' Beside the name was scribbled an abbreviation that Walker took to be the locker-rental code.
'Did he take the briefcase with him when he left?'
'I didn't see.'
Walker pointed at another handwritten mark: L13ov. 'What's that mean?'
'He kept one locker overnight.'
'And that didn't make you suspicious? A cash drop?'
'Like I said, this is a meeting ground for all types of guys. A lot leave their gear overnight if they book again for the next day. I'd never think it was for a contract. At most I thought he was buying guns. Guys do that here, now and then, get around the bullshit waiting-period laws.' Wes read Walker's anger, and his face started to quiver. 'It's just for fun, really. Guys who want to shoot up at the ranges in the hills, ya know? Targets on boards, maybe an out-of-season deer or two. Nothing big. Who's that hurt?'
'What'd he do when he was here?'
Wes spoke rapidly, placating. 'Normal appointment. One-hour hunt. Minimum requirement if you wanna rent a locker.'
In order to locker the cash, Sickle Moon, the bag man for the deal, had to partake of the action.
Walker noted the credit-card swiper beside the computer on the rear desk. 'How'd he pay?'
Wes checked the scrawl on the appointment sheet again. 'Cash. Most of 'em do.'
'Did he order a video?'
'Get on your knees.'
Wes blurted out, 'I have an address.'
'An address? Why the hell you have an address all of a sudden?'
'I always do. Look, this is a high-ticket, high-risk operation. One in five customers invites a girl out. One time in three, she goes. We gotta know who with. Believe what you want, but I know some of these girls years now. I don't want to see anything happen to one. So we shoot digitals of the clients' license plates. I got a pal on the force gives us addresses, so if a girl goes out and stays out too long, we know where to start looking. That's all. I don't tell anyone-I can't tell anyone-or that'd be the end of this place. And probably me.'
'Get it.'
Wes dug through a cabinet. With trembling fingers he aligned the combo on a lockbox, then dug through laser-print close-ups of license plates. He pulled one, handed it to Walker.
Walker glanced at the handwritten name above the address on the back: Ted Sands.
He slid the photo in his pocket. 'On your knees.'
'Oh, God.' Wes let out a strident moan. 'Come on, pal, I helped you as best I could. I don't know anything.'
'Lace your hands behind your neck.' Walker stood behind him, pressing the barrel to the wispy hair above his collar.
Wes was keening now, voice choked with snot. 'I'm just a businessman. I talk a game, that's all. I talk a game, but I'm not really a player. I just like being around them. Please. Please.'
Walker pulled the trigger, the hammer clicking over an empty chamber. 'You're not worth the bullet.'
He left Wes collapsed on the floor behind the counter, Elektra grooming herself indifferently by his head.
Chapter 31
We're past the twenty-four-hour mark.' Tannino leaned into the squad room, arms hooked on either side of the door frame so his shoulder pads, worn to supplement his five feet seven inches, jogged up on either side of his face. 'What gives?'
'He's smart,' Tim said.
'Well-trained, proficient. Covers his tracks like a professional.'
From across the room, Thomas called out, 'Want to take him to a movie, Rack?' Assorted snickers, most of them good-natured.
'You think he's lying low?' Tannino asked.
'We'll hear from him again,' Tim said. 'Soon. Any chance I could talk you into that task force? We're juggling enough locations of interest that we could use the manpower.'
'We could always use more manpower.'
'Yeah, but we can't just pick up Jameson's trail like with Joe Fugitive. He's too strategic. He'll keep us chasing our tails. We need to work out where the trail leads and meet him there. And we need more resources to get there. Quickly.'
Tannino swept a gaze across the deputies working away at their various desks. 'He's one fugitive.'
'No, he's a former Recon marine on a mission. And he has one big advantage over us: He knows what the mission is.'
Tannino made a disgruntled noise and shoved back from the door, disappearing.
Guerrera said, ''Twenty-four-hour mark.' Think the marshal's watching too much Law amp; Order?'
Tim turned his attention back to the mess of field files before him, piled higher than his head. He'd just