The thumping of feet as Sam beelined down the hall. 'I'm on TV! I'm on TV!' He stopped. Twisted a finger until the knuckle cracked. His commercial ran in the background, the poor-me orphan shot. He drew a rattling breath. 'I didn't know you were still here.'
If Kaitlin's voice were any more weary, it would have been inaudible. 'You're supposed to be asleep.'
'I'm sorry.' He cocked his head slightly, trying to see her face. 'You okay, Kaitlin?'
'Yeah. Just go to your room, kiddo.'
His eyes shifted to Walker. 'Don't make her cry.'
Walker held out his hands: Whatever you say, boss.
'He's not making me cry, Sammy.'
'Am I?' Sam asked.
Kaitlin pressed her lips together for a moment to still them. 'No. Of course not. Go to your room. I'll come tuck you in.'
Sam shuffled off, bouncing his head side to side and murmuring the theme song to one of his video games. Walker extracted the tape from the VCR and stuffed it into his knapsack.
Kaitlin said, 'The night Sammy was diagnosed, I came over and sat with Tess. She was furious she was type B. She said if she could've cut out her liver and given it to him, she would have.' She studied Walker, no longer angry, though her tone was cool, judgmental. 'Do you know what it's like to have that kind of love?'
'Yes? How?'
Walker shouldered the knapsack and turned for the door. 'From her.'
Chapter 38
The command post took shape as it usually did, around an enormous conference table on the third floor, the Top Fifteen designation buying the Escape Team a two-story promotion, court security officer admin backup, and a few loose hands from Probation/Parole. It was just the second dawn since Walker's escape, but already the paperwork had claimed most surface areas in the room. The false sightings were rolling into the phone banks, Walker Jameson popping up everywhere from the Griffith Park Zoo's reptile house to the Ferris wheel at the Santa Monica Pier.
Tim lifted his notepad, the page now more ink than white. Ignoring the palimpsest effect from Tyler's purple crayon-in toasting an English muffin, he'd left the young artist unattended-he reviewed the updates on the checklist he'd jotted at the breakfast table. No word back from Aaronson yet on the red stain with the odd sweetener and gelatin composition. No information on Aryan Brotherhood hit men from Ian Summer and the Vegas Task Force.
The Bronco had indeed traced to Ted Sands. He'd been taken in a front-yard snatch, the dried rivulet of blood and snapped fingernail on the driveway saying it hadn't been gentle. Since Walker had driven Ted off in Ted's own vehicle, Guerrera was running down taxi records to Cheviot Hills around the time of the kidnapping-Walker had to have gotten there somehow. The cab companies that were actually organized enough to keep records had produced logs too numerous to be helpful, and there were enough other transportation scenarios-accomplice, bus, cached car-to irritate Guerrera about doing likely dead-end work.
Thomas had spent the morning looking into Dean's head of security. Percy Keating, who'd done two tours in Vietnam, lived in the Kagan guesthouse with his Bangkok mail-order bride. He'd been investigated for a handful of indiscretions over the years-everything from illegal wiretapping to criminal threats-though he'd never been formally charged.
Working a vast range of mostly inherited business and IRS contacts, Freed was still gathering background on Dean Kagan's corporate doings. When Tim had arrived a little before seven, Freed was at his desk downstairs, slaving away, wearing the same suit he'd had on the day before. He'd waved Tim off; Freed wasn't ready to talk until he was ready to talk.
Haines and Denley reviewed Sam's news segment on the wall-mounted TV in the corner. Tim had watched it through several times last night, his somber mood prompting Dray to recommend that he incorporate SpongeBob into his Netflix queue. Tess's moving declaration-'The only thing I want is for Sammy to be well enough. To live a life. That's all.'-was tearjerked into cheapness by Melissa Yueh's sobering coda: 'We can all hope that treatment for young people like Sam Hardy…may not be far away. For KCOM News, I'm-'
'Believe me, lady,' Denley said, 'we know who you are.'
Chewing his pen cap flat, Tim swiveled to take in Yueh's windblown image outside Tess and Sam's house. 'Hey, Denley. Will you contact Yueh, see if you can get the raw footage? Unedited?'
'Can I wear earplugs?'
'I'd recommend a condom, too, socio,' Guerrera said.
Freed entered, soft briefcase swollen, Armani wire-frames low on his thin nose. With aplomb he kicked aside the rolling chair at the head of the table and began removing and organizing his notes. Everyone silenced. Tim caught sight of a cover of Forbes magazine, Dean Kagan astride a golf cart with Jack Welch, looking tanned and pleased with himself.
'Dean Kagan,' Freed said, displaying an impressive grasp of dramatics, 'was a legend in the barter trade in the seventies and early eighties, dealing primarily with the Soviet Union. He made tens of millions in the commodities market, walking the line between free trade and private profiteering, raping the USSR of their natural resources.'
'Poor commies,' Denley said.
Freed continued, 'He set up a shell corp in Australia to get around Our Country 'Tis of Thee's more stringent regulations.'
'What kind of product?' Bear asked.
'He bartered copy machines, shoes, TVs, jeans, toilet paper, that kind of shit, for copper, tin, steel, fertilizer. He'd acquire enough tonnage to resell at up to a two thousand percent return to, say, China, even before having to fork out for the acquisition. His activities engendered more investigations than I could count, but he was never charged. In some of those years, he paid seven figures in legal fees. It wasn't until the late seventies he made the move to pharmaceuticals.'
'Why'd he go legit?' Zimmer asked.
In a rare instance of inelegance, Freed released a guffaw. 'Yeah, legit. There's a reason Kagan, with his From Russia with Love skill set, saw an opening in Big Pharma. Greener pastures, zero downside. The Rx T. rexes are a step ahead of clowns like Kozlowski, Lay, and other relatively honest, hardworking corporate looters. They don't have to do anything illegal-they bought the three branches and retooled the laws instead. Big Pharma has the largest lobby in Washington-more members than Congress-and a revolving-door employee policy that would make Dick Cheney dizzy. We, the humble taxpayers, get hit twice: First we foot the research bill, then we pay marked-up prices for the drugs generated by the research our money funded.
'And guess who was a prime mover behind the reengineering of the FDA and American patent law to work in Big Pharma's favor? In 1980 our very own Dean Kagan helped ram through the Bayh-Dole Act, solidifying technology-transfer laws and granting exclusive licenses for NIH research to drug companies for a royalty arrangement that in any other sector would be mythical. In '84, at Mr. Kagan and his competitors' prompting, our unparalleled Congress passed an act that extended monopoly rights for brand-name drugs to the point of preposterousness. Another piece of chicanery Mr. Kagan helped tug the marionette strings on: tax credits for 'orphan drugs.' These kick in if a pharm company bothers to tackle a disease with a smaller patient population-an unprecedented congressional guarantee that they'll profit on every product. Not that they don't manipulate the classification system anyway to get tax breaks on money earners. Beacon-Kagan has proven masterful at dodging kickback laws, too, offering prescribers-I mean physicians-paid consultancies, speaker-bureau gigs, advisory-board positions, and various other tits to slurp on the sow belly. Meanwhile those lobbyist dollars keep paying off in spades. The Medicare Bill of 2003 actually prohibits the government from negotiating prices with pharmaceutical companies. You couldn't make this shit up.'
Freed took a breath-his first? — then continued. 'If they have trouble marketing a drug for a disease, they'll