The voice was weak and accompanied by a girlish sniffle.
“Is it not a fact that you made a similar accusation against a fellow high school student called Luke Orlando two years ago?”
“And then you retracted it and admitted that you were lying?”
Claymore squirmed uncomfortably when he heard this.
“Then why did you admit that you were lying at the time?”
“Because after I withdrew the accusation, my family and friends were all pestering me to reinstate the accusation and that was the only way I could get them off my back.”
“Oh so you admitted you were lying
“Yes. But it wasn’t a lie! He
She opened her mouth to speak, but no sounds came out.
“You can take a moment to compose yourself Miss Newton,” said the judge, gently.
“It’s complicated.”
“Would you like a sip of water?” asked the judge.
Without waiting for an answer, the judge signaled one of the bailiff’s to refill the water cup that Bethel had drained slowly while testifying under direct examination. When Bethel had taken a few sips and calmed down, the judge nodded for her to continue.
“I knew that if I followed through with the accusation I’d be subjected to this sort of thing… and…”
The tears were flowing again.
“Oh you mean cross-examination.”
“But isn’t that my
The voice was almost a whine by now.
“So you were afraid because you knew the prosecutor would do his or her job?”
“I was afraid of how he’d make me seem.”
“And how was that Miss Newton?”
“Like a slut.”
“Why do you think he’d make you seem like a slut?”
“Because that’s what they do.”
“They?” asked Andi, raising his eyebrows.
“Lawyers. Defense lawyers.”
“Is it only defense lawyers who do that sort of thing Miss Newton?”
At the prosecution table, Sarah Jensen tensed up. She knew that Andi was leading Bethel into dangerous territory, and she could object. But she couldn’t afford to let it seem to the jury as if she was protecting the witness from being tested. So she held back. With any luck Andi would just create sympathy for Bethel by attacking her in this way.
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“Oh I think you do. Didn’t the boys in your high school vote you the “slut of the year” in their student magazine poll?”
“Yes,” she cried, sobbing bitterly into her handkerchief. “But I wasn’t like that at all. I wasn’t a slut. It was just the boys being silly.”
Sarah Jensen finally rose to her feet like an avenging angel, realizing that she had let it go on too long.
“Your Honor,” this is hardly relevant to the proceedings. The witness objected to the way the boys had characterized her even at the
“That may be,Your Honor,” Andi responded, “but the witness’s past behavior pertains to her veracity.”
Sarah Jensen tried again.
“That may be relevant to the previous rape accusation, Your Honor. But how the victim was characterized
Justice Wagner hesitated. After a few seconds, she spoke slowly.
“It may not be the most reliable evidence Ms Jensen, but it is evidence.”
“But it is not evidence of a form that permits cross-examination. If defense counsel wants to introduce this evidence, she should call the author of the student magazine article and the rules of hearsay evidence should be strictly applied.”
“That would surely restrict the content of his testimony to the point of rendering it worthless,” said the judge.
“In that case, let defense council call the boys who
“That would be extremely impractical Ms Jensen.”
“In that case I reiterate my objection to the evidence. If this evidence is deemed to be relevant, then at least it should be admitted in a form that lends itself to the test of cross-examination of its sources.”
“No I don’t agree Ms Jensen. I think it’s important to protect the accused’s right to a fair trial, and that includes testing
Sarah Jensen sat down, frustrated. Emboldened by the judge’s decision, Andi pressed her advantage home, determined to make up for the earlier debacle about the Justice Compton decision.
“Miss Newton,” Andi continued. “Can you think of any reason why fifteen boys should unanimously vote you “Slut of the year”?”
“Because they’re a bunch of fuckin’ creeps!” she cried sobbing profusely.
“And is it not true, Miss Newton, that you took part in a student charity event dressed as a slave girl?”
“Yes,” she said, continuing to cry. She had been dressed more modestly than a girl — or man — on the beach. But in court it sounded so different from the reality.
“And on another occasion did you not appear as a stripogram”
“It was a
The court erupted into laughter, crushing her with the weight of total humiliation. She had tried to put the matter into context, to counter the poisonous seeds that this greasy shyster was sowing. But in retrospect, arguing over the terminology sounded farcical.
At the defense table, Claymore lowered his head and stared at the table in front of him, unable to watch what was unfolding before his eyes. But no one noticed Claymore. The last thing everyone remembered of that session, was Bethel Newton’s face with the tears of humiliation streaming down her cheeks. And amidst all the politics and legal shenanigans, it was all too easy to forget that this was a human being.
But no one looked at Andi, either. If they had, they would have noticed that she too was crying.
Wednesday, 19 August 2009 — 12:30
“You know that according to Bethel’s statement about Orlando, he assaulted her with one end of a little league baseball bat?”